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「例文1と例文2の、違いは何ですか」 って英語でなんて言うの?

例文1 He wants to be a diplomat. 例文2 He's going to be a diplomat. この例文の違いを質問する言葉を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。
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2018/04/25 08:05
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  • What is the difference between example1 and example2?

  • Is there any difference between example1 and example2?

「AとBの違い」はdifference between A and example B と表現します。 What is the difference between example1 and example2? 例1と例2の違いは何ですか? Is there any difference between example1 and example2? 例1と例2には何か違いがありますか? 前後の文脈から、その2つの例文のことを 話しているのが分かるのであれば What is the difference ?でも 言いたいことは通じます。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • I don't understand the difference between example 1 and 2.

  • Could you tell me the difference in meaning between these 2 example sentences?

I don't understand the difference between example 1 and 2. 「例1と2の違いが分かりません」 ※difference between A and B「AとBの違い」 このように「理解できないこと」を伝えてもいいですね。 Could you tell me the difference in meaning between these 2 example sentences? 「これら二つの例文の意味の違いを教えていただけますか?」 ※difference in meaning「意味における違い」 ※example sentence例文 また、このように意味の違いを教えて欲しい旨を伝える言い方も覚えておかれると便利だと思います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • What is the difference between the two sentences?

  • What is the difference between wants to be and going to be?

"What is the difference between the two sentences?" Difference - The ways in which things are not the same. This is the simplest way to ask about the differences. Or you could ask, "What is the difference in the meaning of sentence one and two? "What is the difference between 'wants to be' and 'going to be'?" You can ask about the specific differences between these sentences which in this case are the verbs "Wants to be" and "Going to be."
"What is the difference between the two sentences?" (これら二文の違いはなんですか) Difference (違い) - 物事が異なることです。これが違いについて尋ねるための最もシンプルな方法です。 または"What is the difference in the meaning of sentence one and two?”(文1と文2の違いは何ですか)と尋ねる事もできます。 "What is the difference between 'wants to be' and 'going to be’?” ('wants to be’と’going to be’の違いは何ですか) 文の特定の違いについて尋ねる事もできます。 この場合は動詞”Wants to be”と”Going to be”の違いです。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Is there any difference between these two sentences?

  • What's the difference between sentence one and sentence tw?

When, at first sight, it appears there is hardly anything that distinguishes one thing from another, you may well want to ask about the difference (if there is one). In that case you may ask the first example question. If you are aware there is a difference (because someone has said something, perhaps) then the second example question may be more appropriate.
一見して違いがないように見える時は(違いがあるならば)違いについて尋ねたいかもしれません。その場合は最初の例を尋ねても良いです。 (誰かが言ったなどの理由で)違いがあることに気づいているならば2つ目の例の方が適切かもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is the difference between the two sentences?

  • What is the difference between the two examples?

You can ask in the following ways: -what is the difference between the two sentences? -can you please tell me what is the difference between example 1 and 2? -what is the difference between the two examples? -I'd like to know what the difference is between example sentence 1 and 2?
次の表現を使って質問することが出来ます。 【例】 -What is the difference between the two sentences? (この二つの分の違いは何ですか?) -Can you please tell me what is the difference between example 1 and 2? (例文1と例文2の違いを教えてくれますか?) -What is the difference between the two examples? (この2つの例文の違いは何ですか?) -I'd like to know what the difference is between example sentence 1 and 2? (例文1と例文2の違いが知りたいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What's the difference between these two examples?

You could say 'these two examples' but if there were more than two examples, you could ask in the same way but simply increase the number to match the amount of examples given that you would like to know the difference between.
「these two examples(これら二つの例)」と言えます。例が二つ以上ある場合は、それに合わせて数字(two)を増やせばオッケーです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • What is the difference between these two sentences?

  • How do these sentences differ?

  • Can you explain the difference between these two sentences?

All three of these questions ask the same thing but in different ways. They are essentially interchangeable. In American English "the difference" is a noun. It means the "things" that are not the same between sentences. "To differ" is a verb meaning to be different from one another.
これら三つの質問は同じことを異なる言い方で尋ねています。これらは基本的には置き換えて使えます。 アメリカ英語では "the difference" は名詞です。これは「〔文と文の間の〕違い」をいいます。 "to differ" は「異なる」という意味の動詞です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • What is the difference between example 1 and example 2?

違いはDifference、AとBの間の違いなら the difference between A and B と表現できるので、例文1と2の違いはなんですか?と聞きたいときは What is the difference between the example 1 and 2? と表現できます
Rieko A ブロガー/IT企業社員 in シドニー
  • What are the differences between these two sentences?

  • How are these two sentences different to each other?

  • Do these two examples have any differences?

How are these two sentences different to each other?' If we were to say 'how are these two sentences different' then it might imply that we are asking how these two sentences, as a group, are different from other sentences. Therefore, we must add 'each other' to ensure the listener/reader knows we would like to know the differences between two example sentences in particular.
How are these two sentences different to each other?'(この二つの文はどう違いますか) 'How are these two sentences different?' と言うと、この二つの文が他の文とどう違うか聞いていると受け取られる可能性があります。この二つの文の間にある違いについて聞くなら、それが明確になるよう 'each other'(お互いに)を加えなければなりません。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • What is the difference between the two sentences in question?

  • How are these two sentences different?

  • Are these sentences not the same?

To ask about the difference between the two sentences we can use the sentences above. When we ask about the difference, we are asking how the two sentences are NOT the same, what makes each one unique from the other. The word 'between' shows us that we are observing more than one thing. in question: under investigation
二つの文の違いについて尋ねるなら、上記の文が使えます。 'difference' は「異なる点、同じでない点」という意味です。 'between' は複数のものを比較するときに使われます。 in question: under investigation(調査中の)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Is there any difference between example 1 and 2?

  • How is (example 1) different from (example 2)?

  • What makes (Example 1) different from (Example 2) ?

You can begin the question with "Is there any difference between" and then list your example words or sentences. You can also say "How is (example 1) different from (example 2)?" or "What makes (Example 1) different from (Example 2) ?" to say the same thing. Each example is asking the same question, they just use different "question words" to do so. Examples: Is there any difference between wish and want? How is wish different from want? What makes wish different from want?
"Is there any difference between"(~と・・・に何か違いはありますか)の後に単語や文を続けることができます。 "How is (example 1) different from (example 2)?"(~と・・・はどう違いますか) または "What makes (Example 1) different from (Example 2)?"(~と・・・は何が違いますか) という言い方もできます。 これらは、単に使っている疑問詞が異なるだけで、尋ねていることは同じです。 例: Is there any difference between wish and want?(wish と want に違いはありますか) How is wish different from want?(wish と want の違いは何ですか) What makes wish different from want?(wish と want の違いは何ですか)
Jessika DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any differences between them?

  • What is the difference between the two examples?

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand what are the differences between examples or some rules. The best way to ask about it is to use the first sentence because it is a more open question. The second one is good too, although, I recommend you to use the first one.
文章やルールには違いが分かりづらいものもあると思います。これについて尋ねるベストな言い方は一つ目の例です。より幅の広い聞き方をしています。 二つ目の例も決して悪くはありませんが、個人的には一つ目がおすすめ。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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