世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/23 23:00
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  • How many people speak English in your country?

  • How many people in a hundred would speak English in your country?

To ask the percentage of something we would say: "What percentage of people......?" However, this is a rather over-precise and mathematical approach and would appear a little strange in normal conversation. Obviously those precise facts may be found on Google if anyone is that interested! A far more normal query would be: "How many people speak English in your country?"
物事のパーセンテージを尋ねるにはこう言います。 例文 "What percentage of people......?" 人々の何%が......ですか? しかしこの表現はかなりおおげさで数学的な手法ですから、通常の会話では 少し奇妙に思えます。 もちろんそのようなことに興味がある人は、グーグルを見れば、正確な事実は 分かります。 これよりももっと一般的な尋ね方はこのようになります。 例文 "How many people speak English in your country?" あなたの国では何人の人が英語を話しますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How many people speak English in your country? (Percentage-wise?)

  • What percentage of people are fluent in English in your country?

  • How many English speakers are there in your country? (Percentage-wise?)

You can ask, How many people speak English in your country? -or- What percentage of people are fluent in English in your country? -or- How many English speakers are there in your country? By asking, "How many," though, you may end up getting a number instead of a percent. So, you might want to add "percentage-wise" to the end of your question, and this basically means "in terms of percentage."
次のように質問することが出来ます。 "How many people speak English in your country?" (あなたの国ではどのくらいの人が英語が話せますか?) "What percentage of people are fluent in English in your country?" (あなたの国ではどのくらいの割合の人が英語を流ちょうに話しますか?) "How many English speakers are there in your country?" (あなたの国にはどのくらい英語を話せる人がいますか?) "How many"を使って質問することによって割合ではなく人数を教えてもらうことが出来ます。 ですので"percentage-wise"を質問の最後に付け加えるとパーセンテージの答えが返ってくるでしょう。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • What percentage of people speak English n your country.

  • Is English a common language in your country.

"What percentage of people speak English in your country." This asks the person to tell you the percent of people that speak English in the country. "Is English a common language in your country." This asks the person to tell you if many people speak English in their country.
"What percentage of people speak English in your country." その国で英語を話す人のパーセンテージを相手に尋ねる表現です。 "Is English a common language in your country." 相手の国には英語を話す人が多いかどうかを尋ねる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What percentage of the population of your country speaks English?

*What percentage of the population of your country speaks English? This means that you would like to have an idea if the country they come from has a lot of people that speaks English. For example: A:What percentage of the population of your country speaks English? B: mmmmh. I could say about 80 percent (this means it is an English speaking country)/30 percent (this is a non English speaking country)
*What percentage of the population of your country speaks English? (あなたの国の人口の何%が英語を話すことができますか?) これはあなたが相手の出身国に英語を喋ることができる人が多くいるかどうかを知りたいということです。 例: A:What percentage of the population of your country speaks English? (あなたの国の人口の何%が英語を話すことができますか?) B(1): mmmmh. I could say about 80 percent. (うーん。約80%だと思います) これはその国が英語を公用語としているという意味です。 または B(2): 30 percent (30%) これは英語圏ではありません。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What percentage of people in your country can speak English

  • How many people speak English in your country?

When talking about how many people do something we can say what percentage this usually refers to how many out of a hundred so 50 out of 100 is half or 50% you can simply ask 'how many people in your country speak English?' this would tell you how many people not a percent
何かをどのくらいの人数の人がするのか確認したいなら、'what percentage'(何パーセント)が使えます。これは、全体を100としたときの割合を尋ねます。例えば、100人のうち50人なら 'half' か '50%' になります。 シンプルに次のように言うこともできます。 'how many people in your country speak English?'(あなたの国ではどのくらいの人が英語を話しますか) これはパーセントではなく人数を尋ねます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What percentage of people in your country speak English?

おっしゃられている内容は以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) What percentage of people in your country speak English? 「あなたの国の何パーセントの人が英語を話せますか?」 私は、「何割?」という時は。いつもこのwhat percentage ofという表現を使います(*^_^*) 例) What percentage of the members are women? 「メンバーの何割が女性ですか?」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師 KOGACHI
  • Is it an english speaking country?

  • What is the main language spoken in Zambia?

The main language is the one frequently spoken by the citizens.
The main language'(主要な言語)は、その国で主に話されている言語をいいます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • How many people can speak English in your country?

  • Do you know the percentage of people who speak English in your country?

Asking someone "How many people can speak English in your country?" would give automatically make the other person understand that you are asking about the percentage, as it is impossible to know exactly how many people speak English! Usually, depending on the person, they might not give you an exact percentage number, but would say something like "a big part or small part". Someone would answer as more than 50%. They go for the numbers ending with 0 or 5, as it is more generalized.. Hope this helps!
"How many people can speak English in your country?"(あなたの国ではどのくらいの人が英語を話せますか)と言えば、パーセンテージについて尋ねているとすぐに伝わります。正確に何人の人が英語を話すかなど絶対に分かりませんから! 人によっては、明確なパーセンテージは言わず、"big part"(大部分)や "small part"(少ない)などと答える人もいるでしょう。 "more than 50%"(50%以上)などと答える人もいるでしょう。より漠然と、0や5で終わる数字を選びます。 参考になれば幸いです!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
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