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2017/11/19 18:46
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  • Japan needs to strive more for gender equality

  • Gender equality should become more of a priority in Japan

  • Japan needs more gender equality

Japan needs to strive more for gender equality. - To strive for means to go after something, and to work hard to achieve it. This statement is meaning that Japan should work harder to achieve gender equality. Gender equality should become more of a priority in Japan. - A priority is implying that gender equality should be more highly valued. Japan needs more gender equality
Japan needs to strive more for gender equality. (日本はもっと男女平等について努力する必要がある。) strive forは、~を求めて頑張る、達成するために努力するという意味です。こちらの文は、日本は男女平等を達成するためにもっと努力すべきだという意味です。 Gender equality should become more of a priority in Japan. (日本における男女平等は、さらに優先されるべきだ。) priority(優先)は、男女平等にもっと重点を置かれるべきだということを言っています。 Japan needs more gender equality. (日本はもっと男女平等が必要だ。)
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Japan needs to make larger inroads into progressing gender equality

You may explain that something could improve or make a positive change by suggesting an idea or way of progressing using 'needs.' "Paul needs to improve his behaviour in class or he will get more detentions." Inroads - direct and noticeable effects on something: "Women have made major inroads into this profession over the last 20 years."
何かを改善するための説明するときに 'needs.'を使って改善策などのアイディアを提案することが出来ます。 "Paul needs to improve his behaviour in class or he will get more detentions." (ポールは教室での振る舞いを良くしなければ罰を受けることになるでしょう) "Inroads" -侵入する、直接大きな影響を与える "Women have made major inroads into this profession over the last 20 years." (女性たちは過去20年にわたってこの職業に進出してきた)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Japan needs to focus on improving gender equality.

  • Japan needs to pay more attention to gender equality.

1. Japan needs to focus on improving gender equality. To focus on something means to make it the center of attention. if Japan focuses on gender equality it means that it makes gender equality the center of its attention. 2. Japan needs to pay more attention to gender equality. The word attention means to be mindful, to pay notice to something. Therefore this statement is saying that Japan needs to be more mindful of and take notice of its gender equality.
1. Japan needs to focus on improving gender equality. (日本は男女平等に重点的に取り組まなくてはいけない) "focus on something"とは何かに重点的に取り組むという様な意味になります。 "Japan focuses on gender equality"とは日本は"gender equality(男女平等)"に重点的に集中して取り組まなくてはいけない、と言う意味になります。 2. Japan needs to pay more attention to gender equality. (日本は男女平等についてもう少し多くの注意を払うべきだ) この"attention"とは思いやり、配慮、注意を払うという様な意味です。 ですので、この表現は日本はもう少し男女平等について配慮や注意を払うべきだ、というような意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • 1. There needs to be more focus on gender equality in Japan.

  • 2. Japan needs to work harder towards gender equality.

1. By saying 'more focus', it means it should gender equality needs more consideration, it should be more of a priority for the government/country. This sentence means that the topic of gender equality is put to the side. 2. 'work harder towards', means there needs to be a group effort to work harder on getting gender equality to happen. To put more energy into it and hopefully achieve the goal.
1. 'more focus'(もっと焦点をあてる)と言うと、男女平等がもっと考慮されるべき、政府/国にとってもっと優先されるべきという意味です。こちらの文は、男女平等の件が後回しにされているということも意味しています。 2. 'work harder towards'(~に向けてもっと努力する)は、男女平等を実現するためにまとまった努力が必要だという意味です。さらに力を入れて、うまくいけば目標を達成できます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Japans target should be to reach gender equality.

  • The one thing that needs to be under the spotlight in Japan is gender equality.

▪ Japan's target should be to reach gender equality. "target" is a result of which efforts are directed to. This sentence is indicating that gender equality should be made the target in Japan. ▪ The one thing that needs to be under the spotlight in Japan is gender equality. "under the Spotlight" is to have the direct attention of something. This sentence is saying that the attention of Japan should be focused on gender equality.
▪ "Japan's target should be to reach gender equality." (日本の目標は男女平等を実現することであるべきです) "Target"は努力の向け先のことです。 この文は男女平等が日本の目標として掲げられる必要があることを示しています。 ▪ "The one thing that needs to be under the spotlight in Japan is gender equality." (日本で注目されるべきであることは男女共同参画です) "Under the Spotlight"(スポットライトの下)は何かの注目を直接受けることです。 この文は日本の注目は男女平等に集中されるべきであると言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A problem which is ignored and needs more attention in Japan is gender equality.

This expression is telling the person you are talking to that there is an ongoing problem (gender equality) and that its being ignored and needs more attention. You would use this statement if you are in agreeance that it is an ongoing issue and it doesn’t have the attention that it deserves.
この表現を使って男女平等について問題があることやそれについて議論されるべきだ、と言う事を言い表すことが出来ます。 この表現を使って、これはあまり注目を浴びていないけどこの問題は議論されるべきだという事を言い表すことが出来ます。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Japan needs to try harder towards gender equality

  • Japan should prioritise gender equality more

Gender equality means to have the same rights and opportunities whether you are a man or a woman We call being a man or woman your gender and equal means to be the same If you try to do something more we say 'to work harder' or to 'prioritise' something
gender equality' は、男女が同じ権利・機会を得ることをいいます。 'gender' は「性別」、'equal' は「同じ」という意味です。 より一層の努力をすることは、'to work harder' や 'to prioritise' で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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