It was decided that everyone at my school has to take the Eiken test.
Everyone at my school has to take the Eiken test.
It was decided that everyone at my school has to take the Eiken test.
have to 〜(〜しなければならない)を使うとわかりやすいと思います。
It was decided は「〜ということが決まった」「〜ということになった」の意味なのでもし最近決まったのであればこの表現を使うと良いかもですね。
例:Eiken is the most widely known English test in Japan.
Eiken is an English test. でもシンプルですが伝わりますよ。
All of the students have to take the Eiken tests at my school.
Eiken test=英検
Eiken testと言って何それ?と聞かれたら細かく説明する必要がありますが、
Everyone at my school 全員(学校にいる)
All of the students 学生全員
~しなければならない=have to
主語にeveryがくると単数扱いですので、has toとなります。
All students at my school are going to take an English proficiency test called Eiken.
Everyone at my school is supposed to take the Eiken Test in practical English proficiency.
an English proficiency test called Eiken
the Eiken Test in practical English proficiency
proficiency というのは「技量、熟達、習熟」という意味です。
All students at my school are going to take an English proficiency test called Eiken.
(be going to ~ は未来を表す表現)
Everyone at my school is supposed to take the Eiken Test in practical English proficiency.
(be supposed to ~ = ~することになっている)
My school insists that all students take the Eiken test
It's compulsory for everyone in my school to take the Eiken test.
Compulsory = required by law or a rule; obligatory, obligatory, mandatory, required, requisite, necessary, essential, statutory,
"All men at age 18 must undergo a period of compulsory military service.
To insist = demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal, stand firm, be firm, stand one's ground, make a stand, stand up for oneself, be resolute, be determined, show determination, hold on, hold out, be emphatic, not take no for an answer, brook no refusal.
"She insisted on carrying her own bag"
Compulsory =法や規則によって要求されること; 義務、必須、必要、必需品、不可欠、法令の。
例:"All men at age 18 must undergo a period of compulsory military service.
To insist = 強く何かを要求する、拒絶を受け入れない、揺るがない、しっかりとした意志で、自分の立ち位置を守る、
例:"She insisted on carrying her own bag"
The Eiken test has been made compulsory at my school.
The adjective 'compulsory' means required by law or a rule.
By deciding that all the students must take the Eiken test, the school has actually made this a rule.
The school has made taking the Eiken test a compulsory requirement for every student.
This means whether you like it or not, you must take the Eiken test.
The school has made taking the Eiken test a compulsory requirement for every student.
My school has made it compulsory that all students must take the Eiken test
Recently, it was decided that the Eiken test should be compulsory for all students in my school.
When you're trying to explain that your school decided that all students must take the Eiken test, then you can say:
-My school has made it compulsory that all students must take the Eiken test
-Recently, it was decided that the Eiken test should be compulsory for all students in my school.
-The Eiken test is now a prerequisite for graduation in my school.
-My school has made it compulsory that all students must take the Eiken test
-Recently, it was decided that the Eiken test should be compulsory for all students in my school.
-The Eiken test is now a prerequisite for graduation in my school.
Mandatory means something that must be done, and there is no choice or option to not do it. For example, in most schools, wearing a uniform is mandatory.
In most schools, wearing a uniform is mandatory.