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2017/11/19 23:22
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  • She is very caring, and always puts others before herself.

  • She's not selfish at all, she's very considerate.

By using this phrasing, you are telling someone else that the person you are describing is a very kind and thoughtful person who usually puts others before herself. Using any of these examples to describe someone, they will be seen in a very positive way.
このフレーズを使う事によって、その人は常に自分の事より先に人の事を気にかけている優しい人と言う事を言い表すことが出来ます。 これらの例文は全て好意的な意味で人を言い表す表現です。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • She is always thinking of others before herself.

  • She is quite considerate of others.

  • She is so thoughtful for thinking of others before herself.

"She is quite considerate of others." can be used as a general statement to talk about how a person thinks of others before themselves. When we someone is "thoughtful" that they are kind and considerate.
"She is quite considerate of others." (彼女は他の人に対して思いやりがあります) これは自分よりも他の人のことを優先して考える人について話す時の一般化した言葉として使われます。 誰かが"thoughtful”である時はその人が優しく思いやりがあるという意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • She's the most altruistic person I know. She's always putting the needs of others above her own.

altruistic : generous / self-sacrificing /selfless generous - this means that someone is very giving self-sacrificing - this means that someone puts others before themselves. To sacrifice is to give up something, and in these cases "Self-sacrificing" means giving up yourself/your own needs. You can also say "selfless." Selfless is literally "without a self," but in real life it means that you put your own needs, "your self" aside in order to please others.
altruistic: generous / self-sacrificing / selfless generous - 寛大な self-sacrificing - 自己犠牲精神がある。自分よりも他の人を優先する sacrifice はなにかを諦めることです。self-sacrificing は自分のことや自分が必要としていることを諦めることです。 selfless と言うこともできます。selfless は文字通りに訳すと 自分自身(self)を無くすこと。でも現実には自分の欲や自分自身のことを犠牲にして他の人のために動くことを意味します。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • She is utterly selfless

Utterly = completely and without qualification; absolutely. "He looked utterly ridiculous." "The weasther in the north of England today was utterly freezing!" Selfless = concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own; unselfish, unselfish, altruistic, self-sacrificing, self-denying; "Richard displayed an an act of selfless devotion when he died trying to save his drowning son." "In a display of selfless generosity, the lottery winner gave all his winnings to the children's hospice."
Utterly = 完全に、まったく、すっかり "He looked utterly ridiculous." 彼は、本当にばからしくみえる。 "The weasther in the north of England today was utterly freezing!" 今日のイギリス北部の天気は、とても寒い。 Selfless = 自分のことよりも相手がどうしてほしいかを気に掛けること。 unselfish, unselfish, altruistic, self-sacrificing, self-denyingも使うことができます。 "Richard displayed an act of selfless devotion when he died trying to save his drowning son." リチャードは、溺れていた息子を助けようとして亡くなったとき、無償の献身的愛の行動を示した。 "In a display of selfless generosity, the lottery winner gave all his winnings to the children's hospice." 無欲の寛大さを表し、宝くじの当選者は子供の施設にそれをすべて寄付した。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • She prioritizes other people before herself.

  • She puts others before herself.

When you want to explain that a woman thinks about other before herself, then you can say: -She prioritizes other people before herself. -She puts others before herself.
ある女性が自分よりも他人のことを考えると言いたいとき、以下のように言えます: She prioritizes other people before herself. She puts others before herself. (彼女は自分より他人のことを優先します。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • She is so selfless and ready to help others.

  • She is the most considerate person I know.

  • She is consideration in the flesh.

You can say someone is very considerate in several ways: She is the sweetest person I know. She is always thinking of others before herself. She is so considerate of other people. I don't know if it's possible to be more considerate of others than she is. She is so selfless and ready to help others. A way you can say it with style is: She is consideration in the flesh. She is self-sacrifice in the flesh. She's always thinking of others. This means that if the idea of self-sacrifice were to become human it would look like her.
思いやりのある人を表す言い方はいくつかあります: 【例文】 She is the sweetest person I know. (彼女は私が知っている人の中で一番思いやりのある人です) She is always thinking of others before herself. (彼女は自分の事よりもいつも人の事を考えています) She is so considerate of other people. (彼女はとても人の事を思いやる人です) I don't know if it's possible to be more considerate of others than she is. (彼女以上に思いやりのある人はいないかもしれません) She is so selfless and ready to help others. (彼女は無私無欲で、人助けをいといません) 粋な言い方としては: 【例文】 She is consideration in the flesh. (彼女は思いやりのかたまりです) She is self-sacrifice in the flesh. She's always thinking of others. (彼女は自己犠牲をいといません。彼女はいつも他の人の事を考えています) これは、もし "self-sacrifice"(自己犠牲)が人間になったとしたら、彼女のようであろう、という意味です。
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • She puts others before herself

  • She is an altruist

  • She take more care of other than herself

There are many altruistic people in the world, thankfully so. An altruist considers others (altrus in Latin) more than themselves. The most common way to describe an altruist is that he/she habitually puts others needs before his/her own. She is always putting me before her. She is always putting others before herself. Or you could give a longer description and say "she usually takes better care of others more than she takes care of herself", but that expresses that she doesn't take care of herself very well. "She puts other people needs in front of her own"express that she does take care of herself, just last.
世界には利他的(altruistic)な人が多くいますが、本当にありがたいことです。 altruist(利他主義者)は自分のことより他人のことを考えます。(altrusはラテン語です) altruistの最も一般的な定義は、自分自身が必要としていることより他人が必要としていることを重視する人、です。 She is always putting me before her.(彼女は、いつも自分のことより私のことを気にかけています) She is always putting others before herself.(彼女はいつも自分のことより他人のことを気にかけています) 又はもっと長い文章で説明することも出来ます: "She usually takes better care of others more than she takes care of herself"(彼女はいつも自分のことより他人のことを気にかけています) この文は「自分のことをあまり大事にしていない」と言っています。 "She puts other people needs in front of her own"(彼女は自分自身が必要としていることの前に他人が必要としていることを置いています) こう言えば、自分のことも気にかけていて、ただその優先順位が低いだけ、という意味になります。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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