This is a tricky one! With terms that are very traditional or cultural, I think an explanation is usually better than trying to pick just one word. A good explanation would be, "Shochu is a traditional Japanese distilled spirit.
In the US, most traditional Japanese distilled spirits are just referred to as Sake! That may not be technically correct, but it's a little quicker if you're in a hurry, and nearly everyone knows what Sake is. :)
Have a great day!! :D
・Distilled Spirits
Shochu is a traditional Japanese distilled spirit.
In the UK we describe these types of alcohol as "spirits". They are usually higher in alcohol content and have been made using the distillation process.
Sake is an example of a high alcohol content spirit.
Strong Japanese alcohol made from rice, barley, orr sweet potatos
Japanese rice liquor
When explaining how Japanese shochu is, try saying these:
1) Japanese shochu is like Japanese sake, but shochu is stronger. It is made from rice, barley, or sweet potatoes.
2)Shochu is a type of strong Japanese alcoholic drink. It is served either hot or cold and usually made from rice, barley, or sweet potatos.
"Japanese shochu"(焼酎)を説明する時は次のように言ってみましょう。
1) Japanese shochu is like Japanese sake, but shochu is stronger. It is made from rice, barley, or sweet potatoes.
2)Shochu is a type of strong Japanese alcoholic drink. It is served either hot or cold and usually made from rice, barley, or sweet potatos.
焼酎は英語でも shochu というような気がしますが、万が一それで伝わらなければ Japanese vodka (日本のウオッカ)と言えばイメージが伝わると思います。
potato shochu
shochu with water
shochu with green tea
A generic name seems to be sake. It's not really a wine as it's usually too strong, but could possible be called a (very) fortified wine. It's a short drink so may also be called a 'shot.' Shots are often drunk with beer alongside.
A "Fancy a sake shot?"
B "OK, why not!"
一般名は"sake"であるようです。強すぎるためワインではありませんが、(超)酒精強化ワインと言えるかもしれません。ショートドリンク(小さいグラスに入れた強い酒 )であるため"shot"(ショット)とも呼ばれるかもしれません。ショットは多くの場合ビールと一緒に飲まれます。
A "酒ショットはどう?"
B "OK、いいね!"
Japanese shochu is quite potent and one can get drunk pretty fast!
This Clear distilled liquour is ubiquitous in Japanese culture...made from many different sources...Various grains and vegetables can be found providing varieties:
"Japanese shochu is quite potent and one can get drunk pretty fast!"
Clear distilled liquour(焼酎)は、穀物や野菜などさまざまなものを原料とし、日本の文化に遍在しています。
"Japanese shochu is quite potent and one can get drunk pretty fast!"
All of these phrases and this one word can be said to describe Japanese shochu which is an alcoholic beverage that is originated in Japan and enjoyed throughput the rest of the world. :-)
Japanese shochu is hard liquor (spirits) made from grains and vegetables.
To explain, you can say that it is similar to vodka and then describe what makes it different from vodka - in terms of taste.
"Distilled beverage"
"Shochu's" origins started in Kyushu and is made all over Japan. "Shochu" is a Japanese distilled beverage less than 45% alcohol by volume. It is distilled with products like rice, barley, sweet potatoes, buckwheat or brown sugar. Sometimes it is produced using other ingredients such as chestnut, sesame seeds, potatoes or even carrots.