世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/14 09:53
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  • Would you give me an example sentence using this word?

「~を教えてください」は色々な言い方がありますが、 please tell(give) me~ would you tell(give) me~ could you tell(give) me~ のように言えば良いですね。 (更に丁寧に言うのであればwould you、could you の後にpleaseを入れて、would you please、 could you pleaseと言って下さい) 「この言葉を使った例文」は an example sentence using this wordと しました。 using this wordは修飾語の働きで 後ろからan example sentenceを 説明しています。 関係代名詞を使って an example sentence which uses this word としても良いですが、文が長くなると 使いづらいですから、なるべくシンプルな表現を 使うようにしましょう。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Could you give me a sentence which uses that word, please

To ask politely for someone to do something for you, you may ask your request starting: "Could you ..?" or, "Could you please ....?" EX "Could you please let me sit in your chair as I am feeling very weak at the moment?"
誰かに何かをしてもらいたいときに丁寧に尋ねるには、  "Could you ..?"  "Could you please ....?" で、質問を始めるといいでしょう。  例: "Could you please let me sit in your chair as I am feeling very weak at the moment?" 今、とても具合が悪いので、あなたの席に座らせてもらうことはできますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please use it in a sentence?

  • Could you give me an example in a sentence?

"Can you please use it in a sentence?" This politely asks the teacher to use the new word or phrase in a sentence to help you understand it. "Could you give me an example in a sentence?" this is another way of asking the teacher to make a sentence using the new word or phrase.
"Can you please use it in a sentence?" (それを文章に使って表現してくれますか?) これは丁寧な表現で理解しやすくするために、その新しい単語やフレーズを文章に使って表現してください、と尋ねる表現です。 "Could you give me an example in a sentence?" (例文にしてくれますか?) これも、もう一つの表現で新しい単語やフレーズを文章にしてください、と先生に尋ねる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • May you please tell me how to use this word (word) in a sentence

  • How do I use this word (word) in a sentence

*May you please tell me how to use this word (word) in a sentence A: May you please tell me how to use this word,travel, in a sentence? B: It's easier to travel to Southeast Asia from Japan *How do i use this word (word) in a sentence? A: How do i use this word,genre, in a sentence? B: My favorite movie genre is action movies
*May you please tell me how to use this word (word) in a sentence (この単語(言葉)を使った文章を教えください) 【例】 A: May you please tell me how to use this word,travel, in a sentence? (この単語を使った文章を教えてください。 B: It's easier to travel to Southeast Asia from Japan (日本からだと東南アジアには旅行しやすい) *How do I use this word (word) in a sentence? (この単語をどのように文章で使いますか?)  【例】 A: How do I use this word,genre, in a sentence? (この"genre"と言う単語は文章でどのように使いますか? B: My favorite movie genre is action movies. (私のお気に入りの映画のジャンルはアクション映画です)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could you make an example sentence?

  • How do you usually use this word?

  • Can you use this word in a sentence, please?

An example sentence is used in English lessons all the time, in fact, it is the best way to learn, by examples. "Could you give me an example sentence using this word" is the best way to express to the teacher you want to hear how this word is used in every day English. "For example?" is an expression used frequently as well, for whenever you want an example. After the student understands the teacher should ask the student to make an example sentence, to make certain the student can use the word. If you ask "how do you use this word?" the teacher may give you an explanation and an example.
例文(example sentence)は、英語の授業で常に使われます。例によって学ぶことは最善の学習法です。 Could you give me an example sentence using this word? (この言葉を使った例文を教えてください) は、先生にその言葉が日常会話でどのように使われるのかを尋ねるベストな聞き方です。 「For example?」も、例を聞きたいときによく使われる表現です。生徒が理解できたら、先生はその単語が使えるかどうか確かめるために、生徒に例文を作るように言うと思います。 「How do you use this word?(この単語はどう使いますか)」と聞くと、先生は説明と例文を教えてくれるかもしれません。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • Please give me a sentence that uses that word

  • Please use that word in an example sentence

"Please give me a sentence that uses that word" - A polite way to ask for help with understanding a word by using it in a sentence. "Please use that word in an example sentence" - Another polite way to ask someone to help you understand a word.
例文 "Please give me a sentence that uses that word" (その言葉を使った文を教えて下さい) - その単語が理解できるように、例文を示して欲しいと丁寧にお願いしています。 例文 "Please use that word in an example sentence" (例文でその語を使って下さい) - こちらも単語の意味を教わる丁寧な言い方です。
Richard DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please make a sentence using this word?

  • Can you use the word in a sentence?

  • Please make a sentence using that word

When you want to ask your teacher to make a sentence using the word you have just learned, then you can say: -Could you please make a sentence using this word? -Can you use the word in a sentence? -Please make a sentence using that word.
ちょうど今習った単語を使って先生に文章を作ってもらいたい時、次のように言えます。 -Could you please make a sentence using this word? この単語を使って文章を作っていただけますか? -Can you use the word in a sentence? この単語を文中で使ってもらえますか? -Please make a sentence using that word. その単語を使って文章を作って下さい。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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