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2018/08/03 20:29
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  • Do you have any tips on how I can prepare for my speaking test?

  • How can I prepare for my speaking part in my English exam?

These two phrases can be used when asking for any help concerning your English speaking part in an exam. They both convey the message that you want activities and practice tips to make your English speaking better. Your teacher will come up with different solutions that you can take part in. Other things to add would be: "I want to be ready for my speaking exam. Do you have any suggestions?" Hope this helps!
これら2つのフレーズは、試験の英語のスピーキングについて手を貸して欲しいときに使うことができます。どちらも、英語のスピーキングをよくする練習とそのコツが知りたいと伝えています。先生は様々な解決策を提案してくれるでしょう。 また、 "I want to be ready for my speaking exam. Do you have any suggestions?" 〔訳〕スピーキングテストの準備がしたいんです。何かいい方法はありますか? と付け加えてもいいでしょう。 参考になるといいです!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • How should I revise for the Eiken English test?

  • What is the best way to prepare for the Eiken English test?

When taking an exam/test, revising is the extra preparation you do before the exam/test to make sure you know everything you need to to pass. 'Prepare' means to get ready for something.
テストや試験の話をする時に"revising"とは、試験に受かるように必要な事を理解しているか確認するために、試験の前に復習する、というような意味になります。 'Prepare'とは何かへ準備をする、備えるという言い意味になります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • What's the best way to prepare for the speaking part of the Eiken English test?

  • How should I practice for the speaking part of the Eiken English test?

  • What can I do to make sure I do well for the speaking part of the Eiken English test?

When you want to ask your teacher how you can best prepare for the speaking part of the Eiken English test, then you can ask in the following ways: -What's the best way to prepare for the speaking part of the Eiken English test? -How should I practice for the speaking part of the Eiken English test? -What can I do to make sure I do well for the speaking part of the Eiken English test?
先生にどのように英検のスピーキングの練習をするのが一番いいか尋ねたいなら、以下のように言えます: What's the best way to prepare for the speaking part of the Eiken English test? (どのように英検のスピーキングの練習をするのが一番いいですか?) How should I practice for the speaking part of the Eiken English test? (どのように英検のスピーキングの練習をするのがいいですか?) What can I do to make sure I do well for the speaking part of the Eiken English test? (どのように英検のスピーキングの練習をするのがいいですか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What should I practice for the speaking part of the test?

  • What do I need to improve on for the speaking part?

  • What could I work on for the speaking part of the test?

The Eiken English test is an important test for people who have English as their second language. It provides a lot of nice opportunities for work and education in the future. The test has multiple parts and one part is the speaking section. To ask your teacher how you can practice, or what you can improve on for the speaking part, you could ask a few different questions: 1) What should I practice for the speaking part of the test? 2) What do I need to improve on for the speaking part? 3) What could I work on for the speaking part of the test?
英語が第二言語の人にとって、英検はとても重要な試験です。 将来の職業や進学にとても役に立ちます。 テストは複数のセクションに分かれていて、一つにはスピーキングのセクションがあります。 先生にどのように練習したらよいか、またはどのようにスピーキングを上達することができるか尋ねる場合、いくつかの違った質問をすることが出来ます。 【例文】 1) What should I practice for the speaking part of the test? (テストのスピーキングのパートはどのように練習したらいいですか?) 2) What do I need to improve on for the speaking part? (スピーキングのパートを向上させるには何を練習したらいいですか?) 3) What could I work on for the speaking part of the test? (スピーキングのパートには何を練習したらいいですか?)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • What's the best way of practising for the spoken test?

If you want to know about a recommended method of tackling a certain challenge, then you can use the format: "What's the best way to.........?" "What's the best way to get to Edinburgh: train or bus?"
何かに取り組む良い方法を知りたいなら、以下の形式が使えるでしょう: What's the best way to.........? What's the best way to get to Edinburgh: train or bus? (エディンバーグに行くのは、電車かバスかどちらがいいですか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What should I do to prepare for the speaking section of the Eiken exam?

When you practice for an exam or a test, you can use the verb "prepare." "Section" is another way to say "part." I hope that this helps! :)
試験(テスト)に向けて練習する場合は、"prepare" という動詞が使えます。"section" は "part"(部分)の別の言い方です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • How do I practice for the speaking section?

  • How can I practice for the speaking section?

"How can I..." "How do I..." Both works for asking a question about how something is done. You can use these starters for many different questions like, "How do I open the door?" or "How can I open the door?"
"How can I..." "How do I..." どちらも物事のやり方を尋ねるときに使えます。この二つはいろいろな質問に使えます: "How do I open the door?" (ドアはどうやって開ければいいですか) "How can I open the door?" (ドアはどうやって開ければいいですか)
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • How should I ~~

  • How do you suggest I~~

  • What's a good way to~~

1) How should I~~ 「どのように」は英語で"In what way"又は"how"です。 この場合ですと、「~~すれば」は英語で"should"です。「~~すればいいですか」だったら、"Should I ~~?"又は"Is doing ~~ good?" Example: 英検のスピーキングの練習をどのようにやればいいですか? How should I study for the Eiken speaking test? 2: How do you suggest I~~ "Suggest"は「勧めする・提案する」(recommendも使えます)です。 「どのようにすべきでしょうか?」は"What do you suggest I do?"ですので、"How do you suggest I study for the Eiken speaking test?"も1番とほぼ同じ意味だと思います。 3. What's a good way to~~ "A good way"は日本語で「いい方法」です。 Example: 英検のスピーキングテストための練習する良い方法がありますか? Is there a good way to study for the Eiken Speaking Test? 英検のスピーキングテストための練習する良い方法を教えてくださいませんか? Can you tell me a good way to study for the Eiken Speaking test? 一番下の方が丁寧だと思いますので、これも使えます。 英検のスピーキングテストための練習する良い方法があるか教えてくださいませんか? Can you tell me if there's a good way to study for the Eiken Speaking Test? お役に立てれば幸いです!
  • How should I practice for the speaking test?

  • What can I do to practice for the speaking test?

When you have an exam or test you want to get good results so might want to practice to make sure you do well if you are unsure you might want to ask what you should practice so you might ask 'what can I do to practice?' or 'how should I practice' by adding 'for the speaking test' you are explainng what test you are doing
これから試験やテストがあるというときには、いい点が取れるように練習をしますね。 練習の仕方が分からないなら、聞いてみるといいかもしれません。 'what can I do to practice?'(どう練習したらいいですか) または 'how should I practice'(どう練習したらいいですか) と言えます。 'for the speaking test' を加えて、それが何のテストなのか伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How could I practice for the speaking part of the Eiken English test?

  • Can you offer any tips on how I should practice for the speaking part of the Eiken English test?

How could / should I practice for the speaking part of the Eiken English test? **could / should are used here as they are words that determine options. Can you offer any tips/ pointers on how I should practice for the speaking part of the Eiken English test? offer: means give, provide tips: means knowledge, information
How could / should I practice for the speaking part of the Eiken English test?(英検のスピーキングテストの練習はどうやればいいですか) ** ここでは 'could / should' を使っています。これらの語は選択肢を特定します。 Can you offer any tips/ pointers on how I should practice for the speaking part of the Eiken English test? (英検のスピーキングテストの練習について、アドバイスをいただけますか) offer:「与える/提供する」という意味です。 tips:「知識/情報」という意味です。
Ana Filipa DMM英会話講師
  • What would be the best way to prepare for my Eiken English test?

  • Give me some tips on preparing for the speaking English test?

When you want to ask your teacher how you should practise for your Eiken English test then using the above examples would be a good way of asking, So asking the teacher the best way to prepare would be asking on advise she thinks will help you. When you as the teacher to give you some tips this would be asking her to give you the best ways she thinks would help you practise
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • How do I practice for the speaking section of the test?

  • How can I prepare myself for the speaking part of the test?

  • How can I make sure I am ready for the speaking segment of the test?

If you would like to ask about how to prepare for a certain segment of a test you can use the sentences above. Tests usually have different sections that focus on different areas of the subject. Some tests have three or more sections to test your knowledge of different areas. Prepare: to get something or yourself ready Segment: section, part of
これらの例は、あるテストに向けてどのように勉強したらいいかを尋ねたいときのフレーズです。If you would like to ask about how to prepare for a certain segment of a test you can use the sentences above. Tests usually have different sections that focus on different areas of the subject. Some tests have three or more sections to test your knowledge of different areas. Prepare: to get something or yourself ready Segment: section, part of
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any tips on how to do well in the Eiken test?

  • How do I prepare for the Eiken Test?

Sentence show that you are seeking help concerning how to pass a certain exam.
Kweena DMM英会話講師
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