世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/16 10:04
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  • It's so cold, I can't feel my fingers!

  • My fingers are throbbing with the cold!

  • It's so cold I think my fingers are going to fall off

In the UK, people do say, "It's so cold I think my fingers are going to fall off." The result of severe frostbite would be that your extremities such as fingers first go black and then actually fall off, so this is a scientifically an accurate statement. Children are more likely to say something like: "My fingers hurt in the cold!" or "I can't feel my fingers!"
イギリスでは、"It's so cold I think my fingers are going to fall off."「寒すぎて、指がとれてしまう」と言います。深刻な凍傷になると、指のような四肢が黒くなり、とれてしまいます。なので、これは科学的に正しい表現と言えます。 子供でしたら以下のように表現するかもしれません。 "My fingers hurt in the cold!"  寒くて指が痛い! "I can't feel my fingers!" 指の感覚がない!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It was freezing cold.

  • It is chilly.

*It was freezing cold. This is used to describe how cold something is. It means that it is extremely cold. Example sentences: The cinema was freezing cold. I need another jacket, I am freezing cold. *It is chilly. We can also use chilly to describe very cold weather. Example sentence: It is really chilly today.
*It was freezing cold. ものすごく寒かった。 これは、ものすごく寒いことを表す表現です。   例文: The cinema was freezing cold. 映画館がものすごく寒かった。 I need another jacket, I am freezing cold. もう一枚ジャケットがいるわ。ものすごく寒い。 *It is chilly. 寒い。 chillyはとても寒い天気のことも表します。 例文: It is really chilly today. 今日は、本当に寒い。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's freezing cold

  • It's so cold I can't feel my fingers

If the weather is very cold then it is called 'freezing cold' as if something is 'frozen' it is extremely cold like ice A common phrase in the UK is 'I can't feel my fingers!' meaning they are so numb with the cold
天気がすごく寒いことは、'freezing cold'(凍えるほど寒い)と表されます。凍り付く(frozen)ほど寒いという意味です。 イギリスでよく使われる表現に、 'I can't feel my fingers!' [訳]指の感覚がない というのがあります。これは、寒さで指の感覚がないという意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It's so cold, my fingers are like ice cubes!

  • My fingers/ears are so cold, I think they are going to fall off!

  • I can't feel my fingers/toes!

When it is very cold, a native speaker might express the way any extremity feels but the most common are ears, fingers, and toes. For that burning sensation your ears feel when you're in a freezing cold wind, you might say "My ears are so cold, they're hot!" We make comparisons to other very cold things like ice cubes or meat lockers. Example: "Why is it so cold? This office is like a meat locker!" Common synonyms for "Cold": freezing, chilly, frigid
すごく寒いときはネイティブスピーカーは四肢の感覚について表すかもしれませんが、最も一般的なのは耳と手足の指です。 すごく寒い風に当たっていると感じる耳が焼けるような感覚は、次のように表すかもしれません。 "My ears are so cold, they're hot!" (耳が寒すぎて熱い) "ice cube"(アイスキューブ)や"meat locker"(肉の冷凍室)などすごく冷たいものに例えることもあります。 例: "Why is it so cold? This office is like a meat locker!"(何でこんなに寒いの?このオフィス冷凍庫みたい!) よく使われる"Cold"(寒い)の同義語:freezing, chilly, frigid
Monica HM DMM英会話講師
  • It is freezing cold

If it is freezing cold (phrase), it means that it is extremely cold. When temperatures are well below 0 degrees Celsius, people are forced to wear warm clothing when venturing out, or may be forced to stay indoors and switch on their heaters to keep warm. So, you may say: It is freezing cold out there 'you can freeze to death'.
freezing coldというフレーズは、とても寒いことを意味します。気温が0度を下回ると、出かけるときには暖かく着込み、もしくは家の中にこもって、ヒーターをつけて暖かくしないといけません。 ですので以下のように言うことができます。 It is freezing cold out there 'you can freeze to death'. 外は凍え死ぬほど、ものすごく寒い。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Numb!

  • My face was falling off with the cold..I was completely NUMB from the cold!

A numb or frozen face/ears nose /fingers / or" other extremities"... like feet! Are all too common during the dark days of winter...Especially in nothern climates where tmperatures acan drop wel lbelow "0" degrees.... My.... is /are falling off! ..." I am completely numb from the cold"
"face(顔)/ears(耳) nose(鼻) /fingers(指) / または" 極端に"feet"(足)が"numb"(マヒする)や"frozen"(凍る)と言います。 特に零度以下になる北の地域などでは、冬の暗い日々にはこれらはとてもよくあることです。 My.... is /are falling off! (私の~がちぎれてしまう!) 【例】 " I am completely numb from the cold" (私は寒さで全くマヒしてしまいそうです)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "It is freezing cold"

  • "It's so cold I can't feel my fingers"

In English, there is a similar saying to this. You could state, "It's so cold I can't feel my fingers". This is very similar, as both the Japanese and English way of saying this refers to a part of the body being numb. This would be the equivalent to explain how cold it is.
英語にはこれと似た表現があります。 "It's so cold I can't feel my fingers"(寒くて指の感覚がない) 日本語でも英語でも体の一部の感覚がなくなることを言っていて、よく似ています。英語ではこの表現に相当すると思います。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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