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友達と話しているときによく使うフレーズですが、どのように表現すればいいのかわかりません! 最初から、互いがワンピースの単行本を買うことを知っている間柄という設定でお願いします。
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2017/11/20 18:22
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  • Did you read the latest "One Piece" book?

  • Did you see there is a new One Piece book available?

  • The new One Piece book has been released. Did you read it?

▪ Did you read the latest "One Piece" book? Latest means the newest. This sentences is asking the person if he/she has read the new book. ▪ Did you see there is a new One Piece book available? This asking asking the person if he/she has seen that there is a new One piece book and it is also telling the person indirectly that the book is available. ▪The new One Piece book has been released. Did you read it? released= made available to the public This sentence is saying the book has been set out to be purchased and asking if he/she has read it.
▪ Did you read the latest "One Piece" book? (ワンピースの最新刊読んだ?) Latestは、最新という意味です。 こちらの文は、彼/彼女がその新しい本を読んだかどうかを尋ねています。 ▪ Did you see there is a new One Piece book available? (ワンピースの最新刊があるの見た?) こちらの文は、彼/彼女が新しいワンピースの本を見たかどうかを尋ねていて、その本が発売されていることを遠回しに伝えています。 ▪The new One Piece book has been released. Did you read it? (ワンピースの最新刊が発売されたんだよ。読んだ?) released= 公に購入可能になるということです。 こちらの文は、その本が購入できるようになって、彼/彼女が読んだかどうかと言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Have you read the latest One Piece manga comic yet?

  • Have you read this month's One Piece?

Present perfect + yet - we use this form when we want to ask if someone has done something which they are expected to do, recently: 'Have you been to Germany yet?' 'Has John started his homework yet?' When speaking about a specific newspaper or magazine, it is not necessary to refer to it as, for example: 'One Piece manga comic.' If it is familiar to everyone, 'One Piece' is all that is necessary to say. 'Manga are comics created in Japan or by creators in the Japanese language, conforming to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century. They have a long history in earlier Japanese art.'
現在完了+yet - 誰かにその人が最近すると期待されていることをもうやったかどうかを尋ねたい時にこの形を使います。 'Have you been to Germany yet?' (もうドイツに行きましたか?) 'Has John started his homework yet?' (ジョンはすでに宿題に取り掛かりましたか?) 特定の新聞または雑誌について話している時は"One Piece manga comic'(漫画ワンピース)という風に言及する必要はありません。言う必要があるのは'One Piece'(ワンピース)のみです。 'Manga are comics created in Japan or by creators in the Japanese language, conforming to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century. They have a long history in earlier Japanese art.' (漫画は日本で19世紀に発展した様式に即した、日本または日本語で作成されたものです。漫画は以前の日本の美術に長い歴史があります。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • edition

  • book/chapter/release

  • strip (for one page or less comics)

a new edition - a new version of a book, there are also "special editions" which may have unreleased material, etc. new book/chapter - some comic books or mangas come out with new chapters and some have new books new release - this is used generally to refer to any chapter/book/strip/edition that is released (or comes out) for a comic or manga series
"a new edition" (最新版) -新刊の本の事です。 また "special editions"とは特別版と言う意味で、通常は販売されていない物だったりします。 "new book/chapter"(新刊書) -コミックブックや漫画の新刊書と言う意味になります。 "new release"(新作) -これは漫画やコミックブックなどのシリーズ物の本の章や版などの新しい話が出た時に使います。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Have you gotten your hands on the latest copy of One Piece yet?

To 'get your hands on something' is an idiomatic expression used to express managing to find or obtain something, and when it comes to books, people usually start paging through a book as soon as they get it. So, in this case, when you ask your friend if they've gotten a copy of One Piece, they should sense that you not only want to know if they have a copy of the book, but also if they've started reading it.
get your hands on something'は、何かを管理したり見つけたりすることを表して使われるイディオム表現です。本に関して使われる場合は、手に取ってすぐにバーッと読むことを通常表します。 この例では、あなたは友達にワンピースの最新刊があるかと聞いていますが、これはただ持っているかどうかだけでなく、読み始めたかどうかについても聞かれていると相手はわかるでしょう。
Faith DMM英会話講師
  • Did you read the latest One Piece book?

  • Did you read the most recent One Piece book?

The two sentences you see above are great ways to ask a friend if he or she read the newest manga book. In the first sentence you will see the adjective latest and in the second sentence you will see the term most recent. The word latest and the term most recent both mean the newest. Both of these words are used in our everyday conversation and they would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記の2つの文は、友人に最新のマンガ本を読んだかどうか尋ねる素晴らしい表現です。 最初の文には形容詞のlatest、2番目の文にはmost recentという表現が使われています。latestとmost recentはどちらも「最新の」という意味です。どちらの表現も日常会話でよく使われますので、覚えておくと良いでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Did you read the latest One Piece manga yet?

  • Have a read the newest One Piece manga book yet?

When asking this question you can use the words latest or newest. Ypu can also use the word recent and current. Also, you would have to explain what a manga book is in English. If you are explaining this to an English speaking person, you can define it as a comic book. You can use the terms read and seen when asking. Even though there are typical not many words to read in a comic book, we still use the word read. So you can ask them, "Have you read the most recent One Piece comic book? Have you seen the most current One Piece comic book?
この質問をする時は、latestまたはnewestという語が使えます。また、recentとcurrentも使うことができます。 また、manga(漫画)が何かも説明する必要があります。相手が英語のネイティブスピーカーなら、mangaはcomic book(コミック)であると説明できます。 尋ねる時にはreadとseenを使うことができます。コミックには文字はあまり多くありませんが、それでもread(読む)が使われます。 ですから、以下のように聞くことができます: 例文 "Have you read the most recent One Piece comic book? (最新のワンピースのマンガを読んだ?) "Have you seen the most current One Piece comic book? (最新のワンピースのマンガを読んだ?)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Have you read the new One Piece book?

  • Did you read the new One Piece book?

  • Have you had the chance to read the new One Piece book?

When you want to ask someone if they have read a certain book yet, you may ask in the following ways: -Have you read the new One Piece book? -Did you read the new One Piece book? -Have you had the chance to read the new One Piece book?
ある本をもう読んだかどうか尋ねたいときは、以下のような言い方ができます: Have you read the new One Piece book? Did you read the new One Piece book? Have you had the chance to read the new One Piece book? (ワンピースの最新刊読みましたか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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