世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/15 16:26
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  • Five years ago seems like yesterday

  • We married 5 years ago, but it seems like yesterday

  • The last 5 years have flashed by! It seems like only yesterday that we...."

Time flashes by - especially with advancing years and we all have moments when we reminisce about the past. You could say that five years have 'flashed by,' in any situation. Usually, we would refer to one specific occasion that we have in mind when we talk about 'time flashing by.'
Time flashes by - 年月が過ぎて、昔のことを思い出す瞬間があるということです。 5年間が 'flashed by,' (過ぎ去る)ということができます。時間が過ぎるということを話すとき、何か特別な時のことにふれるものです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Time flies by so fast.

  • In a blink of an eye 5 years have gone.

  • The five years have past by so quickly that it seems like yesterday.

"Time flies by so fast." can refer to any time, which feels like it gone by quicker than it really has. The expression "In a blink of an eye..." can also be used referring to how quickly it seems that time has gone by.
"Time flies by so fast." 光陰矢の如し。 これは、実際よりも時間が経つのがすごく早いことを表すフレーズです。  "In a blink of an eye..."も、時間が経つのがどれほど早いかを表すのに使われます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Five years ago felt like it was just yesterday.

  • Time has gone by in such a blur that five years ago feels like it was yesterday.

  • Time is going by so fast five to ten years ago feels like it was just yesterday.

Each of these responses are commonly used in American English and it's a phrase that we say often, because time is definitely moving quickly.
これらのそれぞれの表現はアメリカ英語ではよく使われ、このフレーズを私たちは言います。 何故なら、間違いなく時間はあっという間に過ぎてしまいますから。
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • The years have flown by.

  • It feels like it was only yesterday....

"The years have flown by." This explains that the time has passed very quickly. "It feels like it was only yesterday...." This explains that time has gone by very quickly and that it does not feel as long as it since something happened.
"The years have flown by." 時が非常に早く過ぎたことを伝える表現です。 "It feels like it was only yesterday...." 時間がとても早く過ぎ、ある時からそんなに長く経っていないように感じることを表した表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I can't believe it was 5 years ago, it feels like yesterday!

  • 5 years ago?! It feels like yesterday

Saying "it feels like yesterday" explains that feeling of time being fleeting. Some memories are just so vivid that they only feel like they happened yesterday!
例:I can't believe it was 5 years ago, it feels like yesterday! 「5年前のことだなんて信じられない!昨日のことのように感じるよ。」 例:5 years ago?! It feels like yesterday 「5年前!?昨日のことのように感じるけど。」 "it feels like yesterday"は時間の流れが速いことを表します。 素晴らしい記憶は、昨日のことのように感じますよね!
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Oh! How time flies. We last met five years ago but it seems just like yesterday.

  • Five years have gone by since you graduated but it seems just like yesterday.

We often do not realize just how fast time flies by or years go by until it's too late. This usually happens if one does not take advantage of opportunities that come to his/her way. Opportunities missed are never recovered. One comes to find out just how many opportunities one has missed five or so years later that those opportunities are gone for ever, never to come back. The five years gone by seem like yesterday in cases like this. This also happens if a person has been very busy, not noticing just how fast time is flying by until five years have gone by. So, you may say: Oh! How time flies. We last met five years ago but it seems just like yesterday. or Five years have gone by since you graduated from university but it seems just like yesterday.
私たちはよく手遅れになるまで、時間が速く過ぎ去ってしまう事に気が付きません。 これは普通チャンスをものにすることが出来なかった時、身に降りかかってきたときに起こります。 チャンスを逃すことは取り戻すことは出来ません。 5年や多くの年月にどれだけチャンスを逃してしまい、それは決して取り戻すことが出来ない事に 気が付きます。 このように5年が昨日の事の様に過ぎ去ってしまいます。 また、忙しすぎて、5年が過ぎるまで、時間があっという間に過ぎてしまう事に気が付かない事もあります。 ですので、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例文】 Oh! How time flies. We last met five years ago but it seems just like yesterday. (おお!なんて時間が過ぎるのは速いんだ、最後に会ったのは5年前だけど昨日のようだね。) Five years have gone by since you graduated from university but it seems just like yesterday. (あなたが卒業してから5年もたったね、だけど昨日のようだよ。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It feels like it was just yesterday.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・It feels like it was just yesterday. 昨日のように感じます。 feels like で「〜のように感じる」を英語で表現することができます。 yesterday が「昨日」ですね。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • It feels like just yesterday.

It feels like just yesterday. 昨日のように感じる。 Five years ago feels like just yesterday. 5年前は昨日のように感じる。 例: It feels like it was just yesterday that we met on our first day of school. 学校初日に私たちが出会ったのが、昨日のように感じる。
  • It feels like yesterday.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「It feels like yesterday.」 =昨日のように感じる (例文)That was 5 years ago? No way! It feels like yesterday. (訳)それ5年前だったの?嘘でしょ!昨日のように感じる。 単語: yesterday 昨日 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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