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  • song lyrics

  • lyrics to a song

  • I don't remember the song lyrics.

The word you'd use to describe the words to a song is "lyrics." You can also say "song lyrics." A. You sing so well! You should audition for a singing competition. B. I don't think so. A. Why not? I love your voice. B. I have stage fright. I think I would just get up there and forget the song lyrics.
"lyrics"とは[曲](の歌詞 (英文) A. You sing so well! You should audition for a singing competition. B. I don't think so. A. Why not? I love your voice. B. I have stage fright. I think I would just get up there and forget the song lyrics. (訳) A. 歌がうまいね。大会の為にオーディションを受けて見たらどう? B. いやだ。 A. 何で?貴方の歌声が大好きだわ。 B. ステージに立つと極度に緊張してしまうんだ。歌詞を忘れてしまいそうだ。 lyrics = 歌詞 song lyrics = 歌の歌詞 forget the lyrics = 歌詞を[忘れる](
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Lyrics

  • Words

  • Verse

▪ Lyrics Words of a song ▪ Words Words of a song ▪ Verse Lines of words that forms one unit of a song. Example sentences: a. Do you know the lyrics of that song? b. I have no idea what the words are of that song. c. I love the 2nd verse of that song.
▪ Lyrics 歌詞 ▪ Words 歌詞 ▪ Verse [曲](の一部を[構成する](詩節。 【例文】 a. Do you know the lyrics of that song?(あの曲の歌詞を知っている?) b. I have no idea what the words are of that song.(あの歌の歌詞が何かまったくわからない) c. I love the 2nd verse of that song.(あの歌の2つ目の詩節が大好き)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The lyrics of the song are very heartwarming.

  • I know all the words to this song.

Lyrics is the correct term you would use to refer to the words within a song.
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • lyrics

Lyrics are words of a song. For example: You: My favorite song is Billy Jean by Michael Jackson." Friend: "Can you sing the song if know the lyrics."
Lyricsとは歌詞のことです。 【例文】 あなた: My favorite song is Billy Jean by Michael Jackson."(私のお気に入りの歌はマイケルジャクソンのBilly Jeanです) 友人: "Can you sing the song if know the lyrics."(歌詞がわかったらその歌を歌える?)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The lyrics

  • The lyrics of the tune

"I just love that record! The music is beautiful and the lyrics are so meaningful!" "I agree with you. The lyrics of the tune are a perfect match with the orchestral accompayment. I would just love to see a concert of this group!" "Yes - me too, It's wonderful!"
例文 "I just love that record! The music is beautiful and the lyrics are so meaningful!" ただこのレコードが大好きなんだ。音楽が美しいし、歌詞も本当に良いよね。 "I agree with you. The lyrics of the tune are a perfect match with the orchestral accompayment. I would just love to see a concert of this group!" 同感だね。メロディの歌詞は完璧だし、オーケストラの伴奏に完璧に合っている。このグループのコンサートに是非行きたい。 "Yes - me too, It's wonderful!" そうだね。私も。本当に素晴らしい。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The lyrics of the song.

  • The song's lyrics.

The lyrics of the song are the words of the song. The words of a song can be called :- A. The lyrics of the song. B. The song's lyrics.
歌のlyricsとは、歌詞のことです。 歌詞は次のように表現されます。 A. The lyrics of the song. B. The song's lyrics.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • lyrics

---> Lyrics are the words of a song. Examples : She enjoys writing lyrics in her free time. I know the lyrics to that song. Where did you learn the lyrics of that song?
Lyricsとは、歌詞のことを指します。 例文: She enjoys writing lyrics in her free time. 彼女は、暇なときに歌詞を書くのを楽しんでいる。 I know the lyrics to that song. その歌の歌詞を知っている。 Where did you learn the lyrics of that song? どこでその歌の歌詞を知ったの?
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Lyrics

  • The melody is great ...but the lyrics are simply amazing!

Every song has "words and melody" or more properly ...A melody & "lyrics". Many people may not know all of the lyrics to a song;-)) And yet sing along anywayThey usually know /remember..." the tune" (melody) and make up their own lyrics or words..."as the go along"
全ての歌には"words an melody"(歌詞と音楽) または、もっと適切に言うと "melody & lyrics"(メロディと歌詞)があります。 多くの人は歌の歌詞を全部は知らなかったりします;-)) でも、歌に合わせて歌います。 彼らは普通"the tune" (melody) (メロディ)を覚えていたリ知っていたりします。 そして、曲が"as the go along"(進むにつれて)歌詞を適当に作り上げたりします。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • lyrics

歌の歌詞は英語でlyricsと言います。 例) その歌手が作った曲の歌詞が分りづらい That singers lyrics are difficult to understands. 歌詞のブックがやく入っているので、ダウンロードじゃなくて、CDをわざわざ買う。 Rather than download, I make it a point to buy CDs because they usually have lyric booklets in them. この歌詞を日本語に訳してもらえる? Can you translate these lyrics for me? ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Lyrics

  • Verse

The words of a song are always referred to as the "lyrics". The lyrics of a song are made up of individual "verses". A verse is a line of words in a song.
歌の歌詞は "lyrics" といいます。 "lyrics" は "verse" を連ねたものです。 "verse" とは、歌の節をいいます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • lyrics

日本語の「歌詞」をそのまま英語に訳すと「lyrics」などになります。 「lyrics」は「歌詞」という意味の名詞です。 〔例〕 I love the lyrics of this song. →この歌の歌詞が好きです。 私も洋楽をよく聞きます。 個人的に歌詞がいいなと思うのは、「Simon & Garfunkel」の「Slip Slidin' Away」です。 ぜひ聞いてみてください! ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM Eikaiwa F DMM英会話
  • Lyrics

The words of a song are known as lyrics. Example - " The lyrics to this song are so emotional" .
歌の「歌詞」は "lyrics" といいます。 例: "The lyrics to this song are so emotional" (この歌の歌詞はとても感動的です)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Lyrics.

  • Lines.

  • Libretto

Lyrics are the words to a song, the words that make up a song. We use lyrics to know what the song is about and so that we can sing along to the songs we enjoy. libretto: these are the words to musical works like opera. "The lyrics to that song are too explicit for me." "Those lyrics are really inspiring." Explicit: showing or talking about violence, swearing or other content that may make some people uncomfortable."
Lyrics' は歌の歌詞をいいます。 歌詞を見るとそれが何についての歌なのかが分かります。 好きな歌の歌詞を覚えて自分で歌ったりすることもありますね。 libretto: オペラなどの音楽作品の歌詞をいいます。 "The lyrics to that song are too explicit for me."(あの歌の歌詞はあからさますぎると思う) "Those lyrics are really inspiring."(モチベーションを駆り立てるような歌詞だ) Explicit: 暴力的な描写・汚い言葉など、人を不快にさせるものを含む
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Lyrics

日本語の「歌詞」が英語で「lyrics」といいます。 以下は例文です。 私はこの歌のすべての歌詞を知っています ー I know all the lyrics to this song 私はこの歌詞を妻に捧げる ー I dedicate these lyrics to my wife. あなたの歌の歌詞を書いてもいいですか? ー Can I write the lyrics for your song? 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • lyrics

  • words of a song

these are usually called lyrics or words of a song. example sentences: "i want to sing along to this song but i don't know the lyrics." "i want to write song but i cant think of any words"
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Lyrics

  • Song Lyrics

The words of a song or poem are called "Lyrics". "I can't remember the Lyrics to this song" The job title given to someone who writes song lyrics is called a song writer. The job title given to someone who writes poems is called a poet. "When I'm older I want to be a song writer".
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • lyrics

  • words to (a/this) song

「歌詞」は英語で「lyrics」と言います。「words to a song」も言えます。「a song」はとある曲の場合に使って「this song」は「この曲」の場合に使っています。 ポール・マッカートニーが作った歌詞は好きです。 I like Paul McCartney's lyrics that he wrote. 何度も聞いたけど、この曲の歌詞すっかり忘れちゃった。 I forgot the words to this song even though I've heard it many times.
  • What are the words to this song? I love it.

  • I can sing this song, I know the lyrics.

  • Who wrote the lyrics to this song, it hurts my ears.

歌詞 song lyrics, lyrics この歌詞は何ですか? 大好きです。 What are the words to this song? I love it. 私はこの歌を歌うことができ、歌詞を知っています。 I can sing this song, I know the lyrics. 誰がこの歌の歌詞を書いたのですか、 それは私の耳を痛めます。 Who wrote the lyrics to this song, it hurts my ears.
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