世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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chan kiyoさん
2017/12/01 14:38
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  • I'm getting discharged tomorrow.

[退院](することをdischargedと言います。 逆に[入院する](ことをhospitalizedと言います。 I was hospitalized for 5 days. I'm finally getting discharged tomorrow. 5日間入院していて明日やっと退院します。
  • The doctor says I can go home tomorrow.

  • I'm going to be coming home from the hospital tomorrow.

  • I'll be discharged tomorrow.

"The doctor says I can go home tomorrow." says that you are able to leave the hospital the next day because the doctors has allowed it.
"The doctor says I can go home tomorrow."(先生が明日帰ってもいいと言っています。) 「医者が[許可](を出したので明日[退院](できる」という内容を伝えることができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be discharged tomorrow

When a person leaves hospital they are 'discharged' from the care of the doctors, nurses and other physicians; this is the proper term to leave the hospital and is used by medical professionals.
退院すると、患者はお医者さん、ナースのケアから discharge(解放)されますね。 「discharge」は退院を表す正式な英語で、医療の専門家にも使われます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I will be discharged from hospital tomorrow.

  • Today is my last day in hospital.

-I will be discharged from hospital tomorrow. >To be discharged is when someone tells you that you may leave or go. >This is saying that tomorrow you will leave the hospital after the doctor told you that you can go home. ................. -Today is my last day in hospital. >This is saying that you will be going home tomorrow and will not be spending another day longer in hospital.
-I will be discharged from hospital tomorrow. (明日退院します。) >To be discharged =医者や看護師に「退院していい」と言われること この文は、病院の担当者に退院の許可をもらったという意味が含まれます。 -Today is my last day in hospital.(病院で過ごすのは今日が最後です。) この文は、今日が入院の最後の日で、明日以降は病院で過ごすことはない、という事を表します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going home tomorrow

  • I hope to be discharged from hospital tomorrow

In context, if you are in the hospital at the present time, you can just say: "I'm going home tomorrow." However, if the listener has no information about anything, the second example sentence provides all the details.
今現在病院にいるのであれば、"I'm going home tomorrow."(明日家に帰れます。)と言う事ができます。 しかし、話し相手があなたの現状を知らないのであれば2つ目の例文の方が、詳細含んだ内容となるので適切でしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am being released tomorrow!

  • I am being discharged tomorrow!

  • I have been in the hospital for five days and I am finally being allowed to go home.

"I am being released tomorrow!" "I am being discharged tomorrow!" "I have been in the hospital for five days and I am finally being allowed to go home tomorrow." Using the words "released" and "discharged" both means that you are allowed to leave the hospital and go home.
"I am being released tomorrow!" (明日退院できます!) "I am being discharged tomorrow!" (明日退院できます!) "I have been in the hospital for five days and I am finally being allowed to go home tomorrow." (5日間入院していましたが、明日ようやく家に帰れます。) "released"(退院する・出所する)"discharged"(~から解放される=退院の許可がでる)という単語はどちらも、「退院の許可が下りて家に帰れる」という意訳になります。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • The doctor says that he/she will discharge me tomorrow.

  • This is my last day in hospital since they will discharge me tomorrow.

  • I will be home with my family tomorrow since the doctor says he/she will discharge me.

Since the discharge date will be tomorrow, which is in the future, it is appropriate to use the future verb tense, 'will'. In English, there are three main tenses: the past, the present and the future. If anything happened in the past, most verbs used end in 'ed'. If something will happen in the future, the verb 'will' is used. Since the doctor has told you that he/she will discharge you tomorrow, you may say: The doctor says that he/she will discharge me tomorrow. or This is my last day in hospital since they will discharge me tomorrow. or I will be home with my family tomorrow since the doctor says he/she will discharge me.
discharge(退院)の日が明日なので、未来形です。未来形のwillを使うのが適してます。 英語では、主に3つの時制があります。それは、過去形、現在形、未来形です。 もし、何かが過去に起こったなら、多くの動詞の最後はedで終わります。 未来で何かが起こるなら、動詞の前にwillが使われます。 病院の先生が、明日退院させるとあなたに言ったため、下記のように言えるでしょう。 例: The doctor says that he/she will discharge me tomorrow. 病院の先生(男性/女性)が、明日私を退院させると言いました。 This is my last day in hospital since they will discharge me tomorrow. 明日退院なので、今日が病院最後の日です。 I will be home with my family tomorrow since the doctor says he/she will discharge me. 病院の先生(男性/女性)が私を退院させると言ったので、明日は家族と一緒に家にいます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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