世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/13 01:45
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  • Excuse me,could you please give me a clean plate.

  • Hi, can I please have a clean plate this one seems to be dirty.

The following expressions are ways to ask in a polite way. *Excuse me,could you please give me a clean plate. *Hi, can I please have a clean plate this one seems to be dirty. Phrase like please, may I,thank you are polite ways to ask for something.
以下は丁寧に尋ねるときの表現です。 *Excuse me,could you please give me a clean plate. (すみませんが、綺麗なお皿を頂けますか) *Hi, can I please have a clean plate this one seems to be dirty. (すみません。綺麗なお皿を頂けますか。これは汚いようです。) please、may I、thank youといったフレーズは、丁寧に尋ねるときに使える表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, excuse me, this dish is dirty, please could I have a clean one

  • Excuse me, but would you mind getting me a different plate? This one is unclean

Hi, excuse me, this dish is dirty, please could I have a clean one? Both of these examples are polite ways to ask a waiter for a replacement. Also, the same can be applied if something is not right with the food for example or the drink is not right. You can adapt it by saying " Excuse me, I don't think this meat is cooked, would you mind exchanging it? Thanks so much" Excuse me, but would you mind getting me a different plate? This one is unclean. Saying excuse me at the beginning is only useful if the waiter or waitress is busy walking past your table etc.
Hi, excuse me, this dish is dirty, please could I have a clean one? (すみません。お皿が汚いです。綺麗なものを頂けますか?) 両方の例文は丁寧にウェイターさんにお皿を替えてもらうよう尋ねる言い方です。また、食べ物や飲み物に問題があるときも同じように使えます。その場合は、次のような文になります。" Excuse me, I don't think this meat is cooked, would you mind exchanging it? Thanks so much"(すみません。肉がちゃんと調理されていないと思います。交換していただけますか?ありがとうございます。) Excuse me, but would you mind getting me a different plate? This one is unclean. (すみませんが、別のお皿を持ってきていただけますか?こちらの皿は綺麗でないです。) excuse meと最初に言うと便利なのは、ウェイターやウェイトレスが忙しくテーブルを通り過ぎているときだけです。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Excuse me, would you please bring another plate?

  • Excuse me, the cleanliness of this plate is questionable. Could you bring me another one please?

  • Could you replace this dirty plate please?

In context, and in a polite way, without drawing too much attention to the dirty plate, you could simply point to the plate and say: "Excuse me, would you please bring another plate?" That way, other people in the restaurant will not understand that a plate is dirty and so the waiter will not be publicly embarrassed. On the other hand, if you wish to be both polite and also let other people in the restaurant know that the cleanliness of plates in the restaurant is substandard, you could say: "Excuse me, the cleanliness of this plate is questionable. Could you bring me another one please?" Or, more simply, "Could you replace this dirty plate please?"
今回の場合、汚いお皿にあまり話題を向けずに、丁寧に言いたいときは、お皿を指さして、 "Excuse me, would you please bring another plate?"(すみませんが、別のお皿を持ってきて頂けますか)と言うといいです。 こう言えば、レストランにいる他の人にお皿が汚いということがばれないので、そのウェイターさんはみんなの前で恥をかかないでしょう。 一方で、丁寧に言いつつも、レストランのお皿の綺麗さが普通以下だと伝えたい場合は、 "Excuse me, the cleanliness of this plate is questionable. Could you bring me another one please?"(すみませんが、このお皿の綺麗さはどうかと思います。別のお皿を持ってきて頂けますか) もしくはもっとシンプルに"Could you replace this dirty plate please?"(この汚いお皿を取り替えて頂けますか)と言うといいですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, please could you change this dish for me. It is a little bit dirty. Thanks.

  • Hi, would you mind changing this dish for me please? Thanks.

In English, the words Please and Thank you are very important if you would like to be polite. Lets look at a short dialogue to help us understand the examples: Customer:"Excuse me, Waiter..." Waiter:"Yes Sir. How may I help?" Customer:"Would you mind changing this dish for me, please? It's a little dirty." Waiter:"I am so sorry Sir. I will do so, right away." Customer:"Thank you so much." It is important to remember to use a friendly tone and smile. Always use the words please and thank you when requesting something politely.
英語で丁寧に話したいときは、PleaseとThank youを言うのがとても大切です。 短い会話例をみてみましょう。 Customer:"Excuse me, Waiter..." 客:すみません。店員さん。 Waiter:"Yes Sir. How may I help?" 店員:はい。どうなさいましたか? Customer:"Would you mind changing this dish for me, please? It's a little dirty." 客:お皿を取り替えて頂けませんか?少し汚いんです。 Waiter:"I am so sorry Sir. I will do so, right away." 店員:申し訳ございません。すぐにお取替え致します。 Customer:"Thank you so much." 客:ありがとうございます。 ----------------------- 親しみを込めながら、笑顔も忘れずに言うのが大切です。何か丁寧にリクエストしたいときは、毎回pleaseとthank youを使うようにしてくださいね。
Travis S DMM英会話講師
  • Can you swap it out for a clean one?

  • Can you bring me a clean plate?

swap (something out) for (something else) - this means to switch or replace something with something else A. Excuse me, waiter! Waiter! B. Yes, ma'am. A. My plate is dirty. B. Oh, I'm so sorry about th-- A. Oh, it's fine, but could you please swap it out for a clean one? B. Yes, of course. I'll be right back and I'm sorry once again.
swap (something out) for (something else) - これは何かを違うものと交換するという意味です。 (英文) A. Excuse me, waiter! Waiter! B. Yes, ma'am. A. My plate is dirty. B. Oh, I'm so sorry about th-- A. Oh, it's fine, but could you please swap it out for a clean one? B. Yes, of course. I'll be right back and I'm sorry once again. (訳) A. すみません、ウエイター!ウエイター! B. はい。 A. 私のお皿が汚れています。 B. 申し訳ございません。 A. 大丈夫ですよ。綺麗なお皿と交換していただけますか。 B. はい、もちろんです。すぐに交換してきます。申し訳ございませんでした。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, could I have a clean plate please?

  • Excuse me, this plate is dirty could I have a clean one please?

  • Excuse me, could I have another plate please?

If you want to ask in a polite way then you would firstly say 'Excuse me' to get their attention You could simply say 'Could I/Can I have a clean plate please?' if you want to explain why you want it then you would add 'this plate is dirty/seems to be dirty'
丁寧にお願いしたいなら、まず'Excuse me'と言って相手の注意を引けます。 シンプルに、 'Could I/Can I have a clean plate please?'(きれいな皿をいただけますか) と言うことができます。 理由を伝えたいなら、 'This plate is dirty/seems to be dirty'(このお皿は汚れています/このお皿汚れているみたいです) と付け加えてもいいです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Can you change this dish please?

  • This plate is dirty, please can I get a clean one?

In this situation, you could say: Can you change this dish please? This plate is dirty, please can I get a clean one?
この状況では、次のように言うことができます。 Can you change this dish please?(このお皿を替えて頂けますか) This plate is dirty, please can I get a clean one?(このお皿は汚いです、きれいなものを頂けますか)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
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