世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/15 00:49
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  • What happened to your face?

  • What happened to you?

  • What happened?

>顔に傷ができているのを見た時、その傷どうしたの?何が起きた?ってどう言えばいいですか? 場面によって少し言い方が変わると思います 使い分けてみてください What happened to your face? →顔どうしたの? What happened to you? →どうしたの? What happened? →何があったの? 参考になるといいです ありがとうございました。
  • What happened to your face?

  • Are you okay? What happened?

  • How did you get (cut/scratch/injury) on your face?

"What happened to your face?" This asks the person to tell you how they got the injury on their face. "Are you okay? What happened? " This also asks them to tell you what happened but also asks them if they are okay. "How did you get (cut/scratch/injury) on your face?" This is another way of asking them to explain how they got the injury.
"What happened to your face?" (あなたの顔どうしたの?) これはどうやって顔に傷やけがをしたのか尋ねる表現です。 "Are you okay? What happened? " (大丈夫?どうしたの?) これもまた何が起こったのか尋ねる表現です。 また、大丈夫かどうか尋ねています。 "How did you get (cut/scratch/injury) on your face?" (どうやってその顔のケガしたの?) これもまたどうやってそのケガをしたのか尋ねる表現になります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • That looks painful! Do you mind me asking what happened to your face?

This may be considered a personal question to some people and it could possibly cause them embarrassment to be asked. Taking this into consideration, it is better to begin with a statement showing empathy, like: That looks painful! Oh, you're hurt! etc. By starting the question with 'Do you mind..' you have given the option for the person to say no, if they don't want to answer and explain to you what happened to their face.
この質問は相手に対して失礼になることがあるかもしれません。それを踏まえた上で、まずは心配や同情を表す"That looks painful!"や"Oh, you're hurt."を文頭に置くと良いでしょう。 "Do you mind~"(〜してもいいですか)というフレーズで質問文を始めることで、相手がもし顔の傷の理由を答えたくない場合断ることができます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • What happened to your face?

Explanation: If there is a face wound or blood is seeping from a cut, it would be quite normal to enquire about it. You could use 'whatever' instead of 'what' to add emphasis. Example sentence: "Whatever happened to your face?"
顔に傷があったり、傷口から血がでていたら、そのことを尋ねるのが普通でしょう。 強調するためにwhatではなく 'whatever' を使うことができます。  例文: "Whatever happened to your face?" 顔どうしたの?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What happened to your cheek? It's wounded.

*What happened to your cheek? It's wounded.- Depending on the tone of your voice, you will either sound like you are concerned or being sarcastic. A:Are those boys shoes you are wearing? B:No, these are unisex shoes.
"What happened to your cheek?" It's wounded." (ほっぺどうしたのですか?怪我をしていますよ) 声のトーンによって、心配しているのか、皮肉を言っているのか聞こえが変わります。 A: "Are those boys shoes you are wearing?" (あなたの靴、それは男の子用?) B: "No, these are unisex shoes." (いいえ、これは男女兼用です。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • That's quite a big cut on your face. How did you get it?

  • How did you get that wound on your face?

It is quite normal to ask someone who has a visible injury or cut on his/her face unless he/she has put plaster on it. Even then, the size of the area that the plaster has covered can show the size of the cut or wound. Often, such cuts may be produced by finger nail scratches during scuffles. But, its rare that someone who got a facial injury will reveal exactly how he/she got it. So, if you ask: That's quite a big cut on your face. How did you get it? The answer might be: "I hit my face against a door at home". How did you get that wound on your face? The answer might be: "I stumbled and fell on my face".
絆創膏などを貼らずに、顔に目立つ傷があり、 それを尋ねることはとても普通の事です。 それでも、絆創膏などの大きさによって傷の大きさが分かりますよね。 その様な傷はもみ合いなどしたときに爪で引っかいたりしてよくできたりします。 でも、あまりあることではないので、 傷を見るとどのようにそのケガをしたのか分かることもあります。 ですので、次のように尋ねることが出来ます。 【例】 "That's quite a big cut on your face. How did you get it?" (それ結構大きな傷が顔にありますね、どうしたんですか?) 答えは、こんな感じかもしれません。 "I hit my face against a door at home". (家のドアで顔を打ったんです) "How did you get that wound on your face?" (その顔のケガどうしたの?) 答えはこんな感じかもしれません。 "I stumbled and fell on my face". (つまずいて転んで顔を打ったの)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • How did you get the scratch/cut/wound?

  • What happened to your face?

  • Where did you get that cut from?

"How did you get the scratch/cut/wound?"could be asked if you notice someone you know has an injury to their face or other body part and you are curious how it happened.
知り合いが顔(体の他の部分)にけがをしていて、どうしてそうなったのか知りたい時は: "How did you get the scratch/cut/wound?" 〔訳〕その傷どうしたの。 と聞けます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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