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動画などで聞く自分の声が、 思っていたのと違う声だった時。
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2017/12/06 02:42
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  • My voice does not sound like I thought it did!

  • I was surprised to hear my voice on the recording. I did not recognize it.

"I was surprised to hear my voice on the recording. I did not recognize it." Recognize - this is to know or identify something. In this sentence, when you hear your voice on a recording you do not know at first that the voice is yours. This surprises or shocks you to hear what your voice sounds like. Or you could say..... "My voice does not sound like I thought it did!" "My voice sounds different in the videos, then what I thought it sounded like." "Thought"- the idea or opinion you had. "different" - Not the same.
"I was surprised to hear my voice on the recording. I did not recognize it." (自分の録音した声を聞いて驚きました。自分の声だと思いませんでした) "Recognize"(~とわかる、~と認識する) -これは~とわかるや~と認識するという様な意味になります。 最初に自分の録音してある声を聴いて自分の声だとわからなかったという事になります。 自分の声を聴いてみると、聞こえてくる自分の声に驚いたりショックを受けたりしますよね。 また、次のように表現することも出来ます。 "My voice does not sound like I thought it did!" (思ってた声と自分の声が違う) "My voice sounds different in the videos, then what I thought it sounded like." (動画の自分の声が自分が思っていたのと違った) "Thought"- 考えや意見 "different" - 違う、同じではない
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • My recorded voice is not what I expected it would sound like

  • I didn't realise my voice was so deep!

It may be difficult to imagine what our own voice sounds like to others - and when we do eventually hear a recording, we may notice a little accent perhaps, or it may seem deeper in fact than we imagined it would sound like. Regardless of this example, you can state at any time: "I didn't realise that...." or "............was not what I expected.
自分の声が他の人にはどのように聞こえるか想像するのは難しいですよね。 そしで、ようやく録音した自分の声を聴いてみると自分が思っていた声より、アクセントがあったり、深い声だったりすることがあります。 例文にかかわらず、次の表現はいつでも使うことが出来ます。 "I didn't realise that...." (~に気が付かなかった) "............was not what I expected." (~は想像していたものと違った)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I wasn't expecting to sound like that.

  • 2. My voice is so different to what I thought I sounded like.

1. By saying you weren't expecting to sound like that, it implies you are surprised with what you have heard. The phrases doesn't have a negative or positive meaning, only that you didn't expect it! 2. We use 'so' in sentences to naturally emphasise our emotions or meaning. "That is so cool" "I sounded so awful".
1. これを言う事によって、想像していたものと違うという意味になります。 自分の声を聞いてみて、あなたは少し驚いたという事もほのめかしています。 この表現には、悪い意味もいい意味もありません。 ただ、思ってもみなかったんです! 2. 私たちは 'so'を自然に気持ちや意味を強調するために文中に使います。 【例】 "That is so cool" ( それはとっても格好いい) "I sounded so awful". (私はとてもひどいみたい)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I sound totally different to how i imagined

  • I imagined my voice to sound different

example "I sound really different to what I expected." or "I never realised I sounded like that."
 "I sound really different to what I expected." 自分の声は、思っていたのと全然違う。   "I never realised I sounded like that." 自分の声がこんな風に聞こえるとは思わなかった。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I sound different on a recording to how I sound off record.

  • I didn't expect to sound this way, I imagined it to sound different.

  • I was surprised at how I sounded on tape, it didn't sound me!

We sound different to ourselves when we speak and when we hear ourselves on tape because when we speak off record, vibrating waves hitting onto your eardrum cause you to hear yourself differently. To express that you almost didn't recognize your own voice or to say you sound different on tape, you can use the sentences above. "I heard the tape we recorded together! I didn't know I sound like that!" "I imagined myself sounding different to how I do on tape." Imagined: thought Off record: not on tape Recognize: notice, identify
自分が話すときは鼓膜に音の振動が伝わるので、自分で話すときと自分の声を聞くときは違って聞こえます。テープの自分の声に気づかなかったり、違って聞こえるときは、これらの例のように伝えることができます。  "I heard the tape we recorded together! I didn't know I sound like that!" (一緒に録音したテープを聞いたよ!そんな風に聞こえているの知らなかった!) "I imagined myself sounding different to how I do on tape." (テープで自分がどんな風に違って聞こえるのかと思った。) Imagined: 思った Off record: テープではない Recognize: 気づく
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • My voice sounds very different on a video.

  • My voice sounds very different when I record it.

"My voice sounds very different in a video." This explains to the person at when you listened or watched the video recording of yourself you realised that your voice sounded very different to what you normally think you sound like. "My voice sounds very different when I record it." This explains to the person that you recorded your voice but when you listened to the recording your voice sounded very different to when you hear yourself speaking.
"My voice sounds very different in a video." (動画の私の声は全然違うように聞こえます) これはあなたが録音した動画 を見たり聞いたりした時に、 自分の声が自分がいつも思ってるものとかなり違うように聞こえる、 と言う事を説明しています。 "My voice sounds very different when I record it." (録音した私の声は全然違うように聞こえます) これは録音した自分の声を聴いてみたら自分が喋ってる時の声とだいぶ違って聞こえる、と言う事を説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I listened to a recording of myself, it sounded completely different.

*"I listened to a recording of myself, it sounded completely different". - The easier way of finding out how your voice sounds like is to record yourself and playback. Example Sentences: I tried out that voice recorder, I didn't realize my voice sounds like that. I always thought my voice sounds like Celine Dion, i was shocked yesterday when i listened to the song recording.
"I listened to a recording of myself. It sounded completely different." (自分の声を録音して聞きましたが、全然違って聞こえました。) 自分の声がどのように聞こえるか確かめる一番簡単な方法は 自分の声を録音して、聞くことです。 例文 "I tried out that voice recorder, I didn't realize my voice sounds like that." (私は、ボイスレコーダーをチェックしましたが、自分の声がこんな風だとは気づきませんでした。) "I always thought my voice sounds like Celine Dion. I was shocked yesterday when I listened to the song recording." (私はいつも自分声はセリーヌディオンのように聞こえると思っていました。録音した歌を聞いたとき、とてもショックでした。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
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