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2017/12/06 11:48
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  • There has been a dramatic decline in the product's popularity

  • Sales of this product have taken a dive

When a bird or even a person dives into the water, their trajectory (because of gravity) is always virtually downward, although some lateral distance may be covered from the momentum of pushing off from the starting position. The trajectory, if represented in a drawing, would show a line heading downwards in a virtually straight line. In terms of a sales chart, such decline in performance may be described as 'having taken a dive.' "Sales of this product have taken a dive."
鳥でも人間でも水に飛び込むと、スタート地点から押される水平距離はありますが、(重力の関係で)軌道が下向きになります。絵にかいて表すと、軌道は事実上、スタート地点では下向きの線になります。セールスで表現すると、業績の下降は'having taken a dive'と表現することができます。 "Sales of this product have taken a dive." この商品の売り上げは下降している。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This product is no longer in demand. / The demand for this product has dropped sharply.

  • The sales of this product have plummeted.

  • This product is no longer selling.

to be selling - this means that a product is selling quickly or fairly well the demand for a product - this means the consumer demand or the amount of consumers who request a product plummet - this means to drop dramatically/sharply
to be selling-これは商品が急速に、またはかなり好調に売れているという意味です。 the demand for a product-これは、需要、またはその商品が欲しいと思う消費者の数のことを意味します。 plummet-これは急激に下がる、急落するという意味です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • The popularity of the product disappeared overnight.

▪ The popularity of the product disappeared overnight. "disappeared" means it vanished. This sentence indicates that the popularity of the product fell quickly or it became less popular in a very short time.
▪ The popularity of the product disappeared overnight. 一晩で商品の人気がなくなった。 "disappeared" は消える、なくなること。 この文は、短期間で商品の人気が落ちることを意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Nose dived/crashed/went throught the floor: Fell /plummeted /crashed

  • Stock in the comapny nose-dived dramatically and hit rock bottom!

(idioms) are very useful in scenarios where we want to punch home the point! Dropped like a stone... Went through the floor ....Hit rock bottom! These are all very dramatic images of something falling sharply;-D
イディオムはメッセージを明快に伝えたい時にとても便利です! Dropped like a stone(石のように落ちた) Went through the floor(床を突き破った) Hit rock bottom!(どん底に落ちた) どれも、急激に落ちるものの様子をドラマチックに表します。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • It seems as if overnight the popularity of this item sank.

  • The popularity of this product took a nose dive.

  • This item is no longer as popular as it once was.

This product is no longer as popular as it was before. It lost it's popularity seemingly overnight. The popularity of this product took a nose dive. This means it was popular but then it went downhill and the popularity of the product fell. Usually this expression is used to explain that it seemed to happen abruptly or seemingly overnight.
This product is no longer as popular as it was before. (この商品は、以前ほど人気がなくなった。) It lost it's popularity seemingly overnight. (一晩にしてその人気がなくなったようだ。) The popularity of this product took a nose dive. (この商品の人気はがた落ちだ。) これは、その商品が人気だったが、人気が下降して、下落してしまったということです。たいていこれは、不意に、もしくは一夜で起こるようだということを伝えることができます。
Rhonda DMM英会話講師
  • The popularity of the product plummeted

  • The sales of the product have plummeted

When something is not as popular and falls sharply by a large amount of popularity (how popular it is) is said to 'plummet' how popular a product is also relates to how much sales there will be so you could also say 'the sales of the product have plummeted'
何かの人気が「急激に落ちる」ことは、'plummet' で表せます。 商品の人気はその売り上げと比例するので、'the sales of the product have plummeted'(その商品の売り上げは急落した)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • That product lost its popularity very quickly.

  • That product's popularity fell short fast.

  • The product's demand sunk desperately.

Most products come into the market then leave sooner than others do. Some products stay on the shelf for a very long period as they are popular and highly in demand. Newer products might not have as much staying power as they might not be a necessity for customers or customers don't yet see the value in the product. We can also say: The product lost its following very quickly. The product's reputation plummeted Plummet: to drop very fast Sunk: to drown, drop Value: worth or importance Reputation: how something is viewed, opinions held about something or someone. Staying power: maintain a certain level
販売されてすぐに姿を消す商品はたくさんありますね。 需要の高い人気の商品だと長い間売られることもあります。 新しい商品というのは、需要が薄かったりで人気が落ちるのが早いかもしれません、 次のように言うこともできます。 The product lost its following very quickly.(その商品はすぐに人気を失った) The product's reputation plummeted(その商品の人気は急落した) Plummet: 急落する Sunk: 沈む、落ちる Value: 価値、重要性 Reputation: 評判、評価 Staying power: 一定の水準を維持する
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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