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2017/11/12 23:20
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  • Been tall makes me stand out so I do not like it.

  • I do not like been tall it makes me to different.

"Been tall makes me stand out so I do not like it." This explains to the person that being so much taller than everyone else makes you stand out so you do not like it. "I do not like been tall it makes me to different." This explains that you do not like being taller than everyone else because it makes you feel to different.
"Been tall makes me stand out so I do not like it." [背が高いと目立つから、好きじゃない] 他の人よりもっと背が高いと、目立つので好きではないということを説明しています。 "I do not like been tall it makes me to different." [背が高いと(皆と)違うから、好きじゃない。] 他の人より背が高いと、皆と違うように感じるから、好きじゃないということを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Personally I find it more a hindrance than a help. I'd rather merge with the crowd than stand out like a sore thumb

  • In my opinion being tall is not an asset. I prefer being average rather than outstanding in that respect

  • Being tall is a cross I have to bear. I feel like a giant among Lilliputians.

Lilliputians are very small people living on a fictional island called Lilliput in the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. To stand out like a sore thumb - means being very obviously different from the surrounding people or things. "You stick out like a sore thumb in that ghastly uniform." Merge with the crowd - this means you become anonymous amogst other people in any situation. A cross I have to bear - cross to bear. A burden or trial one must put up with, as in "Alzheimer's is a cross to bear for the whole family," or in a lighter vein, "Mowing that huge lawn once a week is Brad's cross to bear" This phrase alludes to the cross carried by Jesus to his crucifixion.
Lilliputians (リリパット人)は、ジョナサンスウィフト著、『ガリバーの冒険』のリリパットという架空の島に住む小人たちのことです。 To stand out like a sore thumb - 周りの人々や物事と、とても明らかに違うという意味です。 例 "You stick out like a sore thumb in that ghastly uniform." (その嫌な感じの制服で、君は目立ってるよ。) Merge with the crowd - どんな状況であれ、あなたが他の人々に紛れてしまうという意味です。 A cross I have to bear - cross to bearとも言います。耐えなければいけない重荷や試練ということです。 例えば、 "Alzheimer's is a cross to bear for the whole family" (アルツハイマー病は、家族全員が耐えなければならない。) またはもっと軽い話だと "Mowing that huge lawn once a week is Brad's cross to bear" (ふさふさの芝を週に1回刈るのは、ブラッドの試練だ。) このフレーズ(cross to bear)は、キリストの十字架(cross)のはりつけのことを言及している表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like to be tall because I feel different somehow.

  • I don't like being tall because I hate being the center of attention.

center of attention- this is a person who commands all of the attention when they enter a room being different- sometimes people stand out because they are different to other people around them, so if you are taller than everyone else you may feel like you are getting attention because you are different than them
"center of attention"(注目の的) - だれもがその部屋に入った時にその人に注目が集まると言う意味になります。 "being different"(他の人と違っている) -周りの人と違っているので、時々目立つ人がいます。 ですので、他の人と違うからみんなの注目を浴びているきがしますよね。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Being tall has it's problems too.

  • It's not as fun being tall as you would think.

  • You would not believe the problems there are to being so tall.

Being tall has it's problems too. It's not as fun being tall as you would think. You would not believe the problems there are to being so tall. If I could be shorter I would be. Being tall isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's not that great being so tall.
Being tall has it's problems too.(背が高いのも良いことばかりじゃないよ) It's not as fun being tall as you would think.(背が高いのもそんなに良いものじゃないよ) You would not believe the problems there are to being so tall.(背が高いのも良いことばかりじゃないんだよ) If I could be shorter I would be.(背を低くできるならそうしたい) Being tall isn't all it's cracked up to be.(背が高いのもみんなが言うほど良いものじゃないよ) It's not that great being so tall.(背が高いのはそんなに良いものじゃないよ)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I don't like being tall as it makes me stand out

  • Being tall makes me different and i don't like it

When talking about being different in looks we also call this to 'stand out' If you don't like something then it makes you feel unhappy
何かが目立つことは、'stand out'(目立つ)で表せます。 'I don't like ___' は、それが話し手を不幸にさせることを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I always feel conspicuous because I'm tall.

  • Being tall makes me feel self-conscious.

  • I don't like all the attention I get for being tall.

To feel conspicuous means that you stand out in a crowd. It is generally a word that is used in a negative way. Feeling conspicuous is generally a bad thing. To feel self-conscious is definitely a bad thing. It means you feel people are looking at you and taking notice of you and you don't like it. In the last sentence, I used the word "attention". This is a neutral word and can be used either positively or negatively. The addition of the word "don't" makes it bad in this case.
"To feel conspicuous" は「人目に付く」「目立つ」という意味です。これはたいてい否定的に意味で使われます。"To feel conspicuous" はたいてい悪いことです。 "To feel self-conscious" は、間違いなく悪いことです。人に見られて注目されている気がしてそれが好きでないという意味です。 最後の文では "Attention" という言葉を使いました。これは中立的な語で、肯定的な意味でも否定的な意味でも使うことができます。この場合、"Don't" という言葉でそれが悪いこととなっています。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Being tall is not all it's cracked up to be.

  • I stand out because I am tall.

  • I don't particularly like being tall as I tend to stand out

"Being tall is not all it's cracked up to be." means that there are drawbacks to being tall.
"Being tall is not all it's cracked up to be."(背が高いのは言われるほどいいものではない)は「背が高いことにも難点はある」という意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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