expert - someone who is very knowledgable about a particular topic
You can also say something like:
You take the sleeping crown!
You take the sleeping championship!
These are meant to be hyperboles, or exaggerations.
expert - 専門家、エキスパート
"You take the sleeping crown!"
"You take the sleeping championship!"
By using any of these phrases you are telling the person in a joking way that they sleep a lot.
“You’re a 1st class sleeper” First class in this case can be interchanged with top-notch.
“You’re a professional sleeper” is saying that they are one of the best at sleeping!
“You’re a 1st class sleeper”
ここでの"first class"は"top-notch"と入れ換えて使うことが出来ます。
“You’re a professional sleeper”
1) You're a professional sleeper.
2)You're a world class sleeper.
「寝ることに関して世界級ですね」。1)と同じような意味ですが、"world class"はもっと世界の中で一流というニュアンスを強調します。
3) If there was a sleeping contest, you would win.
When it comes to sleeping, you are the hibernation expert!
What you call sleep, other people call hibernation!
What you call sleep, other people call a coma!
These are (quite) funny ways of saying that someone is either a long sleeper or a deep sleeper.
Hibernation - animals like bears and tortoises sleep continuously during the cold winter months. They sleep a long time.
Coma - this is a medical condition where someone slips into an extended period of unconsciousness. This is like a very deep sleep.
Hibernation - 冬眠
Coma -昏睡(状態)
From now on I will call the you the King of sleep.
▪ Sleep is your profession.
This is saying that his/her job is sleeping.
▪ Sleep is not your hobby, it is you talent.
This means that he/she is very good at sleeping.
▪ From now on I will call the you the King of sleep.
This is indicating that he/she is the leader when it comes to sleeping.
▪ Sleep is your profession.
▪ Sleep is not your hobby, it is you talent.
▪ From now on I will call the you the King of sleep.
"You sleep like a log." This is an English phrase that explains when they are asleep they are like a log, they sleep well and don't move.
"You're an expert at sleeping." This explains to them that they are very very good at sleeping.
“You sleep like a log.”
“You’re an expert at sleeping.”
"Your talent is sleeping!" A talent is what you are good at, and native speakers often use this in both serious and joking situations. For example: Your talent is sleeping through a train wreck! or, You're very talented with art!
"You're a master at sleeping!" A master is someone that has become proficient at something. For example: She is a master in martial arts.
"Your talent is sleeping!"(あなたの才能は寝ることだ)
- "talent" は人の得意なことをいいます。これは真面目な場面でも、あるいはおどけて使われることもあります。
"Your talent is sleeping through a train wreck!"(あなたの才能は何があっても寝ていられることだ)
"You're very talented with art!"(あなたには芸術の才能がある)
"You're a master at sleeping!"(あなたは寝る達人です)
- "master" はある分野の達人をいいます。
She is a master in martial arts.(彼女は武道の達人です)