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2017/12/18 17:37
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  • Most hot spring are seperated by gender except for small children, it is very rare you find a mixed sex one/unisex one.

  • Onsen hot spring baths are separated by gender but rarely you'll find baths where men and women bathe together in the same bath.

"Most hot spring is separated by gender except for small children, it is very rare you find a mixed-sex one/unisex one." This explains to the person that most o the time me and woman cannot use the same hot spring at the same time. There is an exception for small children. It also explains that it is very rare and uncommon for men and woman to share the same space. "Hot spring baths are separated by gender but rarely you'll find baths where men and women bathe together in the same bath." This explains to the person that adult male and females cannot use the same hot spring but there are rare exceptions.
"Most hot spring is separated by gender except for small children, it is very rare you find a mixed-sex one/unisex one." (ほとんどの温泉は小さい子供以外は男女別に分かれています。混浴の温泉はとても珍しいです。) ここでは殆ど場合、男女が同時に同じ温泉を利用することはないと説明しています。小さい子供は例外です。男女が同じ温泉スペースを共有することは一般的ではなくとても珍しいと説明しています。 "Hot spring baths are separated by gender but rarely you'll find baths where men and women bathe together in the same bath." (温泉は性別で分けられていて、男女が同じ浴槽を共有することはとても珍しいです。)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • When we talk about public bathing in Japan, we refer to ONSEN. However there is a truly mixed sex baths scenario where men and women are naked in the same area! This is quite rare these is known as KONYOKU.

Normaly, Onsen usually refers to public bathing area, where strangers can get together and bathe with others in a public space, which has been designated as a "same sex" bathing location. Konyoku specifically, is a very rare traditional public bathing area; in which BOTH men AND women may congregate freely and bathe in the same area without restriction.
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Onsen hot springs are usually separated by genders. But there are some springs where both men and women can bathe.

Native speakers will say like this: “Onses hot springs are usually separated by genders. But there are some springs where both men and women can bathe”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: He: Do you want to go to a hot spring this year? She: How are we suppose to do that, the springs are separated by gender? He: Not necessarily. There are some springs where both men and women can bathe.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “Onsen hot springs are usually separated by genders. But there are some springs where both men and women can bathe” (温泉は普通男女で別ですが、一部混浴の所もあります。) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 He: Do you want to go to a hot spring this year? (今年、温泉に行きませんか。) She: How are we suppose to do that, the springs are separated by gender? (どうやってですか。温泉は男女で別ですよね。) He: Not necessarily. There are some springs where both men and women can bathe. (必ずしもそうではありません。混浴できる所もあります。)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • Onsen hot spring centres usually segregate the sexes

  • Mixed gender bathing is a rarity

Explanation: Same sex facilities = facilities for either men or women but not both combined Example sentence: "Mixed gender bathing in hot springs is seldom permitted."
Same sex facilities =男だけ、女だけの施設のこと。混合の施設のことは指しません。 例文: "Mixed gender bathing in hot springs is seldom permitted." 温泉の混浴はほとんど許可されていません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Most baths are segregated, but there are a few that aren't

  • Usually men and women bathe separately, but not always

Segregate means to set people apart from each other, or something apart from the rest. Bathe is the verb of noun bath, and means to immerse one's body in water for the purposes of washing or relaxing.
"Segregate"という言葉は、分ける、隔離するという意味があります。 "bathe"はbathという名詞が動詞になったもので、「体を洗ったりリラックスするために湯の中に入る」、という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Most hot springs (onsen) are seperated by gender, they are rarely unisex

  • Most hot springs (onsen) are male/female only very few are unisex

If you want to say that something is for men/women seperately then you could say they are male or female only or gender seperated Unisex means that both men and women can use something If something is rare it doesn't happen very often so you could also say 'very few'
男女で別れていることを”male or female only"(女性のみ、または、男性のみ)、"gender separated"(男女別々)という風に表記します。 ’Unisex”(ユニセックス)は、男女共有という意味です。 ”Rare"というには「稀」という意味です。”Very few"(殆どない)とも言います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Onsen hot spring baths are usually separated by gender but it is rare that you will find baths where men and women bathe together.

  • Onsen hot spring baths are gendered just like public restrooms. Women and men have separate baths.

When you want to explain that onsen hot springs are divided by gender, then you may say it in the following ways: -Onsen hot spring baths are usually separated by gender but it is rare that you will find baths where men and women bathe together. -Onsen hot spring baths are gendered just like public restrooms. Women and men have separate baths.
温泉が性別によって分けられていることを説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -Onsen hot spring baths are usually separated by gender but it is rare that you will find baths where men and women bathe together. (温泉は普通性別によって分けられていますが、まれに男女混浴もあります。) -Onsen hot spring baths are gendered just like public restrooms. Women and men have separate baths. (温泉は公衆トイレのように性別によって分けられています。男女は別々の風呂に入ります)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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