世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/19 19:29
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  • I barely passed my test.

  • I passed by the skin of my teeth.

  • I nearly failed my test.

These are all various ways you can state that you almost passed. "By the skin of my teeth" is an expression used in the States. It is used to express something very close.
これにはいろいろな表現の仕方があります。 "By the skin of my teeth"とはアメリカで使われる表現で間一髪で、かろうじて、と言う意味になります。 きわどい時や、わずかなというような時に使います。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • I did poorly, but I was able to slide by.

  • I barely passed.

I did poorly, but I was able to slide by. - a slide is a structure that is slippery and when you go down a slide, it is super fast. So, "to slide by" doing something is to do it haphazardly, not perfectly, and maybe even in a rush. A. Hey, you're here! B. Yes, but the security guard almost didn't let me in. I was just able to slide by with my fake id. A. Ooo, I can't wait for you to turn 21 so you can party without worries.
I did poorly, but I was able to slide by. (あんまり思わしくなかったけど、なんとか滑り込むことが出来ました) - "slide"とは滑り台の事です。 ですので"to slide by"とは完ぺきではないけど何とか急いで滑り込んだという様な意味になります。 A. Hey, you're here!  (やあ、ここにいたんだ!) B. Yes, but the security guard almost didn't let me in. I was just able to slide by with my fake id.  (うん、警備さんに入れてもらえそうもなかったけど、何とかこの偽の身分証明書で入り込むことが出来たよ) A. Ooo, I can't wait for you to turn 21 so you can party without worries. (おぉぉ、早く21歳になってこんな心配しなくていいようになるといいね)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I just scraped through

  • I only just passed

I just scraped through- Scraped through means to narrowly miss something.
"I just scraped through" (すれすれで合格しました) - この"scraped through"とは何とかかろうじてやり抜けるという意味です。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I just scraped a pass despite cocking up multiple times

To cock up (verb) A cock up (noun) - To make a cock up. If you 'cock up' it means you make a mistake, or fail to complete a task well. This is an informal expression.
To cock up (動詞) A cock up (名詞) - To make a cock up(しくじる) “Cock up”(動詞)は「失敗する、しくじる」という意味です。略式の表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I barely passed!

  • I made so many mistakes but I passed my exam!

  • I was able to scrape a pass on my exam!

All three phrases indicate that you just about managed to pass your exam despite the many mistakes you made. scrape a pass: means able to get a pass grade with difficulty. barely: means almost/just about. "How did you do your exam?" "Oh man, I was able to pass despite all the mistakes I made!" Hope this helps!
三例とも、たくさん間違えたけどかろうじて何とか合格したことを表します。 Scrape a pass: 苦労して及第点を取るという意味です。 Barely:「ほとんど、かろうじて」という意味です。 "How did you do your exam?"(テストはどうだった?) "Oh man, I was able to pass despite all the mistakes I made!" (おー、たくさん間違えたけどかろうじて何とか合格できました) ご参考になりますように!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Even though I had many mistakes, I still passed my test!

  • I had so many mistakes that Im lucky I barely passed!

"Even though I had many mistakes, I still passed my test!" In this expression you are acknowledging you had many mistakes but you somehow pulled a houdini and passed your test, good job! "I had so many mistakes that I'm lucky I barely passed!" In this expression you are expressing relief. You are aware of how many mistakes you made on your exame but somehow you pulled it off and passed, which in reality is all that matters!
"Even though I had many mistakes, I still passed my test!" (たくさん間違いがありましたけど、それでもテストに合格しました) - 間違いはたくさんあったけど、どうにか合格できたと伝えています。グッジョブ! "I had so many mistakes that I’m lucky I barely passed!" (間違えがたくさんあったけど、かろうじて受かってラッキーです) - この表現では安堵を表しています。テストでたくさん間違えたけど何とか合格できた。実際大事なのはそれだけですよね!
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Even though I made mistakes I still passed.

  • Phew, although I didn't get a lot right, I still passed.

  • I can't believe I passed, I made so many mistakes.

*Even though I made mistakes I still passed* MEANING= despite making mistakes I still passed the exam *Phew, although I didn't get a lot right, I still passed* MEANING= didn't get a lot right = didn't get all the questions right *I can't believe I passed, I made so many mistakes.* MEANING= can't believe--I didn't think I would pass You could also say *phew that was a close one! *I aced it! I can't believe it! *Wow I'm over the moon I passed! *I found it difficult but I persevered anyway. *Even though my score isn't perfect, I'm still pleased with it. Hope this helps!! ^ ^
*Even though I made mistakes I still passed* (間違いもしたけど、何とか合格することが出来ました) 意味=間違いもしたけど、何とか試験に受かることが出来た。 *Phew, although I didn't get a lot right, I still passed* (ふう、沢山正解しなかったけど、何とか合格しました) "didn't get a lot right"の意味(沢山正解しなかった) *I can't believe I passed, I made so many mistakes.* (合格したなんて信じられない、沢山間違いをしたのに) "can't believe"の意味(合格すると思わなかった) また次のように言うことも出来ます。 *phew that was a close one! (ふう、危なかった!) *I aced it! I can't believe it! (合格した!信じられない!) *Wow I'm over the moon I passed! (ワオ、合格した。大喜びです!) *I found it difficult but I persevered anyway. (難しかったけど、なんとか合格できた。) *Even though my score isn't perfect, I'm still pleased with it. (完璧なスコアじゃなかったけど、満足しています) お役に立てれば幸いです!! ^ ^
Beki DMM英会話講師
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