世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2017/12/01 10:43
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  • Would you mind giving me the full schedule?

  • I need to get a detailed schedule from you, please.

  • Could you get a detailed schedule, please?

Using "Could you.../ Would you mind..." are polite starters to use when making requests. Its also polite to add "please" at the beginning or end of the question.

"Could you.../ Would you mind..." で始めると、丁寧にお願いできます。

Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know the detailed schedule (dates).

  • Would you be able to provide approximate dates?

  • Did you mean beginning of the month or the end of the month?

"Please let me know..." and "would you be able to..." are courteous expressions.

In case they may not be able to provide dates, you can also ask "beginning, middle, or the end of the month?"

  • Could you be a little more precise with the date?

  • Which part of February do you anticipate the delivery will take place

Yes, well February comprises many days and quite often with business contracts 'time is of the essence'. To be more precise you need such details as a despatch date or a despatch window during which the items will begin transit. Alternatively, you could request a 'deliver by date' so that goods will arrive to you on or before a specific date.

はい、そうですね、2月といってもたくさんの日がありますし、しばしば、契約では時間がとても重要です。より明確にするには、発送日、またはいつからいつまでの間に発送するかなど、知る必要があります。あるいは、商品が特定の日(より前)に配達されるように「delivery date(配達日)」を希望することもできます。

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please provide me with a detailed schedule of the shipment?

  • Please provide me with the exact dates of the shipment

When you want to ask when exactly the shipment will be, then you can ask in the following ways:
-Could you please provide me with a detailed schedule of the shipment?
-Please provide me with the exact dates of the shipment.


-Could you please provide me with a detailed schedule of the shipment?

-Please provide me with the exact dates of the shipment.

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please give me a specific date?

  • Can you please give me a fixed date?

The two sentences you see above are excellent ways to let your listener know that you need to know a certain date of an arrival. In the first sentence you will see the word specific and in the second sentence you will see the word fixed. Both of these words mean something is clearly determined or established. These two words would make a great addition to your vocabulary since we use these words in formal and informal settings.


Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please provide a definite date of shipment in February?.

  • I would appreciate the exact date of shipment to mainitian timely managmeent of my business.

A 'definite' or 'exact' date of shipment helps to show that you need certainty from the vendor. To help you get an exact date, you could provide an explanation of importance, such as needing it for the 'timely management of your business'. This puts some pressure on the vendor to be able to provide an exact date, even if they normally would not.

A 'definite' 又は'exact' date of shipment(正確な出荷)と言うと、あなたが業者からはっきりとした日時を必要としていることを伝えるのに役立ちます。正確な日時を知るためには、ビジネスを適切に管理するために正確な日時が必要だ、などといった重要な説明をすると良いでしょう。


Justin R DMM英会話講師
  • Could you give me more information on the arrival date?

  • When is the specific delivery date?

  • I would like more detail on the delivery date.

"Could you give me/us more information on the arrival date, please? "
"Yes, what information would you like to know?"
If you would like more information in general, you can simply ask for more detail about the shipment and/or the delivery date, but it's a good idea to be specific about what information or detail you would like. If you ask this right away you can avoid the vendor having extra questions for you, even though it is very polite to first ask for more information, then follow with a specific question. If you don't have a lot of time, you can ask specifically "When is the specific delivery date in February?"or "I would like an approximate date of arrival". An approximate date is even helpful, instead of specific as the vendor may not know, but the vendor can say that the "expected" or "approximate" delivery or arrival date will be between the 10th and the 17th, for example.

Could you give me/us more information on the arrival date, please?
Yes, what information would you like to know?



When is the specific delivery date in February?
I would like an approximate date of arrival.

approximate date(おおよその日付)は、とても役に立ちます。ベンダーは具体的な(specific)日付は分からないかもしれませんが、例えば「配達日は、おおよそ(expected/approximate)10日から17日の間です」のようには答えられます。

Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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