世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/06 09:07
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  • Osaka and Seoul look pretty similar.

  • They're not so different, huh?

Native speakers often use the word "similar" to describe something that is almost the same as something else in some ways. In this case, the way that Osaka and Seoul LOOK are similar--even if other parts are different. 「pretty」はNative Speakerがよく使い、意味は「結構」と近い単語です。 "They're not so different" は「差異ことがあまりない」という意味があります。 この場合は、見た目でその二つの都市は違いがあまりありません。
ネイティブはよく何かが似ている時 "similar" と言います。この場合は大阪とソウルの見た目が似ているという意味です。「pretty」はNative Speakerがよく使い、意味は「結構」と近い単語です。 "They're not so different" は「差異ことがあまりない」という意味があります。 この場合は、見た目でその二つの都市は違いがあまりありません。
Scott F DMM英語講師
  • Osala and Seoul look very similar

  • Osala and Seoul don't look that different

  • Osala and Seoul look very much like each other

If 2 things look like each other then you can use the terms 'very similar', 'don't look that different' or 'look very much like each other' these all describe the same thing So all these sentences would be a good way to explain this
二つのものがそっくりなときは、”Very similar"(とてもよく似ている)、”Don't look that different"(そんなに違わない)、”Look very much like each other"(お互いによく似ている)というフレーズを使って表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Osaka and Seoul are really not that different from one another.

  • Osaka and Seoul look similar.

By saying "Osaka and Seoul are really not that different from one another.", you are demonstrating to the other person that when you compare the two cities, they are really quite similar. Saying "Osaka and Seoul look similar." is a very easy to understand and straightforward way of telling the other person that these two cities look almost the same (or similar). I hope this was helpful. ^_^
"Osaka and Seoul are really not that different from one another." (大阪もソウルもそんなに変わらない) このように言って、二つの都市がよく似ていることを相手に実証しています。 "Osaka and Seoul look similar." (大阪とソウルは似ている) これは、大阪とソウルがよく似ていることを伝える単刀直入でとても分かりやすい言い方です。 お役に立てれば幸いです ^_^
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • Osaka and Seoul are similar.

  • Osaka and Seoul are not very different.

"Similar" means that two items/places/ideas have a lot in common, but are still two different entities. If something is 'the same', it means that the items are identical. When it comes to comparing cities, you should use the term 'similar' and not 'the same'. If you want to use the term 'the same', you can say, "My friend and I are dressed the same today". This means that they are wearing matching clothing.
"Similar"とは二つの物/場所/考えなどがまったく違うものなのによく似ている事を言います。 何かが 'the same'(同じ)という事はそっくり、という意味になります。 都市などを比べるとすると 'the same'ではなく'similar' と言う言葉を使うべきでしょう。 もし'the same'と言う言葉を使いたい場合は、次のように言うことが出来ます。 "My friend and I are dressed the same today" (今日友達と私は同じ様な正装をしていました) これはお友達とおんなじ服装をしていた、と言う意味になります。
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • Osaka and Seoul look vey similar

  • There seem to be few differences between Osaka and Seoul

  • There doesn't seem to be much difference between these two

You may be comparing two pictures, two people, two cars or two countries. At first glance it may seem that two things have many characteristics in common. It could be a similar size of population, a similar design of exterior, a similar climate. In the course of a conmversation it may be worth mentioning that: 'There doesn't seem to be much difference between these two."
二枚の写真、二人の人、二台の車、又は二つの国を比べるとします。 一目見ると、二つの物はとても多くの似た特徴があるように見えます。 それは同じような人口だったり、同じような外観だったり、同じような気候だったりします。 会話の中で次のように話すといいでしょう。 'There doesn't seem to be much difference between these two." (この二つはあまり違いがないようですね)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Osaka and Seoul are quite similar in the way they look.

By saying "quite similar" you are letting the listener know that they aren't very different visually.
"quite similar" ということによって見た目は似ていることを伝えることができます。
Kirst English teacher
  • Osaka and Seoul look similar in pictures/photos.

  • The photos of Osaka and the photos of Seoul look very similar.

"Osaka and Seoul look similar in pictures/photos." This is a way of explaining that the two places are very similar in the pictures/photos. "The photos of Osaka and the photos of Seoul look very similar. " This is another way that explains that the two places are not very different.
"Osaka and Seoul look similar in pictures/photos." 2つの場所が写真でとても似ていることを説明する表現です。 "The photos of Osaka and the photos of Seoul look very similar. " 2つの場所にあまり差がないことを説明する別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
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