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I have many museums I want to visit.でいいですか。I haveは間違いで There are many museums I want to visit.ですか。ほかに正しい言い方がありますか。
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2017/11/21 03:23
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  • There are many museums I want to go visit.

  • I have a list of museums I want to go visit.

▪ There are many museums I want to go visit. This is saying that you have a few museums in mind that you would like to go visit. ▪ I have a list of museums I want to go visit. List= a number of names written on a paper or stored in you mind. This means that you a list with names of many museums that you want to go visit. Any of the above phrases can be used. Other sentences. a. There are so many museums I still want to go visit. b. I have a few museums on my bucket list that I must still go visit.
▪ There are many museums I want to go visit. (私が訪れたい博物館が多くあります。) こちらの文は、あなたが訪れたい博物館がいくつかあるということを言っています。 ▪ I have a list of museums I want to go visit. (私が訪れたい博物館のリストがあります。) List= 紙に書いてあるもの、もしくは頭の中にある数々の名前という意味です。 こちらの文は、あなたが訪れたい多くの博物館のリストがあるということを言っています。 上記のいずれのフレーズを使って頂いて構いません。 その他の例文 a. There are so many museums I still want to go visit. (私が訪れたい博物館が多くあります。) b. I have a few museums on my bucket list that I must still go visit. (私がまだ訪れなければならない博物館のバケットリストがあります。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • There are many different museums that I'd like to vistit.

This expression is telling the person you are talking to that there is more than one museum that you would like to visit or go to. You could make it more specific if you say, there are many different museums that I’d like to visit in (location). If you add a location it may be easier for the other person to know of the museums or area you are talking about.
この表現を使って行きたい博物館は2つ以上あります、と言う事を伝えることが出来ます。 さらに具体的に言いたい場合は "there are many different museums that I’d like to visit in (location)." ((特定の場所)にはいきたい博物館が沢山あります) と言う事も出来ます。 "location(特定の場所)"を付け加えることによって相手にどこの場所や博物館の事を言っているのか分かりやすくすることが出来ます。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • There are many museums that I wish to visit.

  • My desire is to visit many museums.

1. There are many museums that I wish to visit. Saying that you wish to do something is another way of saying you want to do it. 2. My desire is to visit many museums. A desire is a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. Therefore if you say that you desire to visit many museums, then it is something that you really want to do.
1. There are many museums that I wish to visit. (行きたい博物館が沢山あります) この"wish to do something"と言う事は "want to do it"と言う事と同じです。(~がしたい) 2. My desire is to visit many museums. (沢山の博物館に行ってみたいです) この"desire"とは強く望んだり、何かをやってみたいと強く思う気持ちの事です。 ですので、"desire to visit many museums"と言う事はあなたは本当に沢山の博物館を訪れてみたい、と言う意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • There are many museums I want to visit.

  • I want to visit so many museums.

There are many museums I want to visit. - This is correct and perfectly acceptable. You can also say "I want to visit so many museums." - "so many" is used to emphasize that are many museums, maybe so many that you won't even be able to visit them all.
There are many museums I want to visit. (行きたい博物館が沢山あります) - これは正しく、よく受け入れられる表現です。 また次のようにも言うことが出来ます。 "I want to visit so many museums." (沢山の博物館に行きたいです) - この"so many"とは”沢山の博物館”を強調しています。 沢山行きたい博物館がありすぎて、全部は観て回れないという事かも知れませんね。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I wish to..

  • Antiquity is my passion... and there are so many museums I wish to visit....

Wish to: We all make wishes and hope they come true...When we express that wish this shows a strong desire for a positive outcome;-D So in this case I might say... "Antiquity is my passion... and there are so many museums I wish to visit."
Wish to:何かの要望や願いが叶って欲しいと思うこと  "Antiquity is my passion and there are so many museums I wish to visit." 古代に情熱をもっていて、行きたい博物館がたくさんあります。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • There are many museums I want/would like to visit

  • There are numerous museums I would like/want to visit

  • I want to visit many/numerous museums

If you are talking about alot or many of something then you can also say 'numerous', if you want to do something you can also say you 'would like' to do them
たくさんあることは 'a lot' や 'many' の他に、'numerous' でも表せます。 何かをしたいことは 'want to' の他に、'would like to' でも表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I have an extensive list of museums to go and see

Extensive - extremely long
Extensive - 非常に長い。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
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