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2017/11/20 10:47
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  • I have a sweet tooth, so Im going to save room for dessert.

  • I can't eat anymore, I need to save room for dessert.

By using this phrasing, you are telling someone else that you really enjoy eating desserts. Using the phrase “sweet tooth” means you like to eat sweets. Also by saying you are “saving room” you are talking about you stomach. “I can’t eat anymore, I need to save room for dessert” would be used towards the end of a meal if you are asked why do you still have vegetables on your plate instead of saying directly that you like sweets more than vegetables.
このフレーズを使う事によって、あなたがデザートを食べたいと言う事を相手に伝えることが出来ます。 この“sweet tooth”とは"甘いもの好き"と言う意味です。 また “saving room”と言う事によってお腹の入り具合を伝えることが出来ます。 “I can’t eat anymore, I need to save room for dessert” (これ以上食べられません、お腹のデザートの分を空けておかなくてはいけません) これは食事の最後の辺りに来る会話で、あなたのお皿にはまだ野菜が残っているけど、野菜を食べるより甘いものを食べたい、と言う率直な気持ちを表しています。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • I love sweets and hate vegetables!

  • I'd rather stuff myself with sweets than vegetables!

To stuff oneself - (also stuff your face) informal to eat so much food that you cannot eat anything else stuff yourself with "The kids have been stuffing themselves with candy." I'd rather = we use this construction when we want to show a clear preference for one thing over another: "I'd rather jump out of a plane without a parachute than go visit your mother!" "I'd rather go to the cinema than have a meal in a restaurant this evening."
To stuff oneself - (also stuff your face) お腹がパンパンになるくらい食べること。 "The kids have been stuffing themselves with candy." 子供たちは、キャンディーばかり食べてお腹いっぱいにしている。 I'd rather = 他に自分がしたいことをはっきりと述べるフレーズです。  "I'd rather jump out of a plane without a parachute than go visit your mother!" あなたのお母さんのところに行くくらいならむしろパラシュートなしで飛行機から飛び降りた方がいい。 "I'd rather go to the cinema than have a meal in a restaurant this evening." 今晩レストランでご飯を食べるよりむしろ映画にいきたいな。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I think I'll save my appetite for dessert.

  • I think I'll save some room for dessert.

I think I'll save my appetite for dessert. - your "appetite" is your drive to eat. By saying this, you mean that you will save all of your drive to eat in order to eat a maximum amount of desserts. I think I'll save some room for dessert. - the "some room" in this sentence implies "some room in your stomach."
I think I'll save my appetite for dessert. (食欲をデザートの為に取っておくわ) - あなたの "appetite"とはあなたの食欲の事です。 この表現を使う事によってあなたのすべての食欲をたくさんのデザートを食べるために取っておく、と言う意味になります。 I think I'll save some room for dessert. (デザートの為にお腹のスペースを取っておくわ) - ここでは、この"some room"とはお腹の入り具合と言う意味になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I would rather fill myself up on sweet things than veggies.

  • I prefer to eat sweet things than getting filled up on vegetables.

Veggies is short for vegetables. "I would rather fill myself up on sweet things than veggies." This explains that you like sweet things more than veggies and would rather eat them. "I prefer to eat sweet things than getting filled up on vegetables." This is another way of explaining that if you are going to fill your stomach then you would rather do it with sweet things than vegetables.
Veggiesというのは、vegetables(野菜)の短縮形です。 "I would rather fill myself up on sweet things than veggies." という例文について この文は、あなたが野菜より甘いものが好きで、 甘いものの方が食べたいということを説明しています。 "I prefer to eat sweet things than getting filled up on vegetables." という例文について この文は、もしあなたがお腹を何かで満たすのであれば、 野菜よりも甘いものが良いということを説明する別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I would rather stuff my face with sweets than with vegetables.

(stuff my face) means to eat a lot of said food all at once. "I would rather stuff my face with sweets than with vegetables. '' let's someone know that said person would much rather eat sweets than veggies.
(stuff my face) とは、一度にたくさん食べるという意味です。 "I would rather stuff my face with sweets than with vegetables. '' 野菜よりもスイーツをたくさん食べる方がいい。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I'd rather eat sweets than vegetables.

  • I'd takes sweets over vegetables anyday.

I'd rather eat sweets than vegetables . I'd take sweets over vegetables any day. I'd prefer to eat sweets than vegetables. Are acceptable in this situation.
I'd rather eat sweets than vegetables.(野菜よりスイーツが食べたい) I'd take sweets over vegetables any day.(私は常に野菜よりもスイーツを選ぶ) I'd prefer to eat sweets than vegetables.(野菜よりスイーツが食べたい) これらはどれもこの状況で使えます。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • I'd rather stuff myself with sweets than veggies.

  • I'd prefer to overeat on sweets than veggies.

"I'd rather stuff myself with sweets than veggies." Stuff here means to pack in the food, or get full on food. For example: Don't stuff yourself quiet yet, there is still dessert left to eat. "I'd prefer to overeat on sweets than veggies." Overeat is when you eat too much food. For example: Every thanksgiving my family overeats on turkey and gravy.
"I'd rather stuff myself with sweets than veggies."(野菜でお腹をいっぱいにするならスイーツでお腹をいっぱいにした方がいい) - "Stuff" は「お腹をいっぱいにさせる」という意味です。 例えば: Don't stuff yourself quiet yet, there is still dessert left to eat.(まだお腹をいっぱいにしないでね。デザートが残っているから) "I'd prefer to overeat on sweets than veggies."(野菜でお腹をいっぱいにするならスイーツでお腹をいっぱいにした方がいい) - "Overeat" は「食べ過ぎる」という意味です。 例えば: Every thanksgiving my family overeats on turkey and gravy. (うちの家族は毎年感謝祭にターキーを食べ過ぎる)
Alyss DMM英会話講師
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