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2017/12/18 22:41
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  • I don't want to miss my child's first steps.

This is a much simpler way of explaining that you don't want to miss out on the first time your baby walks. We call this action for babies - first steps because they aren't walking properly, just a few steps at a time. "When did your baby take his first steps?"
これは初めて子供が歩くのを見逃したくない、 という時の1番シンプルな言い方です。 英語ではこの子供の初めて歩く様子を“first steps” と言います。 というのも、上手に歩けず、一回に数歩しか歩けないためです。 ”When did your baby take his first steps?” (あなたの赤ちゃんはいつ初めて歩いた?)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I dont want to miss her/his first steps

  • I dont want to miss my child's first steps.

"I don't want to miss my child's first steps." This explains to the person that you do not want to miss seeing your child walk for the first time. You can change the word "Child" to "his" or "son's" if your child is a boy. You can change the word "Child" to "her" or "daughter's" if your child is a girl.
"I don't want to miss my child's first steps." (我が子の最初の一歩をこの目でみたいんです。) このフレーズではあなたが自分の子供が最初に歩く瞬間を見ることを逃したくないことを説明しています。 お子さんが男の子の場合は "Child" (子供)を "his" (彼の)とか "son's"(息子の)という表現に置き換えることができます。 お子さんが女の子の場合は "Child" (子供)を "her" (彼女の)とか "daughter's"(娘の)という表現に置き換えることができます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to miss the moment my child takes her first step.

*I don't want to miss the moment my child takes her first step. - To take a step is to walk. It can also be used as an idiom to mean to take it easy/slowly. Example Sentences: Mary developed quickly she took her first baby step when she was 8 months old. If you want to heal fast you have to take it slowly.
“I don’t want to miss the moment my child takes her first step.” (自分の子供の最初の一歩の瞬間を見逃したくないです。) 一歩を"step"するということは、歩くということです。 落ち着いて、という意味のイディオムとしても使われることがあります。 例文 “Mary developed quickly, she took her first baby step when she was 8 months old.” (メアリーはとても成長が早く、8ヶ月のときに、彼女は最初の一歩を歩きました。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to miss my baby's first steps

The first time a child walks are called their 'first steps'. You could say your 'child', but as children are very young when they first learn to walk, around this age we usually still refer to them as 'babies'. Some mothers may call their children 'their babies' for their entire lives! It is a term of great affection a parent may use for their child, regardless of their age.
初めて赤ちゃんが歩くことを"first steps"といいます。 例文にある"my baby"を"child"に変えて使っても構いませんが、歩き始める月齢はまだ「赤ちゃん」であることがほとんどなので"my baby"でよいでしょう。 時々、母親たちは自分の子供のことを「ベイビー」と呼びづづけたりもします!これは子供への愛情が表れている表現で、子どもの年齢などは関係なく使われます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I just can't miss my child's first step.

  • I can't miss seeing my child walk for the first time.

  • I just have to see my kid's first steps.

The moment when a child walks for the first time is an important event in any parent's life. This can be talked about three different ways in American English. The "first step" is the actual first time child walks. The "first steps" are the first few meters that a child walk succesfully. When a child "walks for the first time", this is when they sucessfully walk for a while, such as across the room.
子どもが始めて歩く瞬間というのは親にとって重要なイベントです。これはアメリカ英語では三つの言い方で表せます。 "first step" というのは、子どもの歩く本当の第一歩のことです。 "first steps" は子どもの歩く最初の数メートルを言います。 "walk for the first time" は例えば部屋の壁から壁までなどしばらく歩くことを言います。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I don't wanna miss the moment when my child takes his first steps.

  • I wanna capture the moment when my child takes his first steps.

I don't wanna miss the moment when my child takes his first steps. 子供が初めて歩いた瞬間を見逃したくない。 I wanna capture the moment when my child takes his first steps. 子供が初めて歩いた瞬間を捉えたい。 瞬間 moment 第一歩、初めての一歩 first steps 見逃す to miss 見逃したくない don't wanna miss 瞬間を捉える capture a moment capture the moment 瞬間を捉えたい wanna capture the moment ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • I want to witness my child's first steps

Explanation: If you witness something it means you see it with your own eyes. Example sentence: "The policeman stated in court that he had witnessed the assault upon the woman by her husband."
解説:あなたが何かの証人 witness となる時、その事象を自分自身の目で見るということを意味します。 例文: "The policeman stated in court that he had witnessed the assault upon the woman by her husband." (その警察官は法廷である女性への夫による傷害事件について目撃証言をしました。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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