世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/23 19:40
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  • fast

  • quick

When something is happening fast it is happening at a pace that is higher than normal. We do things quickly so that they get done at a rate higher than normal. When something is above normal in speed, it is quick and fast.
something is happening fastというのは、何かが通常よりも早いペースで起こっているという意味です。普通よりも速い速度で終わるように物事を急いでやることです。普通よりも早いスピードである場合、quick and fastと言います。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • fast

  • quick

  • speedy

早いは英語で fast, quick や speedy と言います。 例) 仕事が早い You work fast You work quickly You work speedily 早いね Wow! You're fast. Wow! You're quick Wow! You're speedy ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Efficient

When we are talking about someone being good/fast at completing their work, we would describe them as an efficient worker. This means they are well-organised and can complete tasks in good time and well.
仕事をこなすのが上手い・早いというときは、その人のことを"efficient worker"(有能な働き手)と言います。これは有能で短い時間で質の高い仕事ができるという意味です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • fast

  • efficient

The opposite of slow is fast. However in this case, the appropriate word to use will be efficient. If someone is efficient at work it means that they do their work thoroughly without wasting time and money. Example sentence: "She is a very efficient worker."
"slow"(遅い)の反対は"fast"(早い)です。しかしこの場合、適した単語は"efficient"(効率がよい)でしょう。誰かが仕事において"efficient"というのは「時間やお金を無駄にせずに完璧に仕事をこなす」という意味があります。 "She is a very efficient worker." (彼女は非常に効率のよい働き手だ。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Speedy...Fast: Quick

  • He is a really speedy worker, most of us cannot keep up...

Speedy conjures up the right images in the mind...Fast Quick Swift etc...Hoever speedy has a little more Zing! "He is a really speedy worker, most of us cannot keep up..."
「speedy」はピッタリのイメージです...「Fast」「Quick」「Swift」などもあります...ただ「speedy」にはよりスピード感があります。 "He is a really speedy worker, most of us cannot keep up..." (彼はものすごく仕事が早い、誰も付いていけない...)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Fast

  • Quick

  • Efficient

The opposite of slow is 'fast' or 'quick' so if someone is doing something 'fast' or 'quick' then they are doing it at a speed more than normal For this 'efficient' would be a better word you would say 'they are very efficient at their work/job' meaning they do it quickly and well
slow'の反意語は、'fast'又は'quick'です。'fast'又は'quick'は、普通よりも速いスピードで物事をこなすことを表します。 この場合は、'efficient'を使ったほうがいいと思います。 例えば: 'They are very efficient at their work/job' 〔訳〕彼らは仕事をとても効率よくこなす(仕事を早くきちんとこなすことを表します)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • quickly

  • fast

  • efficient

「早い」は英語で「fast」や「quick」といいます。「効率的」と言いたい場合、「efficient」という言い方を使えます。 You work so quickly! You work so efficiently! (あなたは仕事が早いね!) ※副詞の場合、quicklyやefficientlyになります。 He eats really quickly. (彼は食べるのがとても早い。) Don’t drink your beer so fast.  You’ll get drunk! (ビールをそんなに早く飲まないで。酔っぱらっちゃうよ。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • Quick

  • Fast

早いはquickとfastといいます。 彼が早い He is fast He is quick 時間の流れが早いですね Time goes so quickly Time goes so fast 足が早いからあなたとレースしたくない You can run fast so I dont want to race with you
  • He/she is an efficient worker

  • Quick/Speedy

  • He/she is a quick worker

Efficient in this case doesn't just mean speed, but also the level of quality at which the worker operates. But, if we just want to express that someone is a fast worker, we can say -he is fast/she is fast -he is quick/she is quick -he/she is a quick worker -they will get the job done quickly I hope this helps, thanks for reading! Teacher Lewis
Lewis M English teacher
  • Fast

  • Quick

ご質問ありがとうございます。 早いは英語で fast や quick と言います。 例文:He is really fast at doing his work. 仕事をやるのが早い 例文:He is really quick at finishing his work 仕事を終わらせるのが早い その他の表現: 例文:He's so efficient! 彼はすごく効率がいい。 「efficient」は効率的、つまり早いと言う意味になります。 例文:I would definitely recommend him, he gets the job done quickly. 彼は絶対お勧め!仕事がすごく早い。 「gets the job done quickly」は仕事を早いと言う意味ですが、直訳は仕事を終わらせるのが早いとなります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • quick (adj)

  • fast (adj)

  • EX) He works really fast!

Some common antonyms (words that have an opposite meaning) of 'slow' are 'fast' and 'quick.' You can use them in the same way in a sentence such as: 'He is very fast at his work.' 'He is very quick at his work.'
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Fast

  • Efficient

The opposite of slow is fast. However, when referring to work a better choice of word would be efficient. Someone who is efficient at works, get the job done correctly and is well organised.
’slow’ の反対は ”fast” ですが、仕事のスピードについて話す時は “efficient” を使います。Someone who is efficient at works=仕事を的確に早くこなし、理路整然とした人のこと
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Productive

  • Efficient

  • Fast

When someone is productive at what they do, this means that they achieve a significant amount of work done. They could be productive in getting a lot of paperwork done or even producing goods or services. Efficient is also another word describing a person who is quick at getting work done and wasting no time while doing so. Fast is an antonym for 'slow' Example: Paul is a productive employee. Sarah works efficiently. Yusuke is a fast worker.
誰がやっている事がProductive (生産的)であれば、とても多くの仕事を終わらせる事が出来ます。作業の量を多くこなしたり、商品やサービスの提供を沢山できる場合もあります。 また Efficient も仕事が早く、無駄の無い人の事を表す単語です。 Fast(早い) は 'slow'(遅い)の反対語です。 例文 Paul is a productive employee. (ポールは生産的な従業員だ) Sarah works efficiently. (サラは効率的に働く) Yusuke is a fast worker. (ユウスケは早い従業員だ)
Lenae DMM英会話講師
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