We use drawers in furniture to hold our items and put them away. For example, we will have a drawer in a desk, and in this drawer we will hold paper and pencils, as well as other items.
Drawer = one
Drawers = two or more in the same unit.
Example: "Can you get a pair of socks from the top drawer?"
"I left my keys on top of the drawers."
Drawer = 一つの引き出し
Drawers =(二つ以上の引き出しがある)[タンス](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/55002/)
"Can you get a pair of socks from the top drawer?"(一番上の引き出しから靴下出してくれる?)
"I left my keys on top of the drawers."(鍵をタンスの上に置き忘れた)
「引き出し」は英語で「drawer(s)」といいます。「たんす」は英語で「chest of drawers」といいます。
Put the socks in the drawer.
The pens are in the desk drawer.
I trapped my finger in the drawer.
Every home has drawers and you may find them in an office desk, in a bedroom 'chest of drawers' or perhaps you will have a drawers in some of your kitchen units. Drawers are handy for putting things in - such as kitchen utensils, papers, bills, pens and pencils and anything else you wish to keep tidy and quickly available. You can use the phrase 'top drawer' to describe something or someone of a high standard or quality.
"James is a top drawer manager with years of experience in the retail market."
'Top drawer' may also refer to a person's social standing.
どの家庭にも「drawer(引き出し)」があります。事務机だったり、寝室のタンス、キッチンにもあるかもしれません。「drawer」は物を収納するのに便利です。キッチン用具、書類、請求書、ペン、鉛筆、その他あらゆる物を整理整頓するのに使えます。「top drawer」は、水準・品質の高い物、人を表す時に使えます。
"James is a top drawer manager with years of experience in the retail market."
「top drawer」は社会的な地位を表すのにも使われます。
Did you look in the bottom drawer?
Did you look in the top drawer?
Desk storage compartment
This is an acceptable name for the storage space found under a desk
A drawer/A chest of drawers
A chest of drawers is a piece of furniture that contains a series of drawers.
A drawer is the compartment that is slid horizontally from underneath a desk.
“Desk storage compartment”
“a drawer”/ “a chest of drawers”
“a chest of drawers”はたくさんの引き出しが含まれている家具のことです。
“a drawer”は机の下から水平にスライドすることができる格納です。
1. (a) drawer
▸ 引き出しの奥に
in the back of a drawer.
▸ 引き出しを開ける
open [pull open] a drawer.
2. (a) chest of drawers
「a chest of drawers」場合は、「引き出し」でできている「タンス」という意味です。
例えば、次の日本語の例文だと、「a chest of drawers」ではなく、「wardrobe」を使います。
▸ コートを洋服だんすにつるす
hung one's coat in the wardrobe.
なぜなら、「a chest of drawers」は引き出ししかないので、つるすところが
The desk had a secret drawer...tha only I knew about.
This is a compartment made to fit,inside well established piece of furniture...
"A chest of drawers"
Where would we put all of our stuff?....Without drawers there would be chaos!
“a chest of drawers” (引き出しの箱)
A drawer is one compartment that slides in and out of a piece of furniture, for storage. You could have just a single drawer, on a desk for instance, or a chest of drawers which is a piece of furniture made solely of drawers.
'Could you get a knife from the drawer please?'
'The sheets are in the chest of drawers in the bedroom'
'I need some new storage solutions. Perhaps a cupboard and some drawers'
Something of high quality is sometimes described as 'top drawer'
A single woman's 'bottom drawer' would have been where she would store her household linens prior to marriage, although this term is a little quaint these days.
'drawer'(引き出し)が一つしかついていないもの(例えば、机など)もあれば、'chest of drawers'(たんす)のように、複数の'drawers'(引き出し)によってできたものもあります。
'Could you get a knife from the drawer please?'
'The sheets are in the chest of drawers in the bedroom'
'I need some new storage solutions. Perhaps a cupboard and some drawers'
また、質の高いものを'top drawer'と表すことがあります。
'bottom drawer'とは、独身女性が将来の結婚に備えて衣類など入れておく一番下の引き出しをいいます。これは少し古めかしい表現です。
That dresser has a lot of drawers.
There should be some scissors in the 3rd drawer from the top.
The wallet that I always put in my desk drawer isn't there.
EX) I keep all of my forks and knives in that drawer.
We call a horizontal, box-shaped storage container that can move in and out a 'drawer.' It is pronounced like: 'DRR-ORR'. In my experience, many English learners have trouble with this word. So, practice pronouncing it alot!
This is a drawer. Singular. From kitchens to garages to work desks, it can be found everywhere.
A singular drawer is not to be mistaken for 'a chest of drawers'. This is found in a bedroom, for clothes or small items.
これは"Singular drawer"(引き出し)です。
"singular drawer"は 'chest of drawers'と間違ってはいけません。
「タンスの引き出し」は「cabinet drawer」や「chest drawer」で表現できます。
→「There were various documents in the drawer」
→「Put a book inside the drawer」