世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/25 22:30
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  • Sorry, I can’t recall that information right now.

  • I’m afraid I can’t remember that at the moment.

  • I’m sorry I can’t answer that right now.

「思い出す」という表現ですが、 「recall」 「remember」 で表せます。 「ぱっとすぐには答えられない」時は、 「I can’t answer that right now.」 というように、「answer」で表してみました。 これらの表現の後に、下記のフレーズを伝えると、 より丁寧に相手に伝わります。 「I’m sorry I can’t answer that right now, I need to check and get back to you.」 ご参考にされてください☆
  • Not that I can remember at the moment

  • It's in the back of my mind, but I can't really recall it

We often say "not that I can remember" or "not that I can recall" in situations like this where we just can't come up with the answer right away. Also "It's in the back of my mind, but I can't really recall it" has a phrase "in the back of my mind" which means you know it but you can't completely remember it so it's like it's hidden in the back of your mind. For example, two friends are eating at a restaurant and an old song comes on: A: I love that song! But I can't remember the name, what was it? B: I know it too, the name is in the back of my mind, but I can't really recall it
私たちはしばしば答えを思い付くことができないこのような状況で、"not that I can remember" , "not that I can recall"と言っています。 また、 "It's in the back of my mind, but I can't really recall it" これは、あなたがそれを知っていることを意味する"in the back of my mind"というフレーズを持っています。 これは、自分の奥深くにその記憶があるということです。 たとえば、2人の友人がレストランで食事をしていて、古い曲が登場するとします。 A:この曲大好き! でも、名前を覚えていないや、これ何かわかる? B:私もこれ知っている、名前奥深くにはあるけど、本当に思い出せないや。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • I can't come up with anything right now/at the moment.

come up with:思いつく right now:今すぐに at the moment:今のところ 思い出せない、というニュアンスよりは「なにも思いつきません」というニュアンスの表現ですが質問いただいたシチュエーションでしたら、このような表現も自然に聞こえます。 Could you give me a moment? などといって次のアクションにつながるとスムーズかと思います!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Nothing comes to mind.

  • Probably, but I can't think of a good example.

  • Let me think for a sec.

People often say "nothing comes to mind." Also, if you are sure that you have experienced the type of thing that's being discussed, it's common to start your response with "Probably, but..." or "I think so, but..." Let me think for a sec: "sec" is short for "second."
Nothing comes to mind. ということが一般的です。また、もし話題にされていることを経験したことがあるとハッキリ思うなら、"Probably, but..." や、"I think so, but..." と返すこともよくあります。 Let me think for a sec: sec は second(秒)の省略です。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I can't remember on the spot.

I can't remember on the spot. on the spot その場で という表現が使えます。 この場では浮かびません、という感じで 使えると思います。
  • Nothing comes to mind at the moment.

  • I can't think of anything

  • It's at the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember at the moment."

"Nothing comes to mind at the moment." This expression means "I can't think of anything." It is used when you're trying to remember something or come up with ideas but can't: A: Have you seen any good movies lately? B: No, nothing comes to mind at the moment. "It's at the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember." ​ If something that you want to say is on the tip of your tongue, you think you know it and that you will be able to remember it very soon: Her name is on the tip of my tongue
"Nothing comes to mind at the moment." 「今は、なにも思い浮かばないの。」 この表現は、 "I can't think of anything."(何も考えられないの。)と同じです。 何かを思い出そうとしているけど思い浮かばない時、もしくはアイデアが思い浮かばない時に使います。 A: Have you seen any good movies lately?  「最近良い映画を見た?」 B: No, nothing comes to mind at the moment.   「特に思い浮かばないわねぇ。」 "It's at the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember." 「もうそこまで出てきてるんだけど、思い出せないわ。」 覚えていて、今すぐに言葉が出てきそうだけれどもなかなか出てこない時、このような表現を使います。 例 : Her name is on the tip of my tongue 「ああ、彼女の名前、今すぐに出てきそうなんだけど。」
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It's slipped my mind.

  • I don't know on the spot.

  • My mind's gone blank.

Sometimes when we can't remember certain information including answers to questions or even personal experiences, we need to let the person/people who asked the question know we can't tell them right now. These are some informal ways of expressing that you can't remember and that you can't provide an answer to the question being asked. Examples: I don't know how to answer's completely slipped my mind. I'm really sorry, I don't know how to answer that on the spot. I thought I knew the answer but my mind has gone completely blank!
時々、個人的な経験や質問への回答を含む情報を思い出すことができないとき、質問をした人/人々に、今すぐは言うことができないということを知らせる必要があります。 これらは、聞かれた質問を思い出すことができず、答えることができないという形式ばらない表現方法です。 例文 I don't know how to answer's completely slipped my mind. 答えがわかりません。完全にど忘れしてしまいました。 I'm really sorry, I don't know how to answer that on the spot. 本当にすいません。答え方がわかりません。 I thought I knew the answer but my mind has gone completely blank! 答えを知っていると思ったのですが、完全にど忘れしてしまいました。
Jake L DMM英会話講師
  • It has slipped my mind.

The idea or memory has temporarily gone from your mind.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • I can't think of anything at the moment.

  • I can't think of anything to share right now.

If you are being called on in the classroom on the spot, sometimes it can catch you off guard and make it hard to have an answer right away. In that case, you can say that you "can't think of anything" to share with the class. It's not the same as not having an answer, but it explains that you couldn't come up with anything to say fast enough.
授業の中で教師に当てられた場合、緊張のためすぐに答えるのが難しいことがありますね。 そういった時は、"can't think of anything" と言えばよいでしょう。 これは、答えがわからないという意味ではなく、 「言うべきことが、今すぐには思い浮かばない」 ということを意味します。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • Can you give me a moment.

  • Good question, hold on a sec, I am thinking.

  • hmmmm, let me think.

Can you give me a moment! - When you know an answer to the question but you need a moment too collect your thoughts and gather your thoughts. Good question, hold on a sec, I am thinking. - when you are deep in though contemplating whether you have or not (etc). hmmmm, let me think. - Using the (hmmmm) adds emphasis on what you will say next and makes the conversation more interesting. Good question - you can put in-front of any of these openings, and is good as it sends a message of politeness I would say.
Can you give me a moment! - あなたは質問への答えを知っているが、瞬間それを必要とするときにもあなたの考えを収集する時間をもらいます。 Good question, hold on a sec, I am thinking. -あなたが答えを持っているかどうかを熟考します。 hmmmm, let me think. - (hmmmm)を使うと、次に言うことに重点が置かれ、会話がより面白くなります。 Good question - あなたはこれらのいずれかの前に置くことができ、それは私が礼儀よくメッセージを送信するのに良いです。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • 1. My memory fails me.

  • 2. That's an unusal situation for me. I would be dumbfounded.

1. If you can't remember something, you could say, "My memory fails me." 2. To be dumbfounded means that you would be greatly astonished or amazed or in a situation where you may be 'lost for words'..
1=何か思い出すことができない場合、"My memory fails me"と表現します。 2=驚いたりして、言葉が出てこない、言葉を失ったような状況では、"Lost for words"ということができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I cannot remember at the moment.

rememberには、覚えている、という意味と、思い出す、という二つの意味があります。 他の回答者さんがいっているようにrecallやrecollectも思い出すという意味があります。 I cannot remember anything: 何も思い出せないよ。
  • I am drawing a blank right now,I will tell you when I can think of something.

  • It's completely escaped my memory.

  • It's been cosigned to oblivion..

"I am drawing a blank right now,I will tell you when I can think of something." To draw a blank is to have no memory of something. In this sentence you are explaining that you have forgotten and will answer the question at a later stage. "It's completely escaped my memory." If something has escaped your memory it means you have trouble remembering it . "It's been cosigned to oblivion.." To consign something or someone to a place where they will be forgotten about.
"I am drawing a blank right now,I will tell you when I can think of something." 今はまったく思い出せないからあとで思い出したら教えるよ To draw a blank何かを度忘れする。 この文では、今は思い出せないからあとで教えるねという意味。 "It's completely escaped my memory." 私の記憶からすっぽり抜け落ちた。 記憶からすっぽり抜けたということは、思い出すのにもんだいがあるということ。 "It's been cosigned to oblivion.." 忘却にゆだねる、すっかり忘れる 何か、誰かを忘れる場所に連れていく、すっかり忘れた状態になる。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I can't recall that offhand

  • I have completely forgotten.

  • It has momentarily skipped my memory

In the first sentence, you use the verb 'recall', meaning to remember and you add the adverb 'offhand', meaning 'without previous thought or consideration'. You can use the verb 'recall' in other cases. For example you may say: I don't recall anything regarding this matter. You can also use the adverb 'offhand in other cases. For example, you may say: I can't think of a better answer offhand. The second sentence is self explanatory. If you have completely forgotten, it means you can't remember. Maybe if given time, you might be able to remember. In the third sentence, you have used the adverb 'momentarily', meaning 'for a moment, briefly'. And you carry on and use the verb 'skipped' meaning to jump over and in this case, it jumped over my memory. As a result I can't remember. Your audience will understand you absolutely.
最初の文章では、recallを使って、思い出すという意味を使っています。 offhandは前だった考えなしに、という意味です。 recallは違う場面でもつかえます。 例 I don't recall anything regarding this matter. この件については何も思い出せない。 offhandもいろんな場面で使えます。 例 I can't think of a better answer offhand. 突然言われてもいい答えが思いつかない。 The second sentence is self explanatory. If you have completely forgotten, it means you can't remember. Maybe if given time, you might be able to remember. 二つ目の文は、自己説明です。完全に忘れてしまったのなら、you cannnot rememberということができます。 多分、時間が与えられれば、思い出すことができるかもしれませんね。 3つ目の文では、momentarilyやfor a moment, brieflyという言葉を使っています。 そして、skippedは、飛び越えるという意味ですが、この場合、記憶がスキップする=思い出せないという意味です。 聞いている側はすぐに言いたいことを理解するでしょう。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I can't remember at the moment, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know.

"I can't remember at the moment, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know.'' and be said to express said person does not remember an answer to a question that was just asked.
"I can't remember at the moment, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know.'' 今思い出せませんが、思い出したらすぐ知らせます。 聞かれた質問に対する答えが思い出せないときの表現です。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
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