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2015/12/25 14:36
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  • Can you please give me your address so that I can send you a New Year's card?

  • Happy New Year!

英語では「年賀状を送りたいので住所を教えてくれませんか?」に相当する文章は「Can you please give me your address so that I can send you a New Year's card?」 年賀状:New Year's card 「どうぞよろしくお願いします。」とは日本文化の決まっているフレーズなので、直訳できません。けれども、年賀状の場合にはこれを書けば良い。 Happy New Year! (明けましておめでとうございます!) I would like to wish you a Happy New Year. (良いお年を!) I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year full of happiness, luck, and success. (この新年には喜び、幸運、成功に溢れるのを祈っています)
  • Can you tell me your address?

これは会話でのテクニックですが 「年賀状を送りたい」と言いたいけど「年賀状」が出てこなければ 言わなければいいんです。 もし「年賀状」という言葉にこだわってしまって、 何も言えなくなってしまったらもったいなさ過ぎますからね。 もし「なんで?」と聞かれたら I want to send you something. とか I want to send you a letter. などと言えばいいのではないでしょうかね。 ちゃんとした答えはLilyさんが既にしてくれていますので ちょっと違う側面からお答えしてみました。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • 1.Could you let me have your address please? I may want to send you something.

  • 2 .I've got something to send you for New Year. May I have your address?

1. Could you let me have...? This construction may be used when you want someone to give you something, or are buying something. "Could you let me have a kilo of apples please?" 2. "May I have...?" This is similar to 'Could you let me have." Generally,using first person 'I' May is more polite than 'Could".
1. Could you let me have...? この文保yは、相手に何かをおねだりするときに使います。 "Could you let me have a kilo of apples please?" アップル1キロくださいな。 2. "May I have...?" は'Could you let me have."とかなり似ています。 一般的にIを使う時は、CouldよりMayの方が丁寧です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) What's your address ?

  • B) Please forward me your address i would like to do something special.

  • C) I would like to send you something on new years you mind giving me your address?

A) What's your address ? *Address -the particulars of the place where someone lives Example -"they exchanged addresses and agreed to keep in touch" B) Please forward me your address i would like to do something special. *Forward - Send /pass on "Please forward me that email" C) I would like to send you something on new years you mind giving me your address? - A straight forward way of asking with a short description as to why you want the address without giving the surprise away. I hope this helps :-)
A) What's your address ? *Address -the particulars of the place where someone lives Example -"they exchanged addresses and agreed to keep in touch" 「貴方の住所は何ですか?」 例文:「彼らは住所交換して、連絡を取り合うことに同意した。」 B) Please forward me your address i would like to do something special. *Forward - Send /pass on "Please forward me that email" 「貴方の住所を送ってください。何か特別なことをしたいので。」 Forward=送る、転送する。 例文:「そのメールを転送して下さい。」 C) I would like to send you something on new years you mind giving me your address? - A straight forward way of asking with a short description as to why you want the address without giving the surprise away. 「元旦に何か送りたいので、住所を教えてもらえますか?」「何か」は言わずに(サプライズが何かを明かさずに)相手の住所を聞く単刀直入な言い回しです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • May I have your residential address?

  • Could you send me your postal address ?

  • I would like to send you something,could you forward me you address?

"May I have your residential address?" A residential address is the address where someone lives. Could you send me your postal address ? This is address where things are commonly posted.Some people prefer to have a separate address to where they live in case they frequently change their place of residence. I would like to send you something,could you forward me you address? This is also an acceptable way to request someone's address.If they ask what it is you are sending you could then say " It's a surprise".
"May I have your residential address?" A residential address is the address where someone lives. 「あなたの住所を教えてもらえますか?」 Residential address=居住地住所。 Could you send me your postal address ? This is address where things are commonly posted.Some people prefer to have a separate address to where they live in case they frequently change their place of residence. 「郵便の宛先を送ってくれますか?」 Postal address=郵便の宛先。通常、郵便が配達される住所です。引っ越しが多い人など、住所変更をよくする人には便利です。 I would like to send you something,could you forward me you address? This is also an acceptable way to request someone's address.If they ask what it is you are sending you could then say " It's a surprise". 「何か送りたいので、あなたの住所を送ってもらえますか?」もし何を送るのかを聞かれたら、It's a surprise(サプライズです)とも言えます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to send you a card. what's your address?

  • What's your postal address?

example "I want to post you something, what's your address?" or "Where do I send a card for you?" or "What's your address?"
"I want to post you something, what's your address?" 送りたいものがあります。住所は何ですか?  "Where do I send a card for you?"  どこにはがきを送ったらいいですか? "What's your address?" 住所は何ですか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • May I please have your postal address.

  • Which address should I send the New Year's card to?

*May I please have your postal address.- There are different kinds of addresses like residential address, postal address, company address. If you want to send a parcel/mail you may use any address that receives mail/parcel. Residential address or Company address is a physical address. Postal address in some countries is called mailing address. For some houses the residential address is the same as the postal address and for others it's not. A:Which address should I send the New Year's card to? B:You can use my home address. Thank you.
例文 *May I please have your postal address. 住所を教えて頂けませんか? 居住地住所、郵便を送る住所、会社の住所のように住所の種類は様々です。小包や郵便を送りたいのであれば、郵便/小包を受け取れる住所であればどの住所でも使うことが出来ます。居住地住所、会社の住所は実態のある住所です。 郵便を送る住所は、国によってはmailing addressと呼ばれます。居住地住所と郵便を送る住所が同じ家もあればそうでない家もあります。 例文 A:Which address should I send the New Year's card to? 年賀状をどの住所に送れば良い? B:You can use my home address. Thank you. 家の住所に送って下さい。ありがとう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "Can I have your address please? I would like to send you a New Year's card?"

  • "I'd like to send you a New Year's card, whats your address?"

If you wanted to ask someone their address so you can send them a New Year's card, you could ask either of the following to express this: "Can I have your address please? I would like to send you a New Year's card?" or "I'd like to send you a New Year's card, what's your address?".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • What's your address? I want to send you a card for New Year's.

Examples: What is your address again? I'm going to send you are New Year's greeting card! I would like to send you a New Year's greeting card, could I have your address please? Hey! I'm going to send you a New Year's greeting card, what's your postal address?
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Hey there, can you send me your address please? I want to mail a New Year's card to you.

  • Can you tell me your address so I can mail a New Year's card to you please?

If you would like to ask someone for their address so you can mail a New Year's card to them, you can say something like "Hey there, can you send me your address please? I want to mail a New Year's card to you." or "Can you tell me your address so I can mail a New Year's card to you please?".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to send you a New Year's card, could you please give me your address?

  • May I please have your address, so I can send you a New Year's card?

  • Would you mind giving me your address so I can send you a New Year's card?

There are several ways of asking for a person's address. To ask 'Can I have your address in order for me to be able to send you a New Year's card?' is also acceptable as is 'I am sending you a New Year's card but I need your address if you don't mind.' Starting with 'May..' is asking for permission hence slightly more polite. Starting with 'Can..' sounds slightly more demanding and slightly less polite,
Mirek DMM英会話講師
  • What is your address?

  • Can you tell me your address?

  • I want to send you something! What is your address?

Here are three different phrases that we can use to ask someone for their address. Notice that all three of them are very similar with the second example using the phrase, "can you tell me..," to ask someone more for permission for this kind of information.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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