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2017/12/12 13:16
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  • I was so nervous for the test I could not sleep last night.

  • I tossed and turned all night because I was nervous.

"I was so nervous for the test I could not sleep last night." This explains to the person that you were so nervous about the test that you could not sleep last night. "I tossed and turned all night because I was nervous." "Tossed and Turned" is a way of explaining that you could not sleep. This tells the person that you could not sleep because you were too nervous and worried about the test.
"I was so nervous for the test I could not sleep last night." (テストに緊張していて、昨夜は眠れなかった) これはテストの為にとても緊張していたので昨夜は寝ることが出来なかった、という説明になります。 "I tossed and turned all night because I was nervous." (昨夜はとても緊張していて、ゴロゴロ寝返りを打ってばかりでした) "Tossed and Turned"とは眠れなかったことを説明する表現の一つです。 これはテストがとても心配で緊張していて昨夜は眠れなかった、と言う事を伝える表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I was so nervous, I didn't get much sleep

  • I didn't sleep well last night as I was so nervous

  • I was stressed about my test, I didn't sleep very well

If you are worried about something then you are said to be 'nervous' or 'stressed' about it If you didn't sleep well you can say 'I didn't get much sleep', 'I didn't sleep well' or 'I didn't sleep very well' These would all explain what you mean
何かに不安を感じていることは、'nervous'(緊張して)や'stressed'(不安で)と表せます。 よく眠れなかったのなら、 'I didn't get much sleep'(よく眠れなかった) 'I didn't sleep well'(よく眠れなかった) 'I didn't sleep very well'(よく眠れなかった) などと言えます。 これらどの例でもあなたの言いたいことが表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I was so full of nervouis anticipation, I could not sleep

Anticipation - this is the feeling you have when you are waiting for something and you can't wait for it to start - or finish. It may be positive or negative anticipation. "Nervous' anticipation means that you feel unsettled or disturbed - perhaps because you are worrying about some aspects of something. However, eager anticipateion is positive. "The rest of us waited in nervous anticipation for her Friday arrival, not knowing if we'd even see her when she returned."
Anticipation - これは何かを待っている時や始まりやもしかしたら終わりが待ちきれない時の事です。 (予想、予感) これは良い予想でも悪い予想でもどちらでもあり得ます。 "Nervous' anticipation" とは落ち着かない、動揺しているという意味です。 これはもしかしたら何かの面で心配があったりする場合かもしれませんね。 ですが"eager anticipateion"とは前向きです。 【例】 "The rest of us waited in nervous anticipation for her Friday arrival, not knowing if we'd even see her when she returned." (残りの私たちみんなは緊張した予感で彼女の金曜の到着を待ちました、彼女が戻った時会えるかどうかも分からずに)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was so stressed about my test that I was not able to get a lot of sleep.

  • I was up all night last night because I am so nervous about my test.

Stressed or nervous both show that you are worried about your upcoming test. By saying "I was up all night..." that means that you were not able to sleep, even if you were lying in your bed.
"Stressed"や"nervous"これらどちらの表現も近づくテストが心配だという事を言い表すことが出来ます。 "I was up all night..."と言う事によってベットに横になることはできても眠ることはできなかった、という意味になります。
Kirst English teacher
  • I hardly slept a wink last night, I was too nervous.

Sleep a wink is an idiom for not sleeping. If you didn't sleep a wink last night, it would imply that you were up most of the night or had a very restless night. You can use this idiom for other emotions, not only nervous. 'I didn't sleep a wink, I was too stressed about work'. 'I didn't sleep a wink last night, the baby had me up all night'.
Sleep a wink とはイディオムで眠れなかったという事を意味します。 もしあなたが"didn't sleep a wink last night"とすると昨夜はずっと起きていたか、休むことのできない夜だったという事をほのめかしています。 このイディオムを緊張している時だけではなく他の時にも使うことが出来ます。 【例】 'I didn't sleep a wink, I was too stressed about work'. (仕事のストレスで、眠れなかった) 'I didn't sleep a wink last night, the baby had me up all night'. (赤ちゃんが一晩中私を起こしてくれたから、昨夜は一睡もできなかった)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • "I am very nervous because of a test that I haven't got much sleep".

In order to explain that you have not had much sleep as a result of nerves stemming from anxiety regarding a test, you could simply state "I am very nervous because of a test that I haven't got much sleep". This sentence explains what is making you nervous and the result it has had.
テストのことで緊張してあまり寝ていないと伝えたいなら、シンプルに次のように表せます。 "I am very nervous because of a test that I haven't got much sleep".(テストのことで緊張してあまり寝ていません) この文では、何によって緊張しているのか、またその結果を伝えています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Last night I didn't sleep at all because I was so nervous.

  • The test made me so nervous I couldn't stay asleep.

  • This test racked my nerves, I couldn't sleep at all last night.

Hi! There are many ways you can say this. I used the three above because they are used the most often. The first one is the most common I think and standard. The second one means that you fell asleep but kept waking up because you were nervous. And the third is a saying some people use, "the test racked my nerves" just means you were really nervous and saying you couldn't sleep much last night just means because of it you kept waking up. Hope this helps!
こんにちは! これはいろいろな言い方ができます。「最も一般的」という理由で上記の三つの表現をご紹介しました。 一つ目の例が最も一般的でスタンダードだと思います。 二つ目の例は「寝ることはできたけど緊張で何度も目が覚めた」という意味です。 三つ目の例も使われます。"the test racked my nerves" は「テストで緊張した」という意味です。"I couldn't sleep at all last night" は「(テストで緊張して)全然眠れなかった」という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Janinne E DMM英会話講師
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