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気持ち悪くなって吐きそうになった時、トイレが混んでいて、一番前に並んでる人に言いたかったのですが、出てきせんでした。 何て言えばよかったのか教えて下さい。 宜しくお願い致します。
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2017/12/04 04:26
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  • Im feeling like im going to be sick/vomit please can I go ahead of you.

  • I feel really ill please can I go first.

"I'm feeling like I'm going to be sick/vomit please can I go ahead of you." this explains that you feel like you are going to throw up/vomit/get sick so asks if you can go in front of them. "I feel really ill please can I go first." this explains that you feel very ill/sick and asks if you can go in before them.
"I'm feeling like I'm going to be sick/vomit please can I go ahead of you." この文はあなたが吐きそうなほど具合が悪いので彼らより前に並ばせて欲しいとお願いしています。 "I feel really ill please can I go first." この文はあなたが本当に体調が悪いので彼らより先に行かせて欲しいと頼んでいます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • May I go to the toilet before you? I don't feel well and am about to throw up.

  • Do you mind if I go before you to the toilet? I think I must throw up.

May I go to the toilet before you? I don't feel well and am about to throw up. お手洗いにお先に入っても大丈夫ですか?具合が悪くて吐きそうです。 Do you mind if I go before you to the toilet? I think I must throw up. お先にお手洗いに入っても構いませんか?今吐きそうです。 お力になれたら嬉しいです。
Michey House 新宿区高田馬場の言語カフェ
  • Excuse me, I'm really unwell. May I jump the queue?

  • Would it be OK if I jump in before you as I'm about to be sick!

The act of going before someone in a queue or placing yourself at the front of the queue is referred to as 'jumping the queue' if you go to the front - or, 'jumping in' if you place yourself between two people ahead of you in the queue. Obviously in this case, it would e preferrable to 'jump queue' due to the urgency of this predicament: "Excuse me, I'm really unwell. May I jump the queue?
列に並んでいる誰かの前に行くことや、列の自分の前に並んでいる2人の間に割り込むことを、"jumping the queue'=列に割り込む、と言います。 もちろんこの場合は緊急を要しますので、割り込む際にきちんとなぜかを伝えれば理解してくれるでしょう。 "Excuse me, I'm really unwell. May I jump the queue? すみません、すごく具合が悪いので、割り込ませてもらってもいいですか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I cut in front of you? I'm going to be sick!

  • Can I jump in front of you? I'm going to throw up!

  • Can I get ahead of you? I'm going to vomit!

The best way to express this idea is to ask a question and explain why you are asking it. This is best done with two sentences. When you want to get ahead of someone in line you can say: Can I jump in front of you? Can I get in front of you? Can I get ahead of you? All of these ask the same thing in a friendly, natural way. If you are going to vomit, you can say: going to be sick going to throw up going to vomit In most cases, someone will allow you to go first.
この意味を伝えるベストなやり方は、まず質問をして、そしてなぜその質問をしたのかを説明することです。 列に並んでいる人の前に入りたいときは、次のように言えます。 Can I jump in front of you? Can I get in front of you? Can I get ahead of you? (前に入れてもらっていいですか) これらはどれも同じことを尋ねています、フレンドリーで自然な言い方です。 吐き気がするなら、次のように言えます。 going to be sick going to throw up going to vomit (吐きそう) ほとんどの場合、先に入れてくれると思います。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • May I please go before you? I may throw up anytime.

*May I please go before you? I may throw up anytime. This is a way to show how urgent you need to use the bathroom. For example: A:May I please go before you? I may throw up anytime. B:Yes that is fine.
*May I please go before you? I may throw up anytime. これはあなたがどれだけ緊急にトイレに行く必要があるかを示す言い方です。 例: A:May I please go before you? I may throw up anytime. B:Yes that is fine.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • May I skip the line?

  • I think I am going to throw up...may I skip the line ? (Jump the queue?)

Some times, when we feel unwell... we really cannot wait in line for the bathroom! It is polite to explain the reason you feel you should be allowed to "Jump the queue.." or "skip the line...and " I think I am gonna vomit"...usually does the trick!
具合が悪いときには、トイレの列に並ぶことができません。 そのようなときには、丁寧になぜ"Jump the queue.." または "skip the line...つまり横入りをしないといけないのか説明するといいでしょう。 " I think I am gonna vomit" 吐きそうです。 などと言えばみなさん理解してくれるでしょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • May I please go in before you? I fee like I'm about to throw up

  • May I please go in before you because I'm not feeling well

When you want to ask a person at the front of the line to go in before them, then you may ask in the following ways: -May I please go in before you? I fee like I'm about to throw up -May I please go in before you because I'm not feeling well
列の先頭の人に先に入らせて欲しいとお願いしたいなら、次のように言えます。 -May I please go in before you? I fee like I'm about to throw up(先に入ってもいいですか。吐きそうなので) -May I please go in before you because I'm not feeling well(先に入ってもいいですか。気分が良くないので)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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