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2017/12/11 14:16
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  • I got a better score on my TOEIC test than I expected.

  • I exceeded my TOEIC score goal.

"I got a better score on my TOEIC test than I expected." This explains that when you got your mark you had got a higher mark than you thought you would get. "I exceeded my TOEIC score goal." this tells the person that you got a higher mark than what you wanted/planned on getting.
"I got a better score on my TOEIC test than I expected." (TOEICで思っていたより高得点が取れました) この表現を使ってTOEICテストで想像していたより高得点がとれたことを説明することが出来ます。 "I exceeded my TOEIC score goal." (私の目標のTOEICスコアを超えることが出来ました) この表現であなたが欲しかった又は予定していた得点よりも高いスコアがとれたことを言い表すことが出来ます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I could just use my first TOEIC score-- I scored much higher than expected!

  • I got much higher score TOEIC score than expected. I wish I could just take the score I got!

to score much higher than expected (on a test) - this means to receive a score "score" higher than your own expectations to use a score (on a standardized test) - this means to keep the score and send it to the organization or schools that you're applying to as your official and final score
"to score much higher than expected (on a test)" (⦅テストで⦆予想よりいいスコアが取れました) -これは自分が想像していたより高い"score"(点数)がとれた、と言う意味です。 "to use a score (on a standardized test)" (⦅標準テストなどの⦆スコアを使う) - これは応募しようと思っている学校や組織などにTOEICなどの正式なテストのスコアとして使用する、いう意味になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I did much better in my TOEIC test then I thought I would

  • My TOEIC score was higher than I expected

When doing a test you might have a thought/think about what score you would like so if you do better than that score you would say you 'scored higher than you had expected'
テストを受けるときには、どのくらいの点数を取りたいか考えるかもしれません。もしそれよりも良い点が取れたら、'I scored higher than I had expected'(思っていたよりも良い点が取れた)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My TOEIC result was much better than what I expected to get.

  • I done much better in my TOEIC test than I thought I would.

By using either of these expressions it explains that your score was much higher than what you thought you would achieve. -My TOEIC result was much better than what I expected to get. -I done much better in my TOEIC test than I thought I would.
どちらの文も、自分が思っていたよりもはるかに良い得点が取れたことを表します。 -My TOEIC result was much better than what I expected to get. -I done much better in my TOEIC test than I thought I would. (TOEICのテストの結果が思っていたよりもずっと良かったです)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • My TOEIC was a lot better than I thought it would be.

"My TOEIC was a lot better than I thought it would be. "- Shows that is was better than you were aiming for.
"My TOEIC was a lot better than I thought it would be. "- TOEICのスコアが期待以上だったということ。
Kirst English teacher
  • The TOEIC score I achieved was much higher than what I expected.

  • I achieved a far higher TOEIC score than what I aimed for.

If you study hard for an exam, aiming for a particular pass mark such as 70%, you can sometimes surprise yourself by getting 90%. You were expecting 70% but you achieved 90%, a far higher score. In the case of TOEIC, you might have been aiming for a Working Proficiency Plus score (785-900), but you achieved a much higher score, International Proficiency (905-990). In a case like this, you may say: The TOEIC score I achieved was much higher than what I expected. or I achieved a far higher TOEIC score than what I aimed for.
例えば70%の合格点を目指して試験を受けたら、それを上回る90%が取れて自分でも驚くというようなことが時々あります。70%だと思っていたらそれよりもずっと高い90%が取れたわけです。TOEICの場合、785-900点(Working Proficiency Plus)を目指していたら、905-990点(International Proficiency)が取れたというところでしょうか。 そのようなときには、次のように言えます。 The TOEIC score I achieved was much higher than what I expected.(TOEICの点数が自分が予想していたよりもずっと高かった) I achieved a far higher TOEIC score than what I aimed for.(TOEICで目指していたよりもずっと高い点が取れた)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My TOEIC score was much higher than I expected.

  • My TOEIC score was a lot better than I anticipated.

  • My TOEIC score was a pleasant surprise.

All of these express surprise at the score that you got. Another way to say expect is "anticipate" These are functionally equivalent. The same is true of "much higher" and "a lot better". The last sentence say that you were "pleasantly surprised". This is another way of saying something unexpected happened. Since it was a test and you are "pleasantly surprised" a listener would assume that you got a good score unexpectedly.
これらはどれも、そのスコアに対する驚きを表します。 "expect"(予期する)は "anticipate" と言うこともできます。これらは機能的には同等です。"much higher" と "a lot better" についても同じことが言えます。 最後の文ではそれを "a pleasant surprise"(うれしい喜び)と表現しています。これは予期せぬことが起きたという意味です。これはテストですから、"a pleasant surprise" と言えば、話し手が予想に反して良い点数を取ることができたのだと伝わります。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • This time my TOEIC score was much higher than my target score.

「今回のTOEICでは目標を大幅に上回るスコアが取れました。」は、 "This time my TOEIC score was much higher than my target score." という表現を使うことも出来ます。 "this time"は、「今回」 "one's target score"は、「自分の目標スコア」 という意味です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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