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2017/12/15 09:18
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  • I'd love to hang out but I have to work.

This is a nice phrase to use with friends, it gently lets them down but at the same time you are expressing that you would have loved to have hung out with them. "I wish I didn't have to work". If you want to make it more polite. You can add an apology on - "I'd love to hang out but I have to work, sorry!" "I'll catch you next time!"
これは友人に使うのに良いフレーズです。相手を軽くがっかりさせますが、同時に彼らと遊びたかったことを表しています。 "I wish I didn't have to work". (仕事がなければよかったのに)より丁寧にしたい場合は、謝罪を追加できます。"I'd love to hang out but I have to work, sorry!"(遊びたいけど、仕事をしなければならないんだ、ごめんね) "I'll catch you next time!"  (次回は遊ぼう!)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I would love to come but unfortunately I have to work.

  • Im sorry I have to work so wont be able to come.

"I would love to come but unfortunately I have to work." This explains to the person that you are not available because you have to work. "I'm sorry I have to work so won't be able to come." This politely explains to your friend that you would really like to see them but you cant because you have to work.
"I would love to come but unfortunately I have to work." 仕事をしなければならないため、行くことができないことを相手に説明する表現です。 "I'm sorry I have to work so won't be able to come." 本当は会いたいけれど仕事をしなければならないために会えないことを友人に丁寧に説明する表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I'm otherwise engaged

  • Sorry, I can't make it today: I have to work

  • Much as I'd like to, my part time job has to take precedence

When something or someone is more important than something or someone else, you may describe one person or thing as 'taking precedence' over another.' "At the meeting, the subject of membership fees took precedence over everything else." If you say you are 'otherwise engaged' it means that you are doing something at that time - and usually, that you do not wish to give details of what you are doing (or the details are not important). If you say, "I can't make it," it means you cannot attend.
他の物や人よりも重要な物や人は、 'taking precedence over another'(別の物・人より優先する)と表すことができます。 【例文】 "At the meeting, the subject of membership fees took precedence over everything else."(会議では会費の主題が他の何よりも優先されました。) 'otherwise engaged'と言う場合は、あなたがその時に何かをしていることを意味します。これは通常、何をしているのか細かいことを伝えたくない(あるいは細かいことが重要ではない)ということを意味します。 "I can't make it,"と言う場合は、参加できないことを意味します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to, but I have to go to work.

  • Unfortunately I have another commitment.

I would like to, but I have to go to work.' explains that although you would enjoy spending time with your friend, you need to go to work. 'Unfortunately' is another way of saying 'sadly' or 'unhappily' 'I have another commitment' mean you are already 'committed' or tied to doing something else, in this case, your part-time job.
I would like to, but I have to go to work.' 行きたいけど、仕事にいかないといけない。 友達と楽しんでいるけれど、仕事に行く必要があると伝える表現です。  'Unfortunately' は、'sadly' または 'unhappily'と同じ意味で、残念ながらという意味です。 'I have another commitment' 別にやることがあるの。 これは、自分がすでに何かやるべきこと、この場合アルバイト、があるという意味です。
Hannah E DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I could, but unfortunately I've got work.

  • I'd love to hang out but I have work to do.

  • I'd be great to hang out however I've got to go to work.

"I wish I could, but unfortunately I've got work." shows that you would like to do something but regrettably have work.
"I wish I could, but unfortunately I've got work." 〔訳〕行けたらいいんだけど、残念ながら仕事があるんです。 この例文は、何かをしたいけれど残念なことに仕事があると伝える表現です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, I gotta work today so I don't think I can make it.

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 「今日はアルバイトがあるから無理だ」を英語にする場合は、 下記の言い方ではいかがでしょうか。 I'm sorry, I gotta work today so I don't think I can make it. --- gotta work= have to work = got to work = "must work" (gottaはかなりカジュアルな言葉です) --- to make it = ~することはできる、~を可能にする、間に合う ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I'm sorry i have to go to work instead

  • i would love to hang out but i have to go to work

  • i have to work instead so i cant make it

All these would be a good way to explain you have to work instead of hanging out A part time job is a job you only do for a few hours a day/week So to say "im sorry i have to go to work instead" would be a simple way to say it
三例とも、仕事があるので遊べないことを伝える言い方です。 「part time job(パートタイムの仕事)」は、一日(一週間)に数時間しか働かない仕事を言います。 シンプルな言い方としては: "I'm sorry I have to go to work instead" 「ごめん、仕事行かないといけないんだ」
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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