世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/25 19:08
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  • central office

  • headquarters

  • head office

Most of the time people will refer to the main office as just that, the main office or sometimes the company headquarters. An example of this in conversation would be someone asking "can you tell me where you company's main office is located?" and sometimes your answer can be singular or plural. "The company's main office(s) is located ......."
多くの場合本社の事を "the main office"や "the company headquarters"と言います。 会話の例文にしてみると次のようになります。 "Can you tell me where you company's main office is located?" (あなたの[会社](の本社は何処にありますか?) これに対して単数でも複数のどちらを使っても答えることが出来ます。 "The company's main office(s) is located ......." (本社は~にあります) 他の例文: "I work at the main office." (私は本社に勤めています)
Ahmo DMM英会話講師
  • The Head Office

  • The Administrative Offices

  • HQ

Head Office is the traditional name for the company's management offices in the UK. The word 'headquarters' seems a little old fashioned these days. Headquarters was often abbreviated to 'HQ' in the past, but again, that term seems rather dated now. Companies such as security firms and taxi companies may refer to the main office as 'Control.'
Head Officeは、イギリスではその[会社](のマネージメントオフィスの伝統的な名前です。 headquartersは、最近では少し古い言葉です。HQとは、headquartersの省略形ですが、その言葉も今では死語となっています。セキュリティー会社やタクシー会社のような会社では、メインオフィスを、controlと言います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • main headquarters

  • corporate office

  • head office

You can say the "corporate office" or just "corporate." You can also say the "main headquarters" or the "head office." A. Hey, can you cover my shift this weekend? B. Nah, I can't man. A. Why is that? B. They're sending me to corporate for some special project so I won't be in town this weekend. A. Oh, nice! I heard the head office is really fancy, and they have cold brew on tap! I'm so jealous. I'll be stuck here at the dreary branch all weekend. Welp, time to cancel my weekend plans! B. Sorry, bud. A. No worries, have fun for me!
"corporate office"や単に "corporate"と言う事が出来ます。 また"main headquarters"や"head office"と言う事も出来ます。 A. Hey, can you cover my shift this weekend? (やあ、今週末の僕のシフト代わってくれない?) B. Nah, I can't man. (ダメ、出来ないよ) A. Why is that? (なんで?) B. They're sending me to corporate for some special project so I won't be in town this weekend. (特別なプロジェクトがあって本社に行かなきゃいけないから、今週末はここにいないよ) A. Oh, nice! I heard the head office is really fancy, and they have cold brew on tap! I'm so jealous. I'll be stuck here at the dreary branch all weekend. Welp, time to cancel my weekend plans! (すごいじゃん!本社はすごくいいらしいよ、冷たい飲み物とかも用意されてるって聞いたよ。羨ましい!僕はこのつまんない支店で週末を過ごすよ。じゃあ、週末の予定をキャンセルするかな) B. Sorry, bud. (わるいね) A. No worries, have fun for me! (気にするな。楽しんできて)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Head Office

Head Office is the main office of a company. It is called the 'head' office as we often use the word head in English to describe the leader or something that is at the top. For example: Headteacher, head girl, headboard, sitting at the head of the table.
Head Officeは、会社の本社のことです。 Head officeのheadは、リーダーや、何か上位、または上部にあるものを指すときに使います。 例えば、Headteacher(校長), head girl(女子生徒会長), headboard(ベッドの頭を置く側についている飾り板)などです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • head office

  • main office

「本社」は英語で「head office」か「main office」に当たっています。「head」と「main」は大体一緒ですが、「main office」が本社じゃない場合はめったにないと思いますが「一番大きくてそこで色んな事務を行われている所」が「main office」と言えて「head office」の方が「社長がいるところ」という可能性はあります。 うちの本社は新宿にあります。 Our company's head office is located in Shinjuku. ここは本社ではありません。電車に乗って終点を降りてたどり着けます。 This isn't the main office. You'll need to take the train to the last station to get there.
  • headquarters

  • company headquarters

  • main office

「本社」は、 "headquarters" "company headquarters" "main office" と言います。 "I've been working at the headquarters of my company for almost 10 years." 「本社勤務になってほぼ10年になります。」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • head office

  • main office

  • head quarters

head office/main office/head quarters is the most important office of an organisation or the people working there. Big companies have their head office in another country while small companies will have their head office in the same country. Example sentence: The head office/main office/head quarters for Amazon is located in Seattle USA.
head office/main office/head quartersは、ある組織、もしくはそこで働く人々の重要な部署です。小さな会社は、同じ国にhead officeがありますが、大きい会社だと海外にhead officeがあることもあります。 例:  The head office/main office/head quarters for Amazon is located in Seattle USA. アマゾンの本社は、アメリカのシアトルにあります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Head office/ H.Q. Headquarters

  • If I do not get the satisfaction needed...I will write to your head office to complain!

The Head office is the main location for any company with more than one branch! It is some times referred to as H.Q. or headquarters ( from the military usage) and in this case the MAIN office of a company;-) If I do not get the satisfaction needed...I will write to your head office to complain!
The Head officeとは支社が一つ以上ある会社のメインのオフィスのことを指します。  軍事用語から、H.Q. または headquarters と言われることもあり、本社という意味を指します If I do not get the satisfaction needed...I will write to your head office to complain! 満足できなかったら、本社に苦情の手紙を書きます!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Head office

  • Headquarters

  • Main office

When you want to talk about a company's main office, then you can use the terms: headquarters, head office or main office. For example: -Our company's head office is in London, England. -The headquarters of Walmart are in New York -The main office only deals with administrative aspects of the business, unlike the stores located in the malls around the country.
会社の本社の事を話したい場合は、次の表現を使うことが出来ます。 "headquarters"(本社) "head office"(本社) "main office"(本社) 【例文】 -Our company's head office is in London, England. (御社の本社はイギリスのロンドンにあります) -The headquarters of Walmart are in New York (ウォルマートの本社はニューヨークにあります) -The main office only deals with administrative aspects of the business, unlike the stores located in the malls around the country. (本店はビジネスの運営管理だけを行っています、国中のモールにあるお店のようではありません)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • company headquarters

  • head office

  • headquarters

「本社」のことは英語で「head office」「company headquarters」と普通に「headquarters」で表現できます。 例文: 「わが社の本社は東京にあります」 →「Our head office is in Tokyo」 →「Our company headquarters is in Tokyo」 →「Our headquarters is in Tokyo」 「本社に転勤されました」 →「I was transferred to head office」 →「I was transferred to company headquarters」 →「I was transferred to headquarters」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Center of operations

  • Headquarters

  • main office

"This building is the center of operations." " Our headquarters are located in Chicago." "Please go to our main office, if you want to meet with the CEO." Center of operations means that the building is where all of the important meetings or where most of the business is conducted.
Madison T DMM英会話講師
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