世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




英語の勉強時に、共通のマテリアルを見ている状況 単語の意味わかる?と質問されたときに 「日本語で書いてあるから」(多分先生側は英語だけ) と言いたいのですが、教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。
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2018/01/03 17:20
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  • I understand it because it is written in Japanese on my material.

  • My material is written in Japanese so I cant understand it.

"I understand it because it is written in Japanese on my material." This explains to the teacher that you understand the work because it is written in Japanese on your material. "My material is written in Japanese so I can understand it." This is another way of explaining that your material has the Japanese translation so you can understand it.
"I understand it because it is written in Japanese on my material." (私の教材には日本語で書いてあるのでわかります) これは、あなたの教材には日本語でも書いているので理解できることを先生に説明しています。 "My material is written in Japanese so I can understand it." (私の教材には日本語で書いているので理解できます) これも、もう一つの表現であなたの教材には日本語の訳がついているので理解できることを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I understand what it says because my material is also written in Japanese.

I understand what it says because my material is also written in Japanese. 「私の教材は日本語での記載もあるのでなんと書いてあるかわかります。」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • I understand because the word is also translated in my language on my material.

*I understand because the word is also translated in my language on my material.- Translated means that the word is written in your language. This is very helpful when you learning a new language. You can also watch English movies with Japanese subtitles to help you learn English.
*I understand because the word is also translated in my language on my material. (私の方の教材には訳があるので理解できます) - "Translated"とはあなたの言葉に翻訳されている、という意味になります。 新しい言語を学ぶときにとても手助けになりますよね。 また英語の映画を日本語の字幕で見ても英語の勉強の役に立ちます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I understand because I have a translation

  • It's clear due to the translation

When explaining why something is happening, or the state or position of something, you may use the construction: '..because...' or '...due to...' "It's raining because of the low pressure system which has arrived from Russia." "Due to incredible pressure, the Prime Minister finally resigned."
何かの理由、もしくは何かの状態を説明するおき、 "bacause..."、"due to..."という文法構造を使うことができます。 例文 "It's raining because of the low pressure system which has arrived from Russia." 「ロシアからの低気圧のために、雨が降っています。」 "Due to incredible pressure, the Prime Minister finally resigned." 「反発が強く、首相はやがて辞職した。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I understand as it's written in Japanese as well on my material

  • My material is also written in Japanese so I understand it

When explaining what you understand it's always good to tell the person that you understand that way they would know so you could say 'I understand as it's written in Japanaese as well on my material' this explains why you understand
理解できていることは理解できていると伝えた方がいいですね。そうすれば相手も分かります。 次のように言えます。 'I understand as it's written in Japanaese as well on my material' (教材に日本語でも書かれているので分かります) この文は、なぜ分かるのか説明してます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "I understand because it's written in Japanese as well on my material"

  • "I understand because the word is also translated in my language on my material"

  • "I understand because my copy has been translated to Japanese"

If you are involved in an online English Lesson and your tutor asks you if you understand the meaning of a certain word, and you want to respond that you do because its written in Japanese on your material, you can say: "I understand because it's written in Japanese as well on my material" , "I understand because the word is also translated in my language on my material" or "I understand because my copy has been translated to Japanese".
英語のオンラインレッスンで先生に単語の意味が分かるか聞かれたときに「教材に日本語で書かれているので分かります」と答えたい、ということなら、次のように言えます。 "I understand because it's written in Japanese as well on my material"(私の教材には日本語でも書かれているので分かります) "I understand because the word is also translated in my language on my material"(私の教材にはその単語の日本語訳も載っているので分かります) "I understand because my copy has been translated to Japanese". (私の教材には日本語訳が載っているので分かります)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • (a) I fully comprehend. The explanation is made available to me also.

  • (b) I understand. The explanation has been provided on my information.

  • (c) My information also explains the meaning. I understand.

All three examples will make it clear to the listener that the reader has access to material which explains the meaning of the word or words. Additionally, the sentences indicate to the listener that the reader has grasped the meaning of the word.
Jacob H DMM英会話講師
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