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2018/01/16 22:19
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  • What materials/textbooks are the other students at my level using?

「私と同じ英語レベルの他の生徒はどんな教材を使っていますか」= What materials/textbooks are the other students at my level using? 「教材」= materials/textbooks 「私と同じ英語レベルの他の生徒」= the other students at my level/other students at the same level as me
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • 1. What kind of material do students of my level usually go for?

  • 2. What's the best material for beginner/intermediate/advanced students like me?

  • 3. Which material would you suggest for me?

In the first sentence you are asking about the material that students of your level are attracted to and use. In the second sentence you are asking your teacher what is the 'best' material for students at your stage of learning. This question relies more on the teacher's experience with different types of students, together with a wide knowledge of available material. The last sentence is simply a request to be advised what is best for you.
最初の文では、あなたのレベルの生徒が 惹きつけられて使っている教材について聞いています。 二番目の文では、先生にあなたと同じレベルで学んでいる生徒には なにの教材が一番良いかを聞いています。 この問題は、先生の様々な生徒との経験と 利用できる教材の様々なタイプによります。 最後の文は、とてもシンプルな何が一番あなたにとって良いかのアドバイスのリクエストです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • At this level which material should i use?

*At this level which material should i use? - In education, the learning process is done in different stages/levels. There's beginners, intermediate, advanced. Each stage carries different material A: I'm learning English for the first time, which material should i use? B: Beginners tutorials.
"At this level, which material should I use?" (このレベルでは、どの教材を使うべきですか?) 教育では、学習過程は様々なレベルで成されます。 初心、中級、そして上級があります。 それぞれのレベルでは、異なった教材が使われます。 A: "I'm learning English for the first time, which material should I use?" (私は初めて英語を学びますが、どの教材を使うべきですか?) B: "Beginners tutorials." (初心者用です。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Is this similar material to other students my level

  • In your opinion is this material appropriate to my level

  • Do other students use material like this

Many ways to ask this question. All would be sufficient to start a conversation about materials used and appropriateness of your owns materials
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of materials do you think are appropriate for students at my level?

If something is "appropriate" it is the right thing for a situation, which is this case, would be the materials. By using the phrase "do you think" you make it clear that you are asking for an opinion from your teacher. I hope that this helps. :)
"appropriate" は「状況に適した」という意味です。ここでは、教材について言っています。 "do you think" を使うことで、相手の意見を尋ねていることが明確になります。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • What study materials would you suggest for someone at my level?

Your are asking what materials they would recommend for someone at your level of understanding to study.
Alysha B DMM英会話講師
  • What material will I need for my level?

  • Other students on my level use what kind of material?

These questions are asking a tutor or teacher what materials such as textbooks, websites and other resources for education you need, and asking what other students at the same 'level' of English, 'level' being the same skill level as ones self. "Is this the same material that other students that are my level use?"
これらの質問では、自分と同程度の英語力を持つ他の生徒がどんな教材(教科書・ウェブサイトなど)を使っているのか先生に尋ねています。 "Is this the same material that other students that are my level use?" (私と同じレベルの他の生徒もこの教材を使っていますか)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • What materials do the other students use at my level?

  • What materials do you use when you teach other students at my level?

  • What is the most popular materials other students use that are at my level?

You can use any of the three questions to ask your teacher about other students he/she teaches at your level. Your teacher will know what you are asking and he/she will be able to assist you accordingly. It is good to want to know what other students do at your level, but you must remember that it is not to say that the material will be the same for you. You might be higher than the other students or lower, so it will be equally important for you to ask your teacher to assess your level and to make recommendations if needed to suit your needs.
自分と同じレベルの他の生徒について先生に聞きたいなら、上記どの文も使えます。意味が伝わって、何かしら手を貸してくれると思います。 自分と同じレベルの他の生徒について知りたいというのは良いことだと思います。ただ、教材を同じして欲しいというのはやめた方がいいです。能力はそれぞれ高かったり低かったりしますので。 また、先生に自分のレベルについて評価してもらい、必要に応じてアドバイスをもらうことも大切です。
Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • What material do other students on my level usually use?

  • I'd like to know what kind of material do other students at my level usually use.

When you want to ask your teacher what kind of material students at your level usually use; then you may ask this in the following ways: -What material do other students on my level usually use? -I'd like to know what kind of material do other students at my level usually use.
先生に「自分と同じレベルの生徒はどんな教材を使っているのか」と質問したいなら、次のように言えます。 -What material do other students on my level usually use? (私と同じレベルの他の生徒はどんな教材を使っていますか) -I'd like to know what kind of material do other students at my level usually use. (私と同じレベルの他の生徒がどんな教材を使っているのか知りたいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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