世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/05 14:36
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  • Please take your trash home with you

Please take your trash home with you →ゴミはお持ち帰りください 「trash」は「ゴミ」という意味です。 「持ち帰る」は「take」を使うとうまく表現できると思います。 「home」はここでは「家に」という意味の副詞です。 参考になるといいです ありがとうございました。
  • Please take your rubbish with you when you go/leave

  • Please take your rubbish with you

  • Please don't leave any rubbish

If you want to tell soemthing not to leave their rubbish behind then you would simply say 'Please don't leave any rubbish' but you could also say 'Please take your rubbish with you' To better explain you might say 'Please take your rubbish with you when you go/leave' this describes exactly what you want them to do
人にゴミを置いて帰ららないように伝える場合、”Please don't leave any rubbish"(ゴミを置いて行かないで下さい)または、”Please take your rubbish with you"(ゴミをお持ち帰り下さい)と言います。 もう少し詳しく説明した場合は、”Please take your rubbish with you when you go/leave"(お帰りの際、ゴミをお持ち帰りください)と伝えると良いでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Would you please take away from the bus any rubbish from the trip. We really appreciate your cooperation.

A short instructive statement followed by an expression of appreciation is typical of a company request to clients to comply.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please dispose of your trash in the nearest trash can or take it home with you.

  • Please take your trash home with you.

  • We try to keep the tour bus clean, so please take away your trash home with you.

When you want to ask customers to take their trash home with them (or dispose of it in the nearest bin); then you may say it in the following ways: -Please dispose of your trash in the nearest trash can or take it home with you. -Please take your trash home with you. -We try to keep the tour bus clean, so please take away your trash home with you.
ゴミは持ち帰る(もしくはそばにあるゴミ箱に入れる)ようお客さんにお願いする言い方です: -Please dispose of your trash in the nearest trash can or take it home with you. (ゴミはそばにあるゴミ箱に入れるか家にお持ち帰りください) -Please take your trash home with you. (ゴミは家にお持ち帰りください) -We try to keep the tour bus clean, so please take away your trash home with you. (バスをきれいに保つため、ゴミは家にお持ち帰りください)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Please take all your belongings with you

  • Please take your trash with you.

You can politely ask the customers to remove all trash by using any of the following sentences:- 1. Please take all your belongings with you. あなたの所持品をすべて持ってください。 2. Please take your trash with you. ゴミ箱に入れてください Both of these sentences are straightforward and polite ways of asking the customers to remove all trash from the bus.
どちらの表現でも、お客さんにゴミを持ち帰るよう伝えられます: 1. Please take all your belongings with you. [訳]持ち物は全てお持ち帰りください 2. Please take your trash with you. [訳]ゴミはお持ち帰りください どちらも、バスにゴミを残さぬようお客さんに伝える丁寧で単刀直入な言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Please collect all your rubbish as you exit

  • Please do not leave anything behind

For a task like this you would need to be quite firm with your audience. It is a task nobody likes and people will do their best to avoid it. Kindly take your rubbish with you would be sufficient.
このようなお願いは、かなり強く言う必要があるでしょう。これは誰もしたくない、できれば避けたい仕事です。 "Kindly take your rubbish with you"(ゴミはお持ち帰りください)などと言えるでしょう。
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
  • Please clean up after yourselves.

  • Please don't leave any trash lying around.

Native speakers will say like this: “Please don't leave trash lying around”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this: A:We are arriving at the destination soon. Before you get out of the bus, please pick up any trash you've left behind. Thank you.
ネイティブスピーカーなら、このように言うでしょう: “Please don't leave trash lying around”. (ゴミは残さないでください) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、使用例です: A: We are arriving at the destination soon. Before you get out of the bus, please pick up any trash you've left behind. Thank you. [訳]間もなく目的地に到着いたします。バスを降りられる際はゴミはお持ち帰りください。よろしくお願いします。
Ned DMM英会話講師
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