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2017/12/18 00:18
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  • He is an efficient worker.

  • He's great at his job, he always gets things done.

If someone is an efficient worker, then they are fast and do their job well. They would normally finish all their assigned tasks usually with some time left over. To give a compliment about this person, you could say that they are great at their job because they always get things done, meaning completing all their tasks. He/she is a hard worker.
He is an efficient worker. 彼はとても効率よく仕事をこなします。 He's great at his job, he always gets things done. 彼は仕事ができます。いつもきちんと終わらせます。 もしefficient worker([効率よく](仕事をこなす人)なら、その人はペースが速く、きちんと仕事をする人と言えるでしょう。そのような人は、たいてい[時間に余裕をもって](任された仕事を終えます。 このような人を褒めるには、 They are great at their job because they always get things done. いつもきちんと仕事をこなすので、彼らはすばらしい仕事をする。 もしくは、 He/she is a hard worker. 彼/彼女は、勤勉です。 と言うことができます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • He is a very efficient worker.

  • He is an excellent worker who always does a tremendous job.

The adjective 'efficient' used in the first statement in this context, means a worker who performs his duties in an extremely competent way. The adjective 'excellent' used in the second statement, in this context means an extraordinarily good worker. The adjective 'tremendous', also used in the second statement, means 'excellent' in this case, he always does an excellent job. So, you can see that the adjectives 'excellent' and 'tremendous' are interchangeable. So, you may say: He is a very efficient worker. or He is an excellent worker who always does a tremendous job.
はじめのフレーズに使われている形容詞'efficient' は、かなり[テキパキと業務をする](人のことを意味します。    二つ目のフレーズの中の形容詞 'excellent' は、非常に[素晴らしい](社員という意味になります。また形容詞'tremendous'も、素晴らしいという意味で使われます。  'excellent' と'tremendous' は同じ意味で使うことができます。 ですので以下のように表現することができます。  He is a very efficient worker. 彼は、とても素晴らしい勤勉家です。  He is an excellent worker who always does a tremendous job. 彼は、いつもすばらしい仕事をする勤勉家です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • He makes a concentrated effort at work and so never does overtime

  • He achieves his targets at work during normal working hours so there's no need for him to do overtime

If someone may apply themselves efficiently to their job and complete all the required tasks during usual working hours, then his bosses must be really happy! In that case, there is no requirement for him to ever be asked to do overtime! What would he do? It could also be that he does all his work and then refuses to do any overtime as all the targets have been met?
もし効率よく、頼まれた仕事を時間内にしたなら、ボスはすごく喜ぶでしょう。 この場合、残業をする必要もありません。することがないですもの。もしくは、彼は仕事を全部済ませ、やることはやったので残業を断っているのかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Like a well oiled machine...

  • He is so fast & efficient in his work...he is like a well oiled machine!

Like a well oiled machine...Is an idiom that has been around since the"British industrial Revolution"> a smoothly running system that never let's you down ;-D "He is so fast & efficient in his work...he is like a well oiled machine!"
Like a well oiled machine...イギリスの産業革命からあるイディオムです。あなたを決して失望させることのないスムーズに動くシステムです。 例文 "He is so fast & efficient in his work...he is like a well oiled machine!" 彼は仕事を本当に早く要領よくするので、仕事をテキパキこなしている
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My coworker works efficiently without doing overtime.

  • My colleague is an efficient worker.

When you want to explain that your coworkers are very efficient at their work without working overtime; you can say: -My coworker works efficiently without doing overtime. -My colleague is an efficient worker.
同僚が、残業すること無くとても効率的に仕事をこなすと説明したい時、下記のように言えます。 -My coworker works efficiently without doing overtime. 同僚は、残業すること無く効率的に仕事をします。 -My colleague is an efficient worker. 同僚は、効率良く仕事をする人です。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My colleague works so fast and efficiently that her never does overtime.

  • My co-worker is a very efficient worker

  • He is quick and efficient

Efficiency is the best word to describe quick, precise, correct and a nicely done job. You can say either colleague or co-worker, and you can say "he works with efficiency or he is an efficient worker." You can also express that he works so fast that he never has to do overtime. He is both quick and precise. He is both fast and correct. He does his job very well.
迅速・的確・正確な仕事ぶりは、”efficiency"(効率)という単語で表すのが最適でしょう。 ”Colleague"または”Co-worker"は、どちらとも「同僚」という意味です。例えば、効率良く働く同僚について、”He works with efficiency"または”He is an efficient worker."と表現することが出来ます。 ●He works so fast that he never has to do overtime.(彼は仕事が速いから、残業しなくても良い。) ●He is both quick and precise.(彼の仕事は速くて的確だ。) ●He does his job very well.(彼は仕事が良くできる。)
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • Since he is skilled and works fast he does not have to work overtime.

  • Because he is ultra efficient he doesn't have to work overtime.

The two sentences you see above are great ways to express that a coworker of yours is efficient and works fast. In the first sentence you will see the word skilled. In this sentence the word skilled means that someone has the ability to do something very well. In the second sentence you will see the term ultra efficient, which means someone is exceptionally skilled or talented. I hope these sentences and this explanation help you out!
どちらも、同僚が効率よく早く仕事がこなせることを表す言い方です。 一つ目の文には「skilled」が使われています。「skilled」はここでは、物事をうまくできる人を表します。 二つ目の文では「ultra efficient」が使われています。これはすごく「skilled」または有能な(talented)人を表します。 例文と説明がお役に立てばと思います!
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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