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2018/01/03 21:40
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  • Putting importance on the sound of the name, we named him Jun.

"音の響き= the sound of (something), how it sounds"
Tim Young 主催
  • I named my child Jun, it sounds good and easy to call

*I named my child Jun, it sounds good and easy to call. - A person is identified by a name. Instead of saying name you can say named or give. Example Sentences: I gave her the name Todd, its short and sweet. They named her Tim Junior after his grandfather.
*I named my child Jun, it sounds good and easy to call. 音の響きがよく呼びやすいので我が子を淳と名付けました。 人は名前で識別されます。nameという代わりにnamed(名づけられた)やgive(与える)も使えます。 例文: I gave her the name Todd, its short and sweet. 短くてかわいらしいので私は娘をToddという名前にしました。 They named her Tim Junior after his grandfather. 彼の祖父から彼女をTim Juniorと名付けました。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Jun is a very manageable name

  • Jun' just rolls easily off the tongue

  • Jun is short and sweet

If something 'rolls off the tongue' it means that it is very easy to say...and probably can be said quickly. 'Manageable' also indicates that there is no difficulty in pronouncing or spelling this name. If something is 'short and sweet' it happens quickly and is of high quality.
"Rolls of the tongue" (呼びやすい) とても言いやすくて おそらく早くも言えるでしょう。 "Manageable"(扱える)は発音やスペルに 難しさはないということを表します。 "Short and sweet"はとてもはやくて質の高いことを言います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I named him Jun because it is a simple and attractive name.

  • Jun is a nice sounding name.

  • No one will have any difficulty pronouncing the name Jun.

It can be very difficult to choose a good name for your child. But as you so rightly decided, a simple and attractive name can be the easiest. You can also say: The name is short and easy to pronounce. It is a nice sounding name. No one will have any difficulty pronouncing the name Jun. I hope that helps!
子供にいい名前をつけることは難しいです。 けれど、正しく決めたければシンプルで魅力的な名前が一番簡単です。 以下のようにも言えます。 The name is short and easy to pronounce. 名前は短くて発音しやすいです。 It is a nice sounding name. いい響きの名前です。 No one will have any difficulty pronouncing the name Jun. 淳という名前はみんな簡単に読むことができます。 I hope that helps! お役に経てば嬉しいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • His name is short and catchy

  • It rolled off the tongue

example "We named him Jun because it was short and easy to say" or "We liked the name Jun because it just rolled off the tongue when you said it"
 "We named him Jun because it was short and easy to say" 短くて言いやすいので、じゅんと名付けました。   "We liked the name Jun because it just rolled off the tongue when you said it" 言いやすいので、じゅんという名前が気に入りました。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I named my child 'Jun' because it's short and easy to remember.

  • Jun' is a memorable name and that's why I gave it to my child.

  • I gave my child the name 'Jun' because it's easy to pronounce and can therefore be easily remembered.

The name 'Jun' is very easy to pronounce. It is very short and therefore very easy to remember. Short names that can be easily enunciated are memorable, whereas long names may be hard to pronounce and also hard to remember. Like you, most people like to name their children with short, easy to pronounce, and easy to remember names like Jake, John, Harry or Marry. So, you may say: I named my child 'Jun' because it's short and easy to remember. or 'Jun' is a memorable name and that's why I gave it to my child. or I gave my child the name 'Jun' because it's easy to pronounce and can therefore be easily remembered.
Jun' という名前はすごく言いやすいですね。短いですから覚えやすいです。発音しやすい短い名前は記憶に残りやすいですね。反対に、長い名前は発音しにくくて、なかなか覚えてもらえないことがあります。 たいていの人は、例えば 'Jake' 'John' 'Harry' 'Marry' など、子どもには短くて発音しやすい(覚えてもらいやすい)名前を付けます。 次のように言うことができます。 I named my child 'Jun' because it's short and easy to remember. (短くて覚えやすいので子どもには淳という名前を付けました) 'Jun' is a memorable name and that's why I gave it to my child. (覚えやすい名前なので子どもに淳と名付けました) I gave my child the name 'Jun' because it's easy to pronounce and can therefore be easily remembered.(発音しやすくて覚えやすいので子どもには淳という名前を付けました)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • "Jun" is easy to pronounce.

  • I named him "Jun", as it is easy to pronounce.

  • I named my child "Jun", as it sounded good and is easy to pronounce.

You can say ""Jun" is easy to pronounce." if someone directly asks you why you named your child "Jun". You could also say "I named him "Jun", as it is easy to pronounce.". If somebody does not ask you but you would like to tell them, you can use the sentence "I named my child "Jun", as it sounded good and is easy to pronounce."
なぜ「淳」と名付けたのか聞かれたら、""Jun" is easy to pronounce."(「淳」は発音しやすい)と答えることができます。 また、"I named him "Jun", as it is easy to pronounce."(発音しやすいので、「淳」と名付けた)と言うこともできます。 誰にも聞かれていないけど言いたいときには、 "I named my child "Jun", as it sounded good and is easy to pronounce."(響きが良くて発音しやすいので子どもを「淳」と名付けました) が使えます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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