世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/25 15:45
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  • We could've seen more if it didn't start to rain.

  • It would have been more fun without the rain.

  • The rain ruined everything!

The rain ruined everything! - This is more severe. If the rain made the experience really bad, you can say this. It would have been more fun without the rain. - This means it would have been more enjoyable without the rain. We could've seen more if it didn't start to rain. - If the rain stopped you from seeing everything you needed to say, you can also say this.
"The rain ruined everything! " (雨のおかげで全部台無し!) -これはどちらかと言うと厳しい言い方です。 雨によってひどい目に遭ったらこのように言い表すことが出来ます。 "It would have been more fun without the rain." (雨が降らなかったらもっと楽しかったのに) -これは雨が降らなければもっと楽しめたのに、と言う意味です。 "We could've seen more if it didn't start to rain." (雨が降り出さなければもっとよく見れたのに) - もし雨によって全てを見て回ることを邪魔されたら、このように言う事も出来ます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • We had a great time, despite the rain!

  • OK, it rained, but shit happens! We still had a great time!

This kind of self-condemning, moaning-at-the-universe-type of comment is not generally seen as productive, necessary or helpful in any situation in the UK. You need to turn this around and make it as positive as possible! You need to ask yourself: "What could I have done to make everyone happier, despite the rain?" In the UK we are used to the rain and it is great to laugh at such things to lift the mood of those assembled. You can't stop the rain, so you may as well enjoy it! "OK, it rained, but shit happens! We still had a great time!"
この種の自分を責める、天気を嘆くような発言は、イギリスではどんな状況でも生産的、必要な又は有益だとはみなされません。 こうした考えを変えてなるべく前向きに考えるようにしましょう。自分にこう問いかける必要があります。”雨は降っているけど、みんなを幸せにするためには何が出来るだろう?” イギリスでは皆雨に慣れていて、集まっている人の気分を盛り上げるために、こうした状況を笑い飛ばすことは素晴らしいことです。 雨を降り止ませることはできませんので、雨を楽しんだ方が良いですね。 例文 "OK, it rained, but shit happens! We still had a great time!" そうだ、雨は降ったけど、仕方ないよ。でも楽しい時を過ごせたよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Rain put a damper on the day...

  • Rain put a damper on the day...but we still had a great time, up to a point!

"Put a damper on"...means toned things down or made things less enjoyable... But did NOT spoil things completely! The weather put a damper on the day... or his bad mood "put a damper" on the day...We still had fun though in the end!
Put a damper on(水を差す)は楽しみを減らすことです。 けれど完全にだめになる訳ではありません! The weather put a damper on the day 天気が1日に水を差した もしくは、 his bad mood "put a damper" on the day...We still had fun though in the end! 彼の機嫌の悪さが1日に水を差しましたが最後には楽しい持間を過ごせました!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The rain hindered our sightseeing.

  • If it hadn't of rained, we would've enjoyed our sightseeing more.

  • Our sightseeing got rained out.

When the rain falls and ruins your plans, it can be a troubling situation! This happens a lot in the U.K. You can say: The rain hindered our sightseeing. To hinder is to prevent or to stop something going as smoothly as it could. This is quite a formal and advanced word. You can also say: If it hadn't of rained, we would've enjoyed our sightseeing more. This is a conditional future phrase that depends on the rain as a factor of your enjoyment. You can also say: Our sightseeing got rained out. To get 'rained out' is an informal expression that describes the rain ruining some aspect of your day. I hope it doesn't rain for you next time you go sightseeing!
雨が降って、予定が台無しになったとき、困りますよね。これはイギリスではよくあることです。 そのようなときは以下のように言うことができます。  The rain hindered our sightseeing. 雨のせいで観光が台無しになった。 To hinder とは、何かがスムーズに進まず、妨害されるという意味です。 これは、結構フォーマルで上級者向けの言葉です。   また以下のようにも表現できます。   If it hadn't of rained, we would've enjoyed our sightseeing more. 雨さえ降らなかったら、もっと観光が楽しめたのに。 これは、雨が楽しめなかったことの要因になっているという仮定法の表現です。   Our sightseeing got rained out. 観光が雨で中止になった。 'rained out'とは、雨が何かを中止にさせてしまったときに使うくだけた表現です。 次観光に行くときは雨が降りませんように!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • We could have enjoyed sighseeing more if it didn't rain

  • We would have enjoyed sightseeing more if it hadn't rained

  • Sightseeing would have been more enjoyable if it hadn't rained

If you want to explain you would have enjoyed something more if it had not rained you could say 'We would have enjoyed sightseeing more if it didn't rain' this means that you would have enjoyed it more but you could also say 'we could have enjoyed sightseeing more if it hadn't rained' If something is 'more enjoyable' you would have enjoyed it more hadn't means had not
雨が降らなければもっと楽しめたと言いたいなら、以下のように表せます: 'We would have enjoyed sightseeing more if it didn't rain' (雨が降らなかったらもっと観光を楽しめたのに) 'We could have enjoyed sightseeing more if it hadn't rained' (雨が降らなかったらもっと観光を楽しめたのに) 'more enjoyable'は「より楽しい」という意味です。 'hadn't'は'had not'の省略です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • We could've done more sightseeing if it weren't for the rain.

  • Rain ruined our sightseeing experience.

Native speakers will say like this: “We could've had more fun while sightseeing, if it didn't rain”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Did you enjoy your trip? B: Yes, but it would've been better if it didn't rain.
ネイティブスピーカーなら、このように言うでしょう: “We could've had more fun while sightseeing, if it didn't rain”. (雨が降らなければ観光をもっと楽しめたのに) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話で使うと、次のようになります: A: Did you enjoy your trip? [訳]旅は楽しかった? B: Yes, but it would've been better if it didn't rain. [訳]うん、でも雨が降らなければもっとよかったけどね
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I would have enjoyed it more, if it didn't rain.

  • It would've been more enjoyable if it hadn't rained.

I would've enjoyed it more, if it didn't rain. It would've been more enjoyable if it hadn't rained. These are suitable ways of explaining this situation.
【例文】 I would've enjoyed it more, if it didn't rain. [訳]雨が降らなければもっと楽しめたのに It would've been more enjoyable if it hadn't rained. [訳]雨が降らなければもっと楽しめたのに これらの表現で状況を説明できます。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
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