世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/28 16:29
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  • You look pale.

  • You look sick.

paleは青白い、青ざめた、という意味です。 あなたは青白く見える→顔色が良くない→具合が悪そう、となります。 sickは病気、という意味なので、 You look sick.は、病気に見える→具合が悪そう、となります。 You really look pale today. Are you feeling okay? 今日、本当に顔色が悪いように見えます。大丈夫ですか? You look a bit sick. Maybe you should take a rest. 少し具合が悪そうに見えます。休むべきかもしれません。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • you don't look well today, are you Ok?

You can simply tell the person that they don't look 'well', which you can follow by politely asking if they are OK.
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • You look terrrible.

  • You don't look okay.

病気や二日酔いなんかで日本語でも「ひどい顔してるぞ」なんていいますが、英語でもYou look terrible なんていいます。一緒に気遣う言葉も添えると良いですね! 例 You look terrible! Are you feeling okay? 顔色悪いぞ、大丈夫?
  • Are you feeling ok?

  • You don't look so well.

Asking if your coworker is feeling ok is a polite way to ask if they are feeling ill. That way you don't embarrass them by pointing out that they look bad, as some people may not like that. It depends on how well you know the person but using polite expressions in this case may be better if you work with them.
"Are you feeling ok?" は「体調は大丈夫?」と丁寧に尋ねる言い方です。 「顔色が悪い」などと指摘されるのを嫌がる人もいます、これなら相手の気持ちを損ねず尋ねられます。 これは相手とどのくらい親しいかにもよりますが、同僚にこうしたことを尋ねるのであれば丁寧な方がいいかもしれません。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • You look pale

  • You look under the weather.

You look pale. pale - is an unusual lightness of skin color as compared to your normal complexion Example : She was pale but breathing steadily. You look under the weather. under the weather - to express that they're feeling ill or unwell. Example : I feel sort of under the weather today. Whatever I ate for lunch is making me feel a bit under the weather.
You look pale pale - あなたの正常な顔色と比較して、いつもより白い、薄い様子。 例:She was pale but breathing steadily.ー彼女は青ざめていたが、呼吸していました。 You look under the weather. under the weather -彼らが気分が悪いとまたは病気と感じていることを表します 例: I feel sort of under the weather today. Whatever I ate for lunch is making me feel a bit under the weather. 私は今日は気分があまり優れません。 私が昼食のために食べたものは、私の気分を悪くしました。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • You look a little under the weather today.

  • You seem a bit out of sorts today.

  • You look ill! You should go home!

Depending on how strongly you wish to communicate your feelings, any one of these three phrases may be appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You look a little under the weather right now.

  • You don't look well.

  • You don't look in good shape today, are you o.k?

"under the weather" is an expression that means unwell or sick. "You look a little under the weather right now." = You look sick or unwell. "in good shape" - If someone is in good shape, they are in a good state of health. "You don't look in good shape today" his means you don't look like you are in a good state of health. "You don't look well." This is a direct statement to let the person know what you think about how they look.
"under the weather" 調子が良くないことや、病気であることを表す表現です。 "You look a little under the weather right now." こちらも、病気に見える、または調子が悪そうに見えることを表します。 "in good shape" someone is in good shape は健康的であることを表します。 "You don't look in good shape today" 健康を損ねているように見える、という意味合いになります。 "You don't look well." こちらはより直接的な表現です。 相手の調子が悪く見えるときに使ってください。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
2016/08/09 17:06
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  • You don't look well.

Akikoさんがご回答されているYou look sick.と同じように、You don't look well.(元気じゃなさそうだね)とも言います。 ご参考まで!
  • Unwell

  • Poorly

  • Ill

When someone looks sick and not looking very well, we can say: "You look unwell." "What's wrong? You look poorly." "You look ill, are you okay?"
誰かが病気に見えて、体調がよく見えないとき、私達はこう言うことができます: "You look unwell."" あなたはよくなさそうに見えます。" "What's wrong? You look poorly."" 大丈夫?あなた弱って見える。" "You look ill, are you okay?"" あなた病気に見えるけど大丈夫?"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • You look pale.

  • You look tired.

おっしゃられている内容は、 一番素直に訳せば、 You look pale. 「あなたが顔色が悪く見える/青ざめているように見える」 のように言えます。 他には、 You look tired. 「疲れて見えるよ」 のように言っても良いでしょう(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • You look sick

  • You look under the weather

  • You look pale

You look sick example sentence: I think you should go see a doctor Joe because you look sick today. You look under the weather example sentence: You look under the weather so I suggest you stay indoors today or else your condition will get worse. You look pale example sentence: How do you feel Joe because you look pale at the moment.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
  • You look..." a little under the weather"... "Green a round the gills" (idioms)

  • I think you should go look a little green around the gills!

There are Many Idioms that might fit this situaltion...Of course on could just come right out with it and say...(YOU LOOK DREADFUL) but idioms offer more colorful imagery;-D "you look like you are at deaths door! "you look a little peaked"; You look..." a little under the weather"... "Green a round the gills" (idioms)
この状況にぴったりのイディオムが沢山あります。 もちろん正面切って相手に (YOU LOOK DREADFUL) (あなたひどいかをしてますね) と言う事も出来ますが イディオムを使うと鮮やかな想像力を描きたてます ;-D 【例】 "You look like you are at deaths door!" (あなた瀕死の状態みたいな顔してますね) "You look a little peaked" (あなたは来そうな顔してますね) "You look…" (あなた~ようです) " a little under the weather" (具合がよくない) "Green a round the gills" (イディオム) (顔色がよくない)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • " You aren't looking the best today, are you well?"

  • " Your face is looking a bit flushed, you okay?"

  • " You look really sick today, you should maybe go home and rest.

All of these sentences express that someone is not feeling well and said person is sympathizing with them.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • S/he doesn't look like s/he is feeling well.

  • S/he doesn't seem to be in good health.

  • Look at her/him, s/he looks sick.

We can use the above to ask someone who looks sick if they are okay. If you are asking the person directly you can say the following: You don't seem yourself today, you look sick, what's wrong? Are you okay? You don't seem to be well today, can I do anything to help you?"
体調が悪そうな人に「大丈夫ですか」と尋ねるなら、上記の文が使えます。 その人に直接尋ねるなら次のように言えます。 You don't seem yourself today, you look sick, what's wrong?(今日はいつもと様子が違いますよ、具合が悪そうです。どうしたんですか) Are you okay? You don't seem to be well today, can I do anything to help you?"(大丈夫ですか。今日は体調が悪そうですよ。何か私にできることはありますか)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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