世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/02 20:13
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  • What goes in the blanks, for example?

「空欄」は、blank が使えます。 go を使って、「空欄に何が入るの?」という言い方になります。
  • Could you please give me an example of what would go in the blanks.

  • What is the missing word/phrase?

*Could you please give me an example of what would go in the blanks. This means you would like the teacher to help you answer so that you have an idea of how to do the exercise. *What is the missing word/phrase? This means you are not sure on how to do the exercise and you want the teacher to help and explain to you how it is done.
例文 *Could you please give me an example of what would go in the blanks. このブランクに入る例を挙げて頂けますか? 練習問題をどうやれば良いかを理解できるように、先生に手伝って欲しいということです。 例文 *What is the missing word/phrase? そこに入る言葉/表現は何ですか? 練習問題をどうやれば良いかが分からないので、先生にどのようにやればよいかを、説明して欲しいということです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could you give me an example of what would go in this blank?

give +人+ an example は、「人に例を示す」という意味です。 フォーマルなニュアンスということなので、Could you ~ (〜してくれませんか。)という表現を使いました。訳すと「このブランクに入るような例を出してみてくれませんか。」になります。 少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
Yuko Sakai サンフランシスコ在住ピアノ&英語講師、税理士、ユーチューバー、ブロガー
  • Can you give me an example please of another word that can fill this blank.

  • I'm a bit stuck here. Can you give me an example of another word that can fit into this blank.

I cannot quite understand this sentence. It would help if you could give me an alternative word that can fit into this blank space. This is really hard for me. Can you suggest a similar word that can be used in this blank?
例文 I cannot quite understand this sentence. この文があまりよく理解できません。 It would help if you could give me an alternative word that can fit into this blank space. このブランクに入る別の単語を教えて頂けると助かります。 This is really hard for me. 私にとってこの語はとても難しいです。 Can you suggest a similar word that can be used in this blank? このブランクで使える似た語を教えて頂けませんか?
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Could you please show me with an example how to answer these type of questions?

  • Would you please show me an example of how to anwer that type of question

"Could you please....?" is a great way of starting a question when you want someone to do something for you. "Would you please is slightly more polite.
「Could you please....?」、誰かに何かをお願いする質問の始めに使える、いい表現です。 「Would you please」の方が少し丁寧です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please give me an example of what could go in the blank space

  • Are there any other words that would be appropriate for the blank space

When you want your teacher to give you an example of what would go in the blank space in an exercise; then you can ask in the following ways: -Please give me an example of what could go in the blank space -Are there any other words that would be appropriate for the blank space
先生にテキストのブランクに入る例を聞きたいとき、以下のように言えます: Please give me an example of what could go in the blank space. (ブランクに入る例を教えてください。) Are there any other words that would be appropriate for the blank space? (ブランクに入る適切な他の言葉はありますか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What word would you use to fill in the blank?

  • What word would fit in this blank?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask your teacher what word would work for a sentence when you are doing a fill in the blank exercise. In the second sentence you will see the word fit. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means appropriate or suitable. I hope these two sentences and this explanation help you out!
上記2つの例文は、穴埋め問題を解いている時にどの単語が文章に合っているか先生に聞く表現です。 2番目の例文には、fitという単語があります。fitにはいろいろな意味がありますが、例文では「適切な、適当な」という意味です。 これら2つの例文と説明が手助けになることを願います!
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • For example, what goes in the blank?

  • Which word fits in the blank?

(1): 直訳すると、「For example」は「例えば」、「Blank」は「空欄」、「What goes in...」は「何が入りますか?」という意味します。つまり、「空欄に何が入りますか」という言い方になります。 新しい内容を簡単に教えるためにこの文が例文として使われます。 (2):「空欄にどんな言葉に入りますか」という言い方です。 質問としてよく使われます。
JC DMM英会話翻訳パートナー
  • Could you give me an example of what would fit in the blank please?

When you ask a teacher for an example of what could fit in the blank, you are asking them for a correct word that would work in that situation. When people hear an example it can cause them to think of other synonyms/words that would also be appropriate in that situation.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • What could go in the blank?

  • Can you give can example of what can go in the blank?

  • What examples could fit into the blank?

Here are three ways to ask this to your teacher when working on a fill-in-the-blank exercise. Notice the first and third are very similar with the change in the verbs, "to go," and, "to fit," when talking about this, as well as what becomes the subject head of the sentence.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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