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カニが好き?と聞かれて、嫌いではないけど、それほど好きでもないときに、、、 カニおいしいよね。でも、エビのほうが好き。 カニもいいけど、どっちかって言うとエビが好きなんだ。 のように言いたいです。
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2017/12/21 23:23
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  • I like shrimp more.

  • I prefer shrimp.

Using "more" after the phrase "I like (something)" means that the person speaking enjoys this thing more than whatever else was mentioned. e.g. Aさん:Do you like crab? Bさん:Crab is okay but I like shrimp more. Saying "I prefer shrimp" almost the exact same meaning. The word "prefer" refers to that person's personal preference. e.g. Aさん:I always like to jog when I need to exercise. Bさん:I prefer riding my bicycle. Jogging hurts my knees.
"I like (物)"というフレーズの後に "more"を使うと、話している人がすでに述べたものよりもそのことをより楽しむという意味になります。 【例文】 Aさん:Do you like crab?(カニは好き?) Bさん:Crab is okay but I like shrimp more.(カニはまぁまぁだけど、エビはもっと好き) "I prefer shrimp"というのは、ほとんど同じ意味です。"prefer"という単語はその人の個人的な好みを指しています。 【例文】 Aさん:I always like to jog when I need to exercise.(運動しなきゃいけないときはいつも走ることが好きです) Bさん:I prefer riding my bicycle. Jogging hurts my knees.(私は自転車に乗る方が好きです。ジョギングは膝が痛いので)
Scott F DMM英語講師
  • All seafood is good, but my favorite is Shrimp!

  • Shrimp is my preferred seafood!

"All seafood is good, but my favorite is shrimp!" Here you acknowledge that seafood is good, and you might like it all, but by adding the word "Favorite" you are saying that shrimp is the type of seafood you like the most! You could also say, "Shrimp is my preferred seafood." "Preferred" if you have a choice, you would pick shrimp. You could also say.... " Shrimp is my favorite." "I like to eat shrimp." "Crab is good, but shrimps is better!"
"All seafood is good, but my favorite is shrimp!" (魚介類は何でも好きだよ、でも一番はエビかな!) ここでは魚介類、それもおそらく全て好きだということは認めつつも"favorite"(お気に入り)という言葉を加えることでエビが最も好きだということを表しています。 また、このように言うことができます。 "Shrimp is my preferred seafood." (エビが私の好きな魚介類です。) "preferred" もし選ぶならエビかなという意味です。 他にも、このように言うことができます。 ”Shrimp is my favorite."(エビは私のお気に入りです。) ”I like to eat shrimp.”(エビを食べるのが好きです。) "Crab is good, but shrimps is better!" (カニもいいけど、エビの方がいい!)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I eat crab, but it is not my favorite. I prefer shrimp.

  • I prefer shrimp over crab.

"I eat crab, but it is not my favorite. I prefer shrimp." - Showing you still eat crab but it is not your first choice. "I prefer shrimp over crab. " - This shows shrimp would be your preference.
"I eat crab, but it is not my favorite. I prefer shrimp." (カニも食べますが一番好きな物ではありません。エビの方が好きです。) これはカニも食べるけれども第一の選択肢ではないという意味です。 "I prefer shrimp over crab." (カニよりエビの方が好きです。) これはエビが好みだという意味です。
Kirst English teacher
  • Crab is okay but I prefer shrimp.

  • I like shrimp more.

"Crab is okay but I prefer shrimp." This explains to the person that you don't mind eating crab but you like shrimp more. "I like shrimp more." This explains to the person that you like shrimp more than you like crab.
"Crab is okay but I prefer shrimp." (カニもいいけどエビの方が好きです) この表現はカニを食べる事について抵抗はないけれどもエビの方が好きだという意味です。 "I like shrimp more." (エビの方が好きです) この表現は二つを比べてエビの方が好きだということを表します。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I like crab but I prefer shrimp.

  • I enjoy eating shrimp more than crab.

1. I like crab but I prefer shrimp. To prefer something means that you like it more than you like something else or other things. This sentence means that you like shrimp more than you like crab. 2. I enjoy eating shrimp more than crab. This sentence means that eating shrimp gives you more pleasure than eating crab.
1. I like crab but I prefer shrimp. prefer とは、それが他のものよりも好きであることを意味します。 この文では、あなたがカニよりもエビのほうが好きであることを意味します。 2. I enjoy eating shrimp more than crab. この文はエビを食べることのほうがカニを食べることよりも喜びを感じるという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer Shrimp!

  • I don't mind eating crab, but I prefer shrimp any day!

All food chocies are based on our taste "Preferences" The tast and texture! Consequently we all like or "prefer" different dishes..some are "more to our liking" In case: " I don't mind eating crab, but I prefer shrimp any day of the week!
全ての食事の選択は "Preferences" (好み)、味や食感が基本となっています。 従ってみんなが好きなもの、あるいは"prefer"(好む)食事が異なります。あるものは "more to our liking"(より好きなものです)。 例文: " I don't mind eating crab, but I prefer shrimp any day of the week!” (蟹は嫌いではないですが、エビの方がいつでも好きです。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I don't mind eating crab but I prefer shrimp more.

*I don't mind eating crab but I prefer shrimp more. "If you don't mind doing something it means you don't have a problem doing it. In this sentence it means that you do eat crabs but if you are give a crab and a shrimp you will choose a shrimp.
I don't mind eating crab but I prefer shrimp more. カニを食べるのもいいけど、エビのほうが好きです。 don't mind doing は「〜してもいい、〜することに対して問題ではない」という意味です。 この文は、カニを食べることもできるけれど、カニとエビを両方チョイスがあればエビを選ぶだろうということを意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "Crab is good, but shrimp is better"

  • "I prefer shrimp to Crab personally. Crab is okay but I dont like it as much as shrimp"

If you were asked if you like the food Crab, and you want to say that Crab is okay but you do not love it, and prefer shrimp, you could say either of the following: "Crab is good, but shrimp is better" or "I prefer shrimp to Crab personally. Crab is okay but I don't like it as much as shrimp".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I eat crab but I prefer shrimp.

  • I don't mind eating crab but I would rather have shrimp.

Prefer; To like one thing better than another. Would rather; Choose to eat one thing rather than the other. You could use either of the above two statements when expressing what you would rather have.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • I don't mind crab but I prefer shrimp more.

  • I think shrimp tastes better than crab but I don't mind eating it.

  • I like crab but I love shrimp.

To politely say you like something more than something else you can first compliment the think you don't prefer before stating you like the other thing more by saying it like this "I like crab but I love shrimp."
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I do like crab, however I like shrimp a whole lot more.

  • I do like crab, but I do not LOVE it, I would much rather eat shrimp.

if you would like to tell someone that you do not love crab but do not mind it however you like shrimp more, you can say something like "I do like crab, however I like shrimp a whole lot more." or "I do like crab, but I do not LOVE it, I would much rather eat shrimp.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Crab is good, but shrimp is better.

  • I like shrimp more than crab.

  • I prefer shrimp more than crab.

These are three different ways to express that you like crab but you think that shrimp tastes better. The first one is the only one that directly says that crab is still good, but this can still be understood without saying it directly. In the second two examples, we can use the verbs, "I like ... more than ..." or, "I prefer ... more than ..." to express that we like/prefer one thing over another.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy most types of seafood but my favourite would have to be shrimp

We all have different preferences when it comes to food. Some people don't like any seafood, while others love it. We can say that we don't love one thing but we really love something else. Also, it is possible to say that we prefer one thing to another thing.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • to prefer

  • I prefer shrimp.

  • _____ is okay, but I prefer shrimp.

To prefer something means to like something better than another. Usually, English speakers say that they 'prefer ___1__ over _2__.' This means to like 1 more than 2. To say that you prefer shrimp, you can simply say "I prefer shrimp." or "I prefers shrimp over ____."
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
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