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2017/12/26 23:49
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  • greeting card

  • new year's greeting card

Greeting cards in general are square thick paper, usually small and folded in half, that we send as a way to give someone a short message. They are usually decorated on the front with a message, picture or theme. They are used to greet people for holidays, such as Christmas, New Years, or other occasions like weddings or funerals.
一般的に“Greeting card”は、 四角い厚みのある紙で大抵小さく半分に折り曲がっていて、短いメッセージを添えて人に送ります。 人々は大抵前にメッセージや絵、テーマで装飾します。 クリスマスやお正月のような休暇から、また結婚式やお葬式などの儀式で人々に挨拶するために使われています。 <ボキャブラリー> greeting card = グリーティングカード new year's greeting card = 年賀状(新年のグリーティングカード) 例: Are you going to send new year's greeting cards this year? 今年は年賀状は送りますか?
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • New years wish postcard

  • New year greeting card

  • New year message card

"New years wish postcard" "New year greeting card" "New year message card" New years is a very special holiday in Japan. It is probably the biggest item on the calendar of annual events. These cards are delivered on the 1st of January annually. These cards have five unique features -Duty - even though they dislike the person it is their social duty to send a card. Design - the zodiac of the new years is a common design used. Set phrases of politeness are used in the wording of the cards. Lottery - the numbers printed on the back of the cards are used to play the lottery as these are lucky numbers. Restrictions - there are restriction about who gets these cards if a family member died Japanese are not supposed to send that family a card wishing them well for the new year.
3つの例文は、年賀状という意味です。 日本では、お正月は特別な休暇です。おそらく、1年で最大のイベントでしょう。年賀状は、1月1日に毎年配達されます。年賀状には、5つの独特な特徴があります。 Duty(義務)-相手が嫌いな人でも社会的義務として年賀状を送ります。 Design(デザイン)-新年の干支がデザインで使われます。 Set Phrases(成句)-年賀状に書く言葉として丁寧な決まり文句が使われます。 Lottery(お年玉)-年賀状には番号が印刷されていて、当選番号として宝くじのために使います。 Restrictions(制限)-誰が年賀状を受け取れるかには制限があります。家族で誰か亡くなった人がいれば、日本人はその家族には年賀状を送りません。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • New Years greeting card

  • Well wishing cards for the new Year

  • New Years post cards.

All of these can be used to explain "Nengajo" the Japanese custom of sending greeting cards out for the New year to friends, family and colleagues.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • A new years greeting card.

  • A happy new year card.

If you would like to know the English term for "nengajo", we call these "A new years greeting card." or "A happy new year card.". These are cards that people normally send out around Christmas or new years to wish you a prosperous and great year ahead.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • New Year's postcards

Nengajo are delivered on New Year's Day and they are written not on folded cards but on postcards. New Year's is a very special holiday in Japan - it's probably the biggest item on the calendar of annual events
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • New Year's Card

A card sending family or friends well wishes for the New Year is known as a 'New Year's Card'. "I just received a New Year's Card!"
家族、または友達に善意で送る新年の葉書は、New Year's Cardとして知られてます。 例: I just received a New Year's Card! ちょうど年賀状を受け取りました!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • New Year's greeting cards

  • New Year's postcards

Nengajo is the Japanese name for New Year's cards that are specifically popular during the New Year as they are usually given to family members and friends.You can call then " Nengajo" but you would have to explain the significance of these cards.Although they may be considered similar to Western Christmas,it is useful to explain that the messages found on these cards differs according to who you send them to.
日本語で言う年賀状は、New Year's cardsで、特に新年の間に家族や友達に送るのが一般的です。 Nengajoと言えますが、年賀状の意味を説明する必要があるでしょう。 西洋のクリスマスに似てると思われるかもしれませんが、年賀状に書くメッセージは誰に送るかによって違うことを説明するのが役立ちます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • New Years greeting card

You would call it a New Years greeting card. It would be explained as a card sent out to friends and family to wish them well for the New Year. In the UK we don not tend to send out cards specifically for New Year but often Christmas cards will say Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
それらは"New Years greeting card"と呼ぶことが出来ます。 これは友達や家族に新年の幸福を祈るカードを送るという事を説明しています。 イギリスでは、新年にカードは特に送りませんが、 クリスマスには "Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year" (クリスマスと新年のお喜びを申し上げます)と書いてカードを送ります。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • New Year’s card

こんにちは。 ご質問いただきありがとうございます。 年賀状は新年に送るカードなので、「New Year’s card」や「New Year's greeting card」といいます。 (例文) I wrote New Year’s card 「私は年賀状を書いた」 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • New Year's day card

  • New Year's card

  • New Year card

A New Year's card or New Year card is a greeting card that is sent or given to someone; typically a friend, family member, or co-worker, for this particular holiday. Although this holiday is not as popular as the Chinese New Year holiday in the United States, this day is still widely celebrated and one which makes the top five list for popular holidays in the States.
lindzee DMM英会話講師
  • New Year's card.

  • New Year's greeting card.

New Year's greeting cards are sent out around the New Year's period. Some of them already have a message in them and others do not, they are used to wish friends, family and colleagues well. You can write your own message in them to personalize it to the person you are giving the card to.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • New Year's card

1) New Year's card card は「カード」という意味の名詞です。 New Year は「新年」という意味です。 なので、New Year's card と言うと「新年のカード」、つまり「年賀状」を表すことができます。   他には例えば Christmas card と言えば「クリスマスカード」になります。 例: I will send you a New Year's card. 年賀状を送りますね。
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