世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/05 15:16
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  • I would like to be friends and talk to everyone

  • I would like to be friends with everyone, so please talk to me

  • Please feel free to talk to me, i like to be friends with everyone

The first sentence is the best way of saying this: 'I would like/want to be friends and talk with everyone'. The other 2 sentences are good to use as well. By saying 'please feel free', it means that you are allowing and would like for them to talk to you.
一つ目の文がベストな言い方です。「友達になってみんなと話したい」という意味です。他の二つも良い言い方です。 'please feel free'は、話しかけて欲しい気持ちを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm a really sociable person if anyone wants a chat anytime!

  • I am a very open, friendly and chatty individual and want to be friends with everyone!

What you are doing is 'pinning your colours to the mast. To pin one's colours to the mast means: declare one's beliefs or intentions openly. "They nailed their colours to the mast when they told the class they used drugs regularly." When giving a self introduction, it is a great opportunity to let people know a little more detail than may be obvious in normal interaction. If your body language matches what you say, then you should be able to chat endlessly with others in the group!
あなたがしようとしていることは、'pinning your colors to the mast'、つまり誰かに自分の信念や意図を宣言すること。 "They nailed their colors to the mast when they told the class they used drugs regularly." クラスのみんなに、日常的にドラッグをしていると言うことで、自分たちの意見を宣言した。 自己紹介をするとき、あたりさわりのないことを言うよりも、もっと細かく自分がどうしたいか伝えるのにもってこいのチャンスです。自己紹介にあったボディーランゲージも加えると、みんな寄ってきておしゃべりしてくれるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm a Chatty Cathy. I just love making friends!

  • I'm a regular jabber jaw. I just love meeting new people!

  • I never shut up; that's why I'm always meeting new people and making new friends!

A Chatty Cathy - this is a phrase we use to describe a woman who likes to talk and socialize a lot. It uses alliteration, which makes it catchy. jabber jaw - this is someone who talks a lot... jabber means to talk/chatter, and jaw is the lower bone that forms your mouth and chin. This also uses alliteration, which makes it catchy. I never shut up! - This uses hyperbole, or exaggeration, to convey they idea that you talk so much that you are barely ever silent
A Chatty Cathy - これは、おしゃべりが好きで、社交的な女性のことを表現する言い方です。おしゃべりなという意味で使われます。   jabber jaw - これは、よくしゃべる人という意味。jabbarはしゃべるという意味。jawは口とあごを支える骨の部分をいいます。こちらもおしゃべりなという意味です。 I never shut up! - これは、大げさですが、すごくおしゃべりすぎてしゃべらない瞬間がないといった表現です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Hey, I want to be friend with you all, so please don't be shy to talk to me.

  • Hey, I am a friendly guy and want to be friend with everyone. Feel free to talk to me.

▪ Hey, I want to be friend with you all, so please don't be shy to talk to me. To be "shy" is when you not a person that talks to others easily. Being nervous. This sentence is telling the people that you want to be friend with all of them and that they can talk to you anytime. ▪ Hey, I am a friendly guy and want to be friend with everyone. Feel free to talk to me. This sentence is indicating that you are a person that likes to make friends and that you want to be friends with everyone. "feel free" indicates that they should not hesitate.
▪ Hey, I want to be friend with you all, so please don't be shy to talk to me. やぁ、みんなと友達になりたいから、恥ずかしがらずに話かけてね。  "shy"とは、緊張して他の人に簡単に話しかけられない人のことを言います。 以下の文は、あなたがみんなと友達になりたくて、いつでも話したいという文です。   ▪ Hey, I am a friendly guy and want to be friend with everyone. Feel free to talk to me. やぁ、僕はフレンドリーで、みんなと友達になりたいから、気軽に話しかけてね。   これは、あなたがみんなと友達を作るのが好きで、みんなと友達になりたいという意味です。"feel free" とは、ためらわずに、気軽にという意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'm interested in making English speaking friends.

  • I am learning English and I'd like to make friends with native English speakers.

It would be best to be direct and clear so that whomever you're making this statement to would have an understanding as to what you're looking for.
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • I am a new student here and would like to befriend everyone. If you want to talk about anything under the sun, please talk to me.

The first thing you would do is to let the existing students know that you are a new student at the institution, and then carry on to say that you would like to befriend everyone. The verb to 'befriend' means to 'make friends'. In actual fact, you are inviting them to feel free to approach you. Then you carry on to further invite them to feel free to talk to you about any topic under the sun. Seriously, no-one would resist the temptation to try you out. So, you may say; I am a new student here and would like to befriend everyone. If you want to talk about anything under the sun, please talk to me.
最初は既存の生徒に、自分が新しい生徒ということを知ってもらって それから、みんなと友達になりたいということを伝えましょう。 “befriend”(友達になる)という動詞は”make friends”(友達を作る)という意味です。 実は、近づいても良いという彼らへの招待文でもあるのです。 ありとあらゆる話題についても自由に話すようにお誘いできます。 だれでもその誘いに乗って仲良くなってくれると思います。 なので “I am a new student here and would like to befriend everyone. If you want to talk about anything under the sun, please talk to me.” (私は新しい生徒で、みんなと友達になりたいです。よかったら、いろんなトピックについて話しましょうね。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I can't wait to make friends with you all!

  • I'd love more friends than I can carry

I can't wait to make friends with you all! By stating you 'can't wait', it shows eagerness and excitement, making you seem approachable and removing the fear of rejection from those around you. I'd love more friends than I can carry This is another way of saying there is no limit to how many people can approach or befriend you, you are open to having as many friends as you can get.
I can't wait to make friends with you all! (みんなと友達になりたいです!) 「I can't wait」と言うと、熱意と興奮を表すことができ、親しみやすい印象を与えられます。 ------- I'd love more friends than I can carry. (できるだけたくさん友達を作りたいです) これは「できるだけたくさんの友達を作りたい」「友達を歓迎します」という意味です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I'm open to making new friends. Please don't hesitate to talk to me.

  • I'd love to make friends with all of you. Don't be shy to talk to me.

When you want to tell people that you would like make friends with all of them, then you may say it in the following ways: -I'm open to making new friends. Please don't hesitate to talk to me. -I'd love to make friends with all of you. Don't be shy to talk to me.
みんなと友達になりたいと言いたいなら、以下のように表せます: I'm open to making new friends. Please don't hesitate to talk to me.(新しい友達を作りたいです。是非話しかけてください。) I'd love to make friends with all of you. Don't be shy to talk to me.(みんなと友達になりたいです。是非話しかけてください。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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