Who gave you that ring? その指輪誰からもらったの?
❶Oh, it was a gift from my ex. (元彼からのプレゼントだった)。
❷My ex boyfriend gave it to me. (元カレからいただいたものです)。
What! You’re still wearing it. (え!まだつけてるの?)
Should I not? (つけない方がいいの?)
It was a present from an old boyfriend.
It was a gift from an old boyfriend.
gift / present:頂き物、プレゼント、
誕生日プレゼント: birthday present
When someone asked about a ring on your finger, you wanted to explain that your ex-boyfriend gave it to you. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language
Most people tend to shorten ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend to simply ex. All three response can be used to explain who gave you the ring, although I think a follow up question many may be curious about and ask it why you kept the ring. Perhaps an explanation of why the ring is still important you might better explain why you still keep it.
Giving' can be general or has a gift or present. By mentioned 'Boyfriend, girlfriend, ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend' while using the adjective 'giving, you are general implying that they gave you a present.
'Gift' is another word for present, something given to someone out of the kindness of your heart. So we have three useful sentences when someone asks what the ring is and where it came from.
'This was a gift for my ex boyfriend'
'My ex gave it to me'
'My ex gave me this'
Giving' は単に「与える」という意味でも「プレゼントを贈る」という意味でも使われます。
'Boyfriend' 'Girlfriend' 'Ex boyfriend' または 'Ex girlfriend' とともに 'Giving' を使うと、「プレゼントをもらった」というニュアンスになります。
'Gift' は 'Present'(プレゼント)の別の言い方です。
'This was a gift for my ex boyfriend'
'My ex gave it to me'
'My ex gave me this'
"Gifted" is the most common word used to describe this meaning. If you are gifted something it means that someone gave it to you as a gift.
"Gifted" - give something as a gift.
"It was a present from my ex-boyfriend" is a perfectly exceptional way of saying this, but I have provided some additional phrases in the answer key.
"Gifted" はこの意味を表す最も一般的な言葉です。"Gifted" は「プレゼントとして~を贈る」という意味です。
"Gifted" - プレゼントとして~を贈る
"It was a present from my ex-boyfriend"(元彼からのプレゼンです)は素晴らしい言い方ですが、それ以外に使えるフレーズとしていくつかご紹介しました。
There are a few different ways to explain where you got the ring from. The three examples above are all common ways to phrase the explanation.
It was a gift from my ex-boyfriend.
My ex-boyfriend gave it to me.
I got it from an ex-boyfriend.
My ex-boyfriend gave this to me as a present a long time ago.
This was actually a gift from my ex-boyfriend.
If someone asks you about something and you would like to say that it was a gift from you ex-boyfriend, you can say something like "My ex-boyfriend gave this to me as a present a long time ago." or "This was actually a gift from my ex-boyfriend.". This is an easy way to express this to someone.