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その人はコンサートを色々な国で演奏(ヴァイオリンでクラシックを弾いてます。)してるので、ちょうどX'masの時に、彼の演奏を聞けるお客さんはすっごく幸せだと思うし、凄く羨ましいです!というような感じです。 宜しくお願い致します。
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2017/12/06 01:37
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  • I am jealous of the people that are going to hear you play at the concert.

  • I really envy the people that are going to listen to you play the violin at the Christmas concert.

*I am jealous of the people that are going to hear you play at the concert. This means that you know that they are really good at playing the violin and the people that are going to listen are definitely going to enjoy. You can also say "I really envy the people that are going to listen to you play the violin at the Christmas concert." Another word for jealous is envy.
*I am jealous of the people that are going to hear you play at the concert. 彼らが本当にバイオリンを弾くことに優れているため、聞く予定の人は間違いなく楽しむであろうことを伝える表現です。 "I really envy the people that are going to listen to you play the violin at the Christmas concert."と言うこともできます。jealousを表す別の単語はenvyです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I envy the people who get to listen to you play the violin on Christmas!

  • The people who get to hear you play the violin of Christmas are so lucky! I am jealous!

"I envy you" is a simple way of saying that you are jealous of what someone has or can do. We are using envy as a verb in order to convey that the act of being envious or jealous is taking place. If you prefer to use the word jealous, you can simply say that you are jealous. You can elaborate on the statement by saying that you are 'jealous of... etc.'.
"I envy you"とは誰かの事を羨ましいという簡単な表現です。 ジェラシーや羨みを思っていることを"envy"を動詞として使う事によって表現しています。 "jealous" (ジェラシー)を好んで使いたい場合、 単に "you are jealous/ I am jealous" と言う事が出来ます。 また、凝った表現にするためには 'jealous of... etc.'(~に嫉妬している)と言う事も出来ます。
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • I am very envious of the people that get to listen to you play the violin on Christmas.

  • I am jealous I wont be able to listen to you play on Christmas, the people present will be very fortunate.

Envious is similar in meaning to jealousy. It is something you want that other people have. Fortunate is similar to being lucky.
"Envious"とは"jealousy"と同じような意味になります。 (羨ましい) 他の人の持っているものを羨ましく思う事ですよね。 "Fortunate"とは"lucky"と同じような意味になります。 (幸運な)
Kirst English teacher
  • If only I could see you play violin at Christmas! I'm so unlucky!

  • I'd so love to see you play violin at Christmas! I envy those who are able to see you.

If only.....!' This construction may be used when you want to express regret and talk about something which is almost certainly not possible for you for some reason: "If only I could fly!' "If only I could finish work early and catch the express train to your city this evening - we could go out together!" Alternatively, you could show your enthusiasm for something by saying: "I'd so love ........" or, less expressively, "I'd so like ...." "I'd so like to visit you this autumn but I simply don't have any free time!"
If only.....!' この表現は、何らかの理由であなたにはほとんど不可能であることについて後悔を表すときに使われます: 【例文】 "If only I could fly!'(空を飛べさえすれば!) "If only I could finish work early and catch the express train to your city this evening - we could go out together!"(今夜仕事を早く終わらせてあなたの街まで特急で行くことができたら一緒に出かけられるのに!) 代わりに、次のように言うことで、何かに対する熱意を示すこともできます。 "I'd so love ........"あるいはより弱い表現として"I'd so like ...." 【例文】 "I'd so like to visit you this autumn but I simply don't have any free time!"(この秋にぜひあなたに会いに行きたいのだけど、自由な時間がまったくないの!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The people who get to listen to you on Christmas are so lucky

  • I'm so jealous of everyone who gets to hear you play at Christmas

If you wish you were doing something that someone else is or wish you could do it as well this is called being 'jealous' When someone plays an instrument the person that goes to see them is said to 'listen to them' or 'hears them' play by adding Christmas you are explainnig when they are playing
他の人がしていることについて「自分もしたいな」と思うなら、それは 'being jealous'(嫉妬する)といいます。 楽器の演奏を「聴く」ことは、'listen to someone' や 'hear someone play' で表せます。 'Christmas' を加えて、いつ演奏するのかを伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm feel bitter that I can't be the one to hear you play at Christmas. The people who hear you are very fortunate.

To say that you feel bitter is very similar to saying that you feel jealous of someone. It even means that you have a deep feeling of resentment. In contrast by saying that the people who are fortunate is a way of saying that they have had a good fortune. These two sentences explain in quite detail what has happened and the reason as to why you may have certain feelings. You may also include why you feel bitter. For example: I feel bitter because I admire his music so much and I would like to be like him.
"feel bitter" は "feel jealous"(焼きもちをやく)とよく似ています。これは、あることについて強い恨みを持っていることを表します。 対照的に、"fortunate" は「運が良い」ことを表します。 これら二つの文は、何が起きたのかそしてその理由について詳細に説明しています。次のように言うこともできます。 例: I feel bitter because I admire his music so much and I would like to be like him. (彼の音楽が好きで彼に憧れているから、くやしい)
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I'm jealous of the people attending the concert

"I'm jealous of the people attending the concert" This sentence implies that you are 'jealous'/envy those who will attend/go to the concert, as you would like to go yourself.
"I'm jealous of the people attending the concert"(コンサートに行ける人がうらやましいです) この文では「(自分も行きたいので)コンサートに行ける人がうらやましいです」と伝えています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I'm envious of the people who get to listen to your music on Christmas day, they're very lucky. .

  • I'm so jealous of the people who get to listen to your amazing music on Christmas day, they are very fortunate.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you are jealous of the people who get to listen to their music on Christmas day. In the first sentence you will notice the word envious. This is a synonym for the word jealous. In the second sentence you will see the word fortunate. This is a synonym for the word lucky. Both of these words would make great additions to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は「クリスマスにあなたの演奏が聴ける人がうらやましい」のすごく良い言い方です。 一つ目の文には 'envious' という単語が使われています。'envious' は 'jealous'(うらやましい)の同義語です。 二つ目の文には 'fortunate' という単語が使われています。'fortunate' は 'lucky'(運の良い)の同義語です。 どちらの単語もぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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