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2017/12/25 20:26
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  • Kanagawa is south of Tokyo.

  • Kanagawa is not far from Tokyo.

If you know which direction the prefecture is in, then you can say, it is north/south/east/west of Tokyo. If you are unsure of location or distance, but know it is not far. They you can say it is not far from Tokyo or it's next to Tokyo.
その県がどの方角にあるか分かる場合は、it is north/south/east/west of Tokyo(東京の北、南、東、西)と言えます。位置や距離が分からないけれど遠くないことが分かっている場合は、it is not far from Tokyo (東京から遠くない)あるいはit's next to Tokyo(東京の隣)と言えます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Kanagwa is next to Tokyo.

  • Kanagwa is south of Tokyo.

Words are used before a noun to give additional meaning are called a noun. For example: Stranger: Excuse me, could you please tell me where Kanagawa is. You: Kanagwa is next to Tokyo.
名詞の前に使って意味を追加する単語は名詞と呼ばれます。 【例文】 知らない人: Excuse me, could you plase tell me where Kanagawa is.(すみません、神奈川がどこか教えていただけますか?) あなた: Kanagwa is next to Tokyo.(神奈川は東京の隣です)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Kanagawa is a relatively small prefecture located at the South western corner of the Kanto Plain.

  • Kanagawa is part of the Greater Tokyo Area.

  • Kanagawa is home to Kamakura and Hakone.

"Kanagawa is a relatively small prefecture located at the Southeastern corner of the Kanto Plain." " " Kanagawa is part of the Greater Tokyo Area. " " Kanagawa is home to Kamakura and Hakone. " Nineteen cities are located in Kanagawa Prefecture. Yokohama is the capital city of Kanagawa. In 1945 Kanawaga was the last most popular prefecture in Japan with a population of 1.9 million. Years after the war, the prefecture underwent rapid urbanization as a part of Greater Tokyo Area. In 2006 Kanagawa became the second most populous prefecture. On September 1, 2014, Kanagawa has estimated population of 9.1 million.
例: Kanagawa is a relatively small prefecture located at the Southwestern corner of the Kanto Plain. 神奈川県は、比較的小さく関東地方の南西端に位置します。 Kanagawa is part of the Greater Tokyo Area. 神奈川県は、首都圏の一部です。 Kanagawa is home to Kamakura and Hakone. 神奈川県には、鎌倉と箱根があります。 神奈川県には、19の市があります。横浜市が県庁所在地です。1945年、神奈川県は日本で一番人気のある県で人口が190万人でした。戦後、首都圏として急速に都市化しました。2006年、神奈川県は2番目に人気のある県になりました。2014年9月1日には、人口が910万人と推定されました。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Kanagawa is south of Tokyo

To say that a place is 'south of' or 'north of' somewhere else, is to say that it follows in that direction. So as Kawagana is towards the south compared to Tokyo, we would say it was south of Tokyo.
a place is south of~、またはnorth of~とは、方角を指します。神奈川県は、東京と比べて南の方向にあるので、south of Tokyoと言います。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Kanagawa is a coastal prefecture just south of Tokyo

"Just" means "a little" in this context. To give a bearing of one place in relation to another, you can use the points of the compass: north, south, east, west - or may be even more accurate: northwest, southeast etc.
justとは、ここでは少しという意味です。 場所の方角を示す場合には、羅針盤の方位が使えます: north(北) south(南) east(東) west(西) または、より正確に: northwest(北西) southeast(南東) など。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Kanagawa is right next to Tokyo

  • Kanagawa is just south of Tokyo

When describing where place is, you need to give as much details as possible. For this purpose, a general location such as "next to" or" to the south of" is fine. you are describing the relationship of one noun to another.
場所がどこにあるか説明するとき、できるだけたくさん詳細を伝える必要があります。"next to" (~のとなり)や" to the south of"(~の南に)という表現で大丈夫です。 ある名詞と別のものの関係性を表現しています。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • Kanagawa is south of Tokyo city.

  • Next to Tokyo on the south is Kanagawa.

  • Near Tokyo on the south is Kanagawa.

Kanagawa is geographically located south of Tokyo city. Right next to Tokyo city on the south is Kanagawa. Near Tokyo city on the south is Kanagawa.
例: Kanagawa is geographically located south of Tokyo city. 神奈川県は、地理的に東京都の南に位置します。 Right next to Tokyo city on the south is Kanagawa. 神奈川県は、東京都の南隣に位置します。 Near Tokyo city on the south is Kanagawa. 神奈川県は東京都の南の、近い所にあります。
Esmeralda DMM英会話講師
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