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最近テレビを処分しました。その理由を友達に説明したいです。 見たい番組があるわけではないが、家に帰るとついついテレビをつけて時間を無駄にしてしまいます。
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2017/12/03 17:37
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  • I tend to waste a lot of time watching TV even though I don't care for any shows

  • TV is a big time waster, and it's not like I have any shows that I particularly like.

(something is) a big time waster / a waste of time - this means that something takes up unnecessary time and isn't useful a time suck - this is something that sucks up all your time and by the end, you don't realize how much time you wasted A. Hey, did you watch the Youtube video I sent you? B. No, I'm trying to stay away from Youtube. It's a time suck. A. True, maybe I should do the same. It can be such a huge waste of time.
(何かが) a big time waster / a waste of time - これは何かが不要に時間を取り、有意義ではないということを意味しています。 a time suck - これはあなたのすべての時間を吸い取り、どれほど時間を無駄にしたか気がつかないほどのものを指します。 例文: A. Hey, did you watch the Youtube video I sent you? B. No, I'm trying to stay away from Youtube. It's a time suck. A. True, maybe I should do the same. It can be such a huge waste of time.
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Nothing worth watching...

  • I got rid of my TV...there is nothing worth watching...its a complete waste of time!

There are around 27,831 TV channels in the world...Sadly it seems most of them broadcast low level rubbish! Why waste time watching total drivel...? "I got rid of my TV...there is nothing worth watching...its a complete waste of time!"
世界にはおよそ 27,831ものテレビ番組があります。悲しいことに、そのほとんどが、低レベルのどうでもいいもののようです。このようなテレビをみてなぜ時間を無駄にしているのでしょう。  "I got rid of my TV...there is nothing worth watching...its a complete waste of time!" テレビを処分しました。見る価値のないものだし、時間の無駄だから!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I disposed of my TV as it was a pointless distraction and there was nothing worth watching

  • I habitually left the TV on and the shows were rubbish so I ditched it

To ditch something = to get rid of something or throw it away. To dispose of something = to remove something - you may sell it, burn it, take it to the rubbish dumo, give it to a neighbouror break it into small pieces. Rubbish! = we use this disparaging word as a noun or adjective when talking about something which annoys us, is unsatisfactory or of poor quality. "The rock show in the city park last night was absolute rubbish!"
To ditch something = 何かを処分すること、捨てること To dispose of something = 売却、焼却、ごみ処理場で処分、人に譲る、細かくくずすなどして処分すること Rubbish = 自分をイラつかせたり、満足しなかったり、品質が悪いものにたいしてけなす言葉。名詞、形容詞として使う。 "The rock show in the city park last night was absolute rubbish!" シティーパークのロックコンサートは本当にくだらなかった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Although there was nothing interesting on TV I would end up watching something that didn't interest me. So I got rid of it.

  • I got rid of my TV because I found myself watching TV even though I wasn't interested in what I was watching.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener the reason why you decided to get rid of your TV. In the first sentence you will notice the term end up. This means to eventually get somewhere or do something. This term is appropriate for informal settings and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記どちらの文でも、あなたがテレビを処分した理由を伝えることができます。 一つ目の文には'end up'という表現があります。これは「最後に~に行き着く、結局~になる」という意味です。この表現はインフォーマルな場面に適しています。ぜひボキャブラリーに加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I got rid of my TV because I was wasting my time watching shows that I don't even like.

If you want to explain why you got rid of your TV, you can say: "I got rid of my TV because I was wasting my time watching shows that I don't even like."
テレビを処分した理由を説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "I got rid of my TV because I was wasting my time watching shows that I don't even like." (好きでもない番組を見て時間を浪費してしまうのでテレビは処分しました)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • There was nothing I enjoyed watching on TV so I got rid of it.

  • The programs on TV are a waste of my time so I decided to get rid of the TV.

"There was nothing I enjoyed watching on TV so I got rid of it." This explains that you did not enjoy/like the programs on TV so you gave away/sold the TV. "The programs on TV are a waste of my time so I decided to get rid of the TV." This explains that watching the programs on TV were a waste of your time and you could do much better things with that time so you chose to get rid of the TV.
例文 "There was nothing I enjoyed watching on TV so I got rid of it." これは、あなたがテレビ番組をそんなに楽しんでいなかったのでテレビを処分してしまった・売ってしまったということを説明しています。 "The programs on TV are a waste of my time so I decided to get rid of the TV." これはテレビ番組を見ている時間によってあなたは時間を無駄にしていて、その時間でもっと良いことができそうなのでテレビを捨てることにしたということを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • The TV programmes were not giving me any enjoyment so I got rid of my TV.

  • The shows on TV were extremely boring and a waste of time that I decided to dispose of my TV.

  • Because of the boring TV programmes, I thought they were just an obstruction and I disposed of the TV.

If something is not giving you any 'enjoyment', it means that thing does not give you any pleasure in either using it or consuming it. In this case, the TV programmes were not giving you any enjoyment. 'Enjoyment' is a noun. Something that is 'boring' is not interesting and can definitely be a waste of time. In this case, the TV shows were not interesting, thereby wasting your time. 'Boring' is an adjective in this case. The noun 'obstruction' means something that hinders or gets in the way of something else. In this case, the boring TV programmes were getting in the way of something else more important that you could have been doing. So, you may say: The TV programmes were not giving me any enjoyment so I got rid of my TV. or The shows on TV were extremely boring and a waste of time that I decided to dispose of my TV. or Because of the boring TV programmes, I thought they were just an obstruction and I disposed of the TV.
もし何かがあなたに''enjoyment'を何も与えないのであれば、それはあなたがそれを使っていたり消費したりしていても何の喜びも得られないということを意味しています。 この場合、テレビはあなたに何の楽しみも与えていないということになります。 'Enjoyment' は名詞です。 何かが'boring'であるということはそれが面白くなく、完全に時間の無駄であるということを意味しています。 この場合、テレビ番組は面白くなく、したがってあなたの時間を無駄にしているということになります。 'Boring'はこの場合形容詞です。 名詞'obstruction'は、何かが何かの妨害をするということを意味しています。 この場合、つまらないテレビ番組があなたがすることができたはずのより重要な何かを邪魔しているということになります。 以下のようにいうことができます。: The TV programmes were not giving me any enjoyment so I got rid of my TV. または The shows on TV were extremely boring and a waste of time that I decided to dispose of my TV. または Because of the boring TV programmes, I thought they were just an obstruction and I disposed of the TV.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • There was nothing on TV that interested me so I got rid of it.

  • I found myself wasting time watching useless programs on TV so I got rid of it.

1. There was nothing on TV that interested me so I got rid of it. This statement means that none of the shows or programs on the TV made you pay attention, so you decide to give away or sell the TV. 2. I found myself wasting time watching useless programs on TV so I got rid of it. If you are wasting time on something, it means you could be doing something better with your time.
1. There was nothing on TV that interested me so I got rid of it. この表現はテレビのどの番組もあなたの関心を引かなかったので、テレビをあげるか売るかすることを決めたということを示しています。 2. I found myself wasting time watching useless programs on TV so I got rid of it. もしあなたが何かで時間を無駄にしているということであれば、それはあなたがその時間でより良い何かができたということになります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I got rid of my TV because having it there was just forcing me to watch things I don't want to and waste time.

  • I recently got rid of my TV because there is nothing I like watching and I was just wasting my time by watching uninteresting shows.

▪ I got rid of my TV because having it there was just forcing me to watch things I don't want to and waste time. This is saying that having the TV there was just forcing you to watch TV and it was wasting your time because you watched things that you are not interested in. ▪ I recently got rid of my TV because there is nothing I like watching and I was just wasting my time by watching uninteresting shows. This sentence explains that you wasted time by watching uninteresting TV shows and decided to get rid of it.
▪ I got rid of my TV because having it there was just forcing me to watch things I don't want to and waste time. テレビがあることで、つい見てしまって時間を無駄にしてしまうので、処分しました。  ▪ I recently got rid of my TV because there is nothing I like watching and I was just wasting my time by watching uninteresting shows. 見たいものもないし、おもしろくないテレビを見て時間を無駄にしているので、最近テレビを処分しました。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • When I get back home, the first thing I do is to turn on the TV even though I don't have anything that I want to watch.

  • I have wasted time in front of the TV.

1)「観たい番組あるわけじゃないんだけど、家に帰ってまずテレビをつける」と言う意味です。 to get back home / to get home 「家に帰る」 the first thing I do is to ~ : 一番最初にする事は〜 2)「テレビの前で時間を無駄にしてきた」と言うのも良いでしょう。
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